Dillon, Roy D. Wendorff, Urban E. Florell, Robert J. Krohn, Glen H. Doualass, Richard L. 1 1 2 2 3 Agr. Engineering Splinter, William E. Steinbruegge, George W. Thompson, Thomas L, Wendorff, Urban E. Cross, Otis: E. Deshazer, James A, Manbeck, Deane M. Petersen, George M. Von Bargen, Kenneth Wittmuss, Howard D. Bashford, Leonard Week3, Stanley A. Agronomy Hanway, Donald G. Bums.'de, Orvin C. Eastin, Jerry Flowerday, A. Dale Gardner, Charles O. Haskins, Francis A. Mazurak, Andrew P. McCalla, Thomas M. McGill, David P. Morris, M. Rosalind Olson, Robert Peterson, Gary Andrew Schmidt, John W. Schutz, Wilfred M. Williams Jr., James H. Chesnin, Leon Clegg, Max Cornpton, William A. Conard, Elverne C. Lavy, Terry Moser, Lowell E. Mumm, Robert F. Sorensen, Robert C. Lewis. David T. 1-C .1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 1-C 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 24,685 18,135 20,010 17,525 14,R30 29,500 23,000 22,195 18,135 17,025 20,395 20,035 17,180 20,045 19,690 17,810 14,980 29,450 24,235 25,270 23,680 32,865 33,745 18,170 2.020P 27,060 20,590 26,250 18,760 26,460 24,610 19,490 17,320 17,490 21,380 16.130 18,650 20,385 20,335 17,820 17,610 Perry Jr., Lawrence J. Hart, John Parkhurst, Anne M. Baker, Frank H. Adams, Charles H. Dickerson, Gordon E. Eldridge, Franklin Klopfenstein. Terry J. Mandigo, Roger Owen, Foster G. Peo Jr., Ernest G. Zimmerman, DwarseR. Arthaud, Vincent H. Cunningham, Peter J. Doane. Ted H. Ellington, Earl F. Farlin, Stanley D. Larson, Larry L. Ward, John K. Warren, Richard B. ' Erition, Robert Nielsen, Merlyn K. Moser, Bobby Wise, Jimmy W. Entomology Dickason, Elvis A. Ball, Harold J. Hill, Roscoe E. Staples, Robert Helms, Thomas L. Pruess, Kenneth Mayc.Z.B. 3 4 4 1-C 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 1-C 1 1 1 2 2 3. Food Science & Technology Arnold, Roy G. Hartung, T O. Maxcy, R. Burt Shahani, Khem M, Bullerman, Lloyd Evans, Thomas A. -C 1 1 1 3 2 16,300 10,270 9.60C 29,140 23,635 5J85P 27,940 21.555 19,760 21,805 25,545 20,430 17,600 18,840 18,960 20,430 20,010 17,720 18,365 19,020 16,930 15,810 17,570 13,510 24,930 19.840 21,460 19,220 19,910 19,560 16,170 23,410 30,460 24,405 25,830 18,190 19,775 Satterlee, Lowell, D, Barnhart, Harold M. 2 4 19,195 13,110 Horticulture & Forestry r Young, Joseph O. , 1-C 25,420 Kinbacher, Edward J. '1 19,610 Rosenberg, Norman J. ; 1 24,360 BagSey, Walter T. j 2 16,440 Neild, Ralph E. 2 ' 18,230 Salac, SoteroS. 3 16,650 , Information Holman.JayP. J 1 20,060 Clouse, Oeloris I 2 , ' 17,340 Bock Virginia 3 .12.865 Poley, Janet 1 3 16.290 Johnson, Anne L. . 4 2.735P Leininger, Anita ,4 10,865 Plant Pathology Boosali3, Michael G. 1-C 2.;i30 Schuster, Max L. 1 23,320 Vidaver, Anne 1 17,910 Vanetten, James L. 2 .19,220 Poultry Science Froning, Glenn W, 1-C 23,975 Sullivan, Thomas W. ' 1 24,790 Mather, Floyd B. 2 17,490 Wiegers, Howard L. 2 16,320 Case, Ronald M. 3 16,390 Veterinary Science Twiehaus, Mervin John 1-C ' 29,855 Grace, Oliver D. 2 22,405 Mebus, Charles A. ' 1 27,150 Payne, Loyal C. 1 21,360 Ferguson, Donald Leon 2 21,330 Stair, Ernest L. Jr. 2 23,950 3 1974 male Sctiwinn Continen tal. 1' ? mo. old, cable & lock., 475-4315. BICYCLES Sales and service. Below retail prices on Nishiki, American Flier, and others with increases expected on 1975 models. Cail for an appointment nn fTinor rppqjrs 435-7233. 1970 Bridqestcne 200 cc, high pipes, mightly good runner, $250. Gary 489-3613. I9b9 Malibu 2dr. vinyl top, 12.000 actual miles on new 327 2 barrel. New B.F.G. radial T.A s, 60 series with E.T. Mags. auto, trans., air cond., power steering, 20 m.p.g, Also 6-string acoustic Gretsch guitar. Leave name and number at 472-2589 or call 475-2746. Ask for Spiff. 1969 VW Bug. blue. $900, 466-5593 or 464-0497 after 5:30 or weekends, Ask for Rich. Ludwig double trap drums, cases & accessories, mfcs and stands. Call Barry after 11:30 D m 477 ??9?. bennfieiswr HD 444 head phones and Garrard 42-mp turntable. Boih like new. Call 4')? ?19? after 10p.m. H K 1 WnSoJWiuecaTsef deck One pr. Koss Pro-4 AA headphones. Brand new, full warranty $40. Will sell sepa rately or together. 