The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1974, Image 1

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friday, October 11,1 974
lincoln, nebraska vol. 98 no. 28
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Campus Police v i ,
Jurisdiction extended
& Campus police may be patrolling off-campus student
living units If a suggestion for a City Council resolution
to extendi Campus Police jurisdiction is adopted,
according f o Poffce Chief Gail Gade.
In a letter to City Atty. Dick Wood, UNL lawyers
suggested a resolution to extend Campus Police
jurisdiction to sororities, fraternities and student
cooperatives built on privately owned land. These living
. units are presently under Lincoln Police Dept. (LPD)
Three fraternities and two sororities already lie
within Campus Police jurisdiction because their
property is rented from UNL, according to Interfrater
nity Council officials. Those are the Phi Mu and Alpha
Delta Pi sororitfes and the Chi Phi, Triangle and Tau .
Kappa Epsilon fraternities.
According to Gade, the two - police forces have
operated under a verbal agreement in which Campus
Police answered calls about minor disturbances and the .
LPD worked on reported criminal offenses such as
theft. - ,
"There has always been a, little bit of a gray area" .
concerning the extent of jurisdiction, according to
Ron Gierhan, assistant to the vice chancellor of student
affairs '
"Who's responsible for 16th Street,' Gierhan asked v
referring to snowball fights and streaking incidents "
which have taken place along the street over the past
few years. "It goes right through the campus but it Is
still city property." .
Gade said Campus Police wanted to extend ,
protective services to the off-campus living units.
LPD Chief Joe Carroll said he had no objections to
the change In jurisdiction. A City Council resolution'
would be necessary to make the change, he said. ,
Wood was not available for comment on whether the
suggestion has been forwarded to the Council, Council
members have not yet considered the suggestion,
according the Council secretary.
Ford protest slated
An anti-inflation denlonitfaVfon plant to mesf '
President Gerald R. Ford when ho arrives a
Lincoln Municipal Airport Oct. 16.
Doug Hord, demonstration spokesman, said the
groups supporting the movement are the
Nebraska Dispatch, Lincoln Chapter of the
American Indian Movement (AIM), Free Theatre
of Lincoln, Mexican-American Student Associa
tion (MAS), Western Plains Video and Nebraskans
for Peace.
Ford will be at the airport from 3:30 p.nvto 4:30
p.m. to campaign for First District Congressman
Charles Thone. "
The demonstrators will make five demands of
Ford: cut back military spending, don't Include
armaments as a defense against Inflation, grant
universal and unconditional amnesty, pardon the
Wounded Knee participants and honor ail Indian
In a prepared statement, Hord and other
demonstration leaders said although Ford has
consistently opposed all social legislation as
"spending sprees" he has advocated increased
military spending.
"The $90 biiiion a year uomOSd tUuywt h3 I'itlS
to do with the security of the American people.
The rampant inflation gripping this country Is the
direct consequence of the United States' war
oriented economic policies." tha statement raid.
Concerning the demand for universal and
unconditional amnesty, the statement said,
"President Ford's position would force those who
resisted the war, and the racism and oppression of
the military, to admit their guilt."
The demonstrators say Ford's pardon of former
President Richard Nixon was an example of the
dual system of justice in this country.
Students interested in joining the demonstration
may contact Doug Hord, 475-1405, or meet at 333
N. 14th, at 1 p.m. Oct. 16, Students uq asked to
bring placards or posters with ono of tho five
demands wr itten on them, Hord said.
Labor union charges
unionization is aisgourageg
By Greg Wees
The two top officers of a labor union
local are standing by their charges that
NU personnel supervisors openly have
discouraged university employes at
tempting to organize under Local 1827
of the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees
However, UNL Personnel Director
Roy Loudon Jr. denies that such
attempts have been made or will be
made by the university. Rules written by
the NU Board of Regents guide union
organizers recruiting university em
ployes. in a statement last week, signed by
union vice president Ron Kurtenbach,
AFSCME members censured UNL "for
its harassment and repression of union
organizing" and attempts "to prohibit
nonemploye union organizers from
doing organizing on the campus."
Memo 'anti-union'
At the center of the AFSCME charge,
Kurtenbach said, is a memo allegedly
written by Loudon and read to UNL
custodians last May during their
monthly meeting.
Kurtenbach, a UNL custodian who
attended the meeting, said John Dzerk,
UNL Physical Plant operational mana
ger, read a memo which Dzerk told the
custodians was written by Loudon,
"thai was very anti-union. It discour
aged them (custodians) from signing the
authorization petition. '
A petition must be signed by at least
51 of the custodians, groundskeepers,
food service and other employes before
AFSCME can represent the nonteaching
employes in contract bargaining negoti
tions, Kurtenbach said.
"The memo said that 'signing an
authorization petition is like signing a
blank ch- ck, Kurtenbach said. Super
visors were encouraged by the memo to
toll employes of the dangeri of a union,
ho added.
Statements 'not true'
Dzerk said he would not comment on
the memo he read. But he did say that '
union recruitment of employes "should
not take place on taxpayer's time."
"Kurtenbach's statements are just
not true," he said. Dzerk said he
warned Kurtenbach about talking to ;
employes during coffee breaks.
Dan Beattey, another custodian at the
meeting, also said he heard Dzerk tell
custodians that " 'signing authorization
cards was like signing a blank check'."
During the meeting Kurtenbach said
he asked Dzerk for a copy of the memo, (
s but Dzerk refused to give him ono.
AFSCME president John Lemmon,
was not at the May meeting, but said ha
went to Loudon's office to see the memo
which Kurtenbach said Dzerk read at
" the meeting. ; - .:;
"I asked him (Loudon) for a copy of
the memo,, but he said it was university
, business," Lemmon said. "Loudon said
, he could not give it to me."
Memo 'doesn't exist'
However, Loudon told the Daily
neuiaA(ui, . -
which allegedly discouraged union
organization doe3 not exist.
"The university takes a position of
'strict neutrality on union organization,"
e Loudon said.
"' Guidelines adopted by the regents In
April 1972 have to be followed by union
organizers, Loudon said,
: "Organizers have the right to talk to
employes," he added, "but this must
be done on their own time and not on
university time."
j Board of Regent3 guidelines state that
' "solicitation for union membership by
employes of the University campuses
w!H net be allowed In nonworklng areas
and during nonworking hours excluding
only coffea breaks." J.J ..
Tho rules also include guidelines on
union solicitation, distribution of rnatcr
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