'-"wr-c&F'-.- 4 jjj,- W1 ., 4 - j and I' opens :onight . By Dennis Eliermeier Rogers and Hammerstein's "The King and I which opens tonight at Kimball Recital Hall, will l rnrlii.tinn thio f Oil I llW th IINSI UC Uic: icaiuiu pivvwwn. im j 1 : School of Music. The show opened 21 years ago in New York and this production will revive some of the character istics that made the Broadway show so popular. In addition to both the original costume and scene designs," the UNL production will feature the choreography that was conceived by Jerome Robbins for the 1953 show. Choreographer's daughter here In 1953 Yariko Kikuchi was given the job of realizing Robbins' directions and now in 1974 her daughter, Susan, has assumed those responsibili ties here. She has been on campus for a number of weeks teaching the parts to the dancers and offering general choreographic direction. ; Susan Kikuchi has been associated with The King and I" since childhood. She has played all the children's and dancers' roles in production throughout the United States and Europe. The sets were adopted to the Kimball stage by the opera program's set designer, Tom Kasker . Last year Kasker was the designer for the Omaha Playhouse. "The King and I" is based on Margaret London's novel "Anna and the King of Slam." And English widow and her son are brought to the Siamese royal court in the late 1860s to introduce Western customs and ideas to the king's wives and children. The lines of affection are quickly established with Anna, and the king's family but the battle lines are as quickly drawn between Anna and the king himself. Authoritarian king At a time when slaves were being emancipated in the United States, Anna cannot convince the king to lessen his authority. Underneath the struggle of Anna to bring the king to a social consciousness there develops the tender love story of Tuptin, one of the king's wives and his servant LunTha. The cast also features a dozen fourth, fifth and sixth graders from Brownell Elementary School playing princes and princesses. Anna is played by Lynelle Frankforter and the king is portrayed by Chip Smith. ,rThe King and I" plays October 11, 12, 18, and 19 at 8. p.m-.a-ndat 3 p.m. on October 13. Tickets , areT$3 foruUs a.od.$2.5G for students. k ;ti IDENT LEGAL CENT! tts a nmw - - 334 Nebraska Union $;00 4:30 Monday Friday Rm 2 G.Y. Thompson Library 1 :00 4:30 Thursday Call 472-3350 for appointment ( 50 Off (Last 12 Days) ' 1; ... ' ,1 v. i ! Professional Color Portraits. Any size, any finish; any quantity! Do your Christmas shopping early & Save! Nothing is as personal as a portrait. ..givert fo someone you love. A perfect gift for sweetheart or family,... for Christmas or other occasions. Choose from a full selection of poses, . using a variety of settings, background and special effects. t. ' ' " - lust four 1-8x10 & 2 5x's in life-Color, Reg, $40 $20 ., .JUSl fOUr j.,nxl4 in LMe Color, Reg. $40 ..: ,.....$20 ' examples Of OUr 43)l5.t (n life Color, Reg; $20 ; ... $to many specials: i8xio in Siiwrtone, Reg. $io . Portrait Studio 2nd floor Downtown, 432-8511 Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30, Thurs. 10-9 lower level Gateway, 464-7451 , weekdays 10-9, Sat. 10-6. A A I l IB IS i IS S M ,jg Nebraska's Quality Department Stores si i t s r i : Paul W. Klipsch was born in 1904. in Elkhart, Indiana. He received the D.S. Degree in ieciricai Engineering frum New Mexico college for Agricultural and mechanical Arts in 1926 (now New Mexico State University), and the I.E. from Stanford university in 1934, Mr. Klipsch has written many papers and holds patents in the fields of geophysics, firearms, etc, He is a t-ellow of the Audio trnctineering Society, Fellow of IEEE, Member of the Acoustical Society of America, Tan Beia PI, Sigma Xi, and is listed in Who's Who in Engineering. AUDIO SYSTEMS &DESIGN OMMiA;4'IOS Capitol Ave. 53b-7S39 LINCOLN: 5Z1 J4ih1 489-9888 $xc&tzd to the reproduction of the original found About Lou dApcakcivY TAaliQdps inirting that, the littk wiggle that come out of the loudpealier should beat direct re wiggl? that went into iha 'zrucrborvc. No 'coirbi'natiori of minute dirtortion or wave form deUrior at ionwill "uit him. You read about iha inventor of t"hd fabulous Klipchom loudpealier in the Rolling Stom Audio uppkmant now Audio SysUmr 4 Design ' 'invited you to hear and meet thi,r famous loudpeaher impresario: OM AH A-108 Capitol Ave, Mon.Oct. W, J-00 -800P.m. Mr. Klipch will dinufs with you your own penronaL problem with mmrd to p&her placement ani room acoustic or any otne r acoustical ptoMemyou may have. The complete line of Klipch huiakvw will be on display Hi 4 wmmmimmmMimmmim page 3 frlday, October 11, 1974 dally nebraskan