475-2746 or 472-2589 and ask for Spiff or tf3y? name and number Oik; Magnavox turntable, one Marantz quad, tuner-amp. Four 10" ultrahnear speakers. 474 11P0 after 7-30 p.m... OUhlMUJII BM'tJV tuum ... Pentax mount, new cond. $140 Full keyboard Clary Adding Machine in good working condi tion. $35 or best offer. Old A.B. Dick mimeo machine, all parts there, but needs some work, make offer. 472-2590 or at 34 Njt, Union .... , SKIS'. Hart-Jubilee 175 cm rned, flex break away bindings, (jood condition $125, SKI BOOTS with carrier, Rieker size 10 'v wide, good condition $55. Cathy. 472-2167 weekdays. CUSTOM VANS Award winning Custom Vans with chrome, mag wheels, plush carpet, love seats, stereo T.V.," " no 2 "alike. See at DEANS FORD '1901 West "O" . 475-8821 We need good sincere idealis tic people who are interested in helping mankind. Many oppor tunities, call Amy, 467-2205. CHRISTMAS CARDS with or without name imprinted. Order early! Call after 5.30 475-2076 or 432-7956. " One pr. head 660 skis 205 CM with Look Nevada Grand Prix bindings. $145 wbindings. $105 w'o. Call 488-3103. GODFATHER'S PIZZA ;" and GLASS MENAGERIE needs a good janitor, male or female Good pay and fringe bene fits, hours flexible. Apply in person to Bill Jellison. Godfather's Pizza 240 N. 12th, 1 Cornhusker Co-ed Co-op has male and female vacancies 475-6796. ask for officer. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: 6 MEN TO WORK TO REPLACE 6 MEN WHO WOULDN'T. 488-4424. .Pregnancy is needing a friend. For confidential understanding help, call Birthriqht, 477-8021. Good opportunity for student to work 4 up to 8 hrs. between 3:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. doing maintenance in well-kept office bldg. Apply in person to Per sonnel Dept. Woodmen Acci dent A Life Co. 1528 "K". Wanted: young man to clean meat dept. daily, early evening and Sat. Good pay. Apply in person Shuster Jack & Jill 140 Capital Beach Bvd. 3-5 p.m. afternoons. mi wwm ! 'VTTHBTIIAE - - cn T7ED )i r:- I PLEASURES! Need 2 female roommates for 2 bdrm. apartment 466-2203. Quality watch and jewelry repairing. Prompt service. Au thorized dealer for Bulova, Caravelle and Timex watches. J C Penney Co. . 13th & O St Tenii papers!! Canada's lar qest service. For catalogue send $2 to: Essay Services, 57 Spadma Ave,, 208, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Resume, ID. passport photos. Quality, fast service, low prices. Stan Strang; 489-0944. WATCH REPAIR any make bands. DICKS WATCH SER VICE Yellow door-east side of Campus Book 13th & "R" 412-341 4 ""TaTT FINGERS for hire: typing, mimeographing, art and i ruii- I nw ratft. v. w - - ; 435-5879 Your wedding photographs delivered two weeks after your ceremony? if this and other extra service ideas interest you , tnH Stan. Strange 439-0944, "HTuToring. physics" and math, afternoons and evenings. Calf Bob, 472-2694. GENEROUS REWARD for the return of an SR-50 calculator lost Wednesday. Oct. 2. Call 466-0059. ask for John. www Mwrtwaat Z3 Why don t you stop in and let us appraise your car. We trade or pay cash for clean late mode! used cars. MIDCITY TOYOTA 1200 O 48th &Y 475-7661 67-2559 With student or faculty ID at time of sale. 10 discount on all Zenith & GE port. TV and component stereos. Terms available. Goodyear Store 1918 J1LS&2L . . . . ,. With student or facu'ty ID at time of sale, 10 discount on all Goodyear snow tires except advertised specials. Goodyear Store 1918 "O 432-6521. BATED X - COLOR Shows-11:20. 1. 2:40, 4:20, 6.7:40 and 9:20 EMBASSY THEATRE Dine In A Special Hfmosphere On Steaks, Prime Rib, Sandwiches ... n r . 1 1 i tinjoy Your ravonie Deverage 4v I hrimic Awn HANPR PR TCHW0KI downstairs IN THE DRAGONS DEN 1 023 "O" STREET OPEN 11 AM 1 AM n Mnuuin uoaLtz of the touBoroons A Cocktail waitress full or part time. $2hr. plus tips. Apply In person Little Bonemia 464-1492. Like to meet a Kangaroo? We can arrange an introduction. Overseas Opportunities Center, 200 Nebraska Union. FRIDAY OCTOBER 18,19,21-26 HOWELL THEATRE UN L 19th A R 472-2073 f t -"x ..S3.-,- V -" rf-1'" : ? V t5 R f i i 1 I u Li f J f ' f K.v - j ,I(hiI m FROM SALE SELECTION ONLYj l&lWMMl l ;ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER isr 432-om monday, October 14, 1974 daily nebraskan page 11