V V v " 1 Hr v v ' ' V V - 1coiipoii-i-'saig!1Bia,ss,i lK7 'Vn I U23 4ir I Save 50c J on Henry's Special ! Thurs. Oct. 10 I Fri. Oct 11 i -50c off- In tern mm mm mm mm wm mm mm mm ww-tuupuu , ' 4 iju,''-ik-fC(i'...tvLsjeiaii...... bring this coupon in Thurs. or Fri. cnc A? aim ov vi i the price of a great lunch -4S 1 If so, we have some great ideas that will work. Come in and see our convincing collection. By MatxShack . York in A my liSteae residence haH n the oOs, i - according to Sally Johnson, a prisoner atJncreknrprpsa ! : . , : Johnso and tWb other prisoners from York, Teresa j . ' Anderson and JpAnne Dixon , spokeon Women in a prisons aiyvome. 'Z "I . .n ntrs the - Anderson expiainea wnei wu., i,; 'atinn . center, she goes through a three-week or.entatmn 'Drogram. The woman is segregated from other brisoners for 10 days. She can't send or receive mail, : S MM to her and her 1$"$ her. Rings, personal belongings and hair rollers are . ; taken away from the prisoner, she said. n .pr fnr ; . The prisoner: stays in segregated hv g q" ; 0 ..abdu-t -35 days. Ttien. she is moved o a prftrustee '.: dormitory' whefS :s:.is. given her belongings . and s - allowed . to itay VP lte ' two nights a week Prisoners sleep -in individual rooms, which have green, wire mesh - doors that are. locked nightly by supervisors. Trustee dorms not locked ; ' ' ' f' a prisoner continues behaving well, she earns the privilege to Iiv4 in a trustee dorm where the front doors Ire never locked. The rooms in that dorm are wooden . and there the . prisoners are responsible for getting themselves up in the morning, she said. There are 63 women now in the center, which has - . capacity for 74. It costs $13-$15 daily to keep a woman there i m I it UIULIUU SPECIAL PURCHASE Dexter Shoes : : The youngest woman Is 18 and oldest is 45, Johnson h Now $19;9Q;V;;:: Gallery Mall ,X to " I Tn tan.'or dark. prqvJ.n . . iostl of BsWles. I . in'colors.lcfr Pafl I -.Special. $1.Sf.9o; ...IIivv ..jj , ' tU iuArina ana ft nrKnnprs IS 4. .Prisoners are given opportunities to be on worK . release; finish high school requirements for a diploma; attend movies, skate and swim in York; organize a fashion show, talk with UNL law college students about legal problems, attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings,-learn to play the piano, and attend church regularly and take free university classes from a group " that comes to the Centerfrom Concordia College. '. Nine. prisoners work In; Omaha and six work in YorK, - 'iAhdersori said. .. .:' - ' . .. , :. Children may visit ' Rri'soner3' childrengirls from one to 15 and boys , (rbnoqe to 10-7can.yfsit them for as long as a week, V bixo'nth'e'othdr.speaker.'said. ' ' Vvomen w,ork in .the. kitchