' - w c - DAILY NEBRflSKRN I needs a book I reviewer and j copy editor. j I See Becky Brite, f Rm 34 - Nebr. Union! I poo esi I Fridays Cl Fridays 1 Pitchers 2:305:30 Schlitz 12 pk warm Pabst Blue Ribbon 12 pk warm Smirnoff Vz gal. case 54.55 orown nusse Vodka Vz C8S6 39.99 Canadian WHISKEY Canadian case 79.99 Seagram's case 79.99 page 8 V m V CQ gai. Q99 Club Vo Qt. 8 6QQ fc. M tt, M r jf QQ ASK owes AS UN The Associated Student Ko-od (ASK) owes ASUN $1,700 in an unpaid loan. The loan was made to allow ASK to purchase a machine which makes the ASK student discount cards, ASUN President Ron Clingen- peei said Tjesday. Purchased during the machine cost $2,400. Intake reduced the debt by $700. npw cards are sold for Seventy-five cents from sale rom sale of each renewal he debt. i ast vear ahnut fiOO students Durchased ASK cards Thi? vear 150. have Durchased the cards. Sharon .ir,hn?nn ASUN first vice sales of cards is because or ock or saies personnel. Sales have increased in the last two weeks because of more sales people, Johnson Treck Photography plans Ko-op because it is "no longer functional,' Keith Anterburn said. Pat Wood, manager of Quentin's said only one ASK card has been used there in beina last Tuesday. Gepetto's manager Mark way- briqht called the cards "a said three cards were used ar this year. WHISKEY Bond and OQQ Lillardcase 46.49 at. o Stillbrook case 45.99 Old Thompson Cabin Still case 52.95 Johnnie Walker Scotch Red Qt 7" case 90.96 Ancient Age case 51.45 Seagram's case 53.90 WINES Yago Sangria Riunite Lambrusco daily nebraskan 1972 - 73 school year, the from the card sales has $3. renewal orice is $2 of new cards and 50 cents card is applied 10 paying on Dresident said the decline in said. to drop membership in the manager two years the first time real bummer." Waybright there last year and none scj Qt. 3 99 3" Qt 99 Vz gal. 99 V2 gal. 7 Crown 99 12gai 69 15 8o 15 Life Science symposium opens Monday "Curious Chromo somes, congenital cata straphies and constructive counseling," will be the title of a public address by Dr. M. Neil Mclntyre. The address Is part of a three-day symposium sponsored by the School of Life Sciences. Mclntyre, faculty mem ber at Case Western Re serve University, is re sponsible for the develop ment of amniocentes, a technique by which the sex and other genetic abnormality of an unborn child can be determined by drawing out and exami ning the embryotic fluid. He will speak Monday at 8 p.m. in the audiior ium of the Nebraska Cen ter for Continuing Educa tion, 33rd and Holdrege Sts. The symposium will fo cus on studies concerned with initiation of life pro cess, according to Russel Meintz, associate zoology professor. The symposium also will encompass major problems confronting biol ogy, he said. Leading scholars from the United States, Canada and Europe will partici pate in the program which will run through Wednes day, Meintz said. "Students are free to come and go as they like," Meintz said. Friday 7:30 a.m. Regents Break fast-Nebraska Union 9 a.m. Regents Committee Meeting-Union 10a.m. Regents Conference Meeting-Union 11 a.m. -Film, "We Came From the Valley"-Unlon 12 p.m. Regents Luncheon Union 12:30 p.m. Placement Luncheon-Union 12:30 p.m. Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship-Union 12:40 p.m. Engineering Mechanics Luncheon-Union 1:30 p.m. Regent Public Meeting-Union 1:30 p.m. American Phar maceutical Assoc. -Union 1:30 p.m. Educational Pay chology Dept.-Union 3,7,and 9 p.m. "Dead of Night" and "lnaomnla"-Shel-don 3:30 p.m. Chemistry Dept. Seminar-Hamilton 110 6 p.m. Sigma Alpha Mu Rally - Union 7:30 p.m. Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship Union 7:30 p.m. "The Navitators" - Union 7:30 p.m. Human Relations Insight League Concert - Union 8 p.m. "Tiny - ' Tem ple 6 p.m. -"The King and I" -Klmba!! First Down -Youdon't know the players , without a program! Only 10 friday, October 11, 104