f 4 W r 00! in r -l " - J i l'v "i ft "1 Q 7 ii! lincoln, nebraska vol. 98 no. 30 4' fe 1 1 ' ' I 1 Listing of faculty wages praised Eleven of the 12 persons who called the Daily Nebraskan office said, they supported the publication of UNL facult y mem bets', sa laries :irv. Monday's . edition ' . - The published list gave the salaries of professors, associate professors, assis tant professors and instructors as listed in the University of Nebraska's 1974-75 Operating Budget. Administrative salaries, dean's sala ries and Extension Division salaries were not included. The Daily Nebraskan, received three calls requesting publica tion of administrators' and athletic department personnel salaries. V fc v,l think that (those salaries) would make very interesting reading, too," one faculty member's wife said. "Glad you're doing a big article tc clear this mess up," a member of the Home Economics Dept. said. " A faculty member's wife cailed the publication of the salaries a "type of honesty" that is "good." She said her husband is very good in his field, but "it doesn't pay to be good." Correction... Some faculty salaries for professors, associate professors, assistant professors and instructors, particularly for the College of Agriculture and University Libraries, are based on a 12-month appointment, not a 9-month appointment as wa? indicated in "UNL Faculty Salaries," (Daily Nebraskan, Oct. 14). To obtain the salaries for a 9-month ' basis, multiply the figure given by three-fourths. William S. Kramer, Pedodontics Dept. chair man in the College of Dentistry, works full-time for $30,000 a year, not part-time for $28,500 as was inaicaiea in me nsi. y Topic: leadership ASUN conference Interested UNL students are invited to attend the ASUN-sponsored Student Leadership Conference Thursday through Saturday, according to David Howlett, ASUN second vice president. The $33 registratior fees will be paid for UNL students, until the money runs out, through a $25C0 grant from the UNL Student Alumni Assoc., Howlett said. Students interested in attending the conference should contact the ASUN office. The conference will be divided into two sessions, Howlett said. The first session, student leadership skills, will be conducted by Student Leadership Services, a national consulting firm, he said. The second session, to be conducted by ASUN, will deal with student issues, he said. Issues to be discussed in the session include: representation in student government; influence of student government on state and local .politics; communications within the university community; structure of student government; funding of student organizatons; and women, minorities and student government, Howlett said. About 80 persons from seven schools in six states will participate in the conference, he said. States to db represented are Iowa. Kansas, Illinois,- Nebraska, , Missouri and Colorado, he said. ) ' Originally, 350-400 schools received invitations to the conference, Howlett said. Schools invited Included vocational and technical schools as well as colleges and universities, he said. "It was just one of those things," Hewlett said concerning the expected low attendence. The fact that such conferences already have been conducted in ether schools may explain the attendance, he said. ASUN senators may or may not boost attendance, a? a result of action taken at last Wednesday's meeting. Senators amended a resolution which would require them to attend certain presentations in the conference. In the amended resolution, senators were "strongly urged" to attend the conference. Free U registration starts, 30 classes offered By Mary Kay Roth Alternatives to prayer, the art of silversmithing, divorce coun seling and discussions of the American Indian movement are among courses offered by Neb raska Free University (NFU) this fall. Registration for NFU began Monday and will continue througn' the - week. I ne 30 courses being offered are open to anyone in Lincoln. More than half of this year's offerings are John Trudell, National Chair man of AIM and members of the Wounded Knee Defense Com mittee will speak at one of the classes on the historical and contemporary Indian movement. Tim Arthur, Free U. cochair man, said he expects the class will have a majority of American Indians. He said he also hopes "for a good showing from the Caucasian race." Four women's courses Four courses sponsored by the Women's Resource Center have been added. "After the Castle Crumbles and the Rebirth of the Individual," provides counsel ing and rap sessions for thoss wfyj are recently divorced, sepa rated or contemplating divorce, Arthur said. "Rural Women," Arthur ex plained, will study the role of women in Nebraska's history. He said "Women Against Rape" will teach precautions against rape and ' suggestions about steps for a woman to take if she is raped. Arthur said another women's group wiii heip pui oui "Women's Pages 74," a local magazine by and about women. Several other courses deal with communications through the mass media print, film and broadcasting. Offset printing In one class, Arthur ex plained, students can "roll up their sleeves, get their fingers dirty, and help in the printing process." "Offset Printing" will be taught by a local printer, he said. "The Thousand Flavors Film Making Co-operative is a group of camera bugs who experiment with film-making," Arthur said. He added they would welcome any new members. Arthur described another communications c!as3, "Media Access Project," as a group who wants to "democratize the me dia." He said the group will try to improve public access to the local media, sucn as cauie iv. Other classes deal with lobby ing and policy-making in govern ment. David C. Rasmussen, the student legal services attorney, will lead a course on student no 11 " ii lonul rinhtc "Agricultural Issues," wiii hold discussions on "Who Will Set Up With the Corporate Sow?" and "The Great Grain Robbery," Arthur said. Continued on pg. 3 , , . . 5 z -4 Mathis St. R PRESIDENT FORD TO SPEAK HEBE Parking To Omaha A Downtown m West O Street Lincoln Pres'dcn Oald Ford will make a brief stop in Lincoln today to speak at a rally for Republican candidates. Ford will speak at 2 p.m. at Lincoln Air Park West. Ford's visit will be the first visit by a president to Lincoln since former 'President Richard Nixon spoke at th UNL Coliseum in spring, 1971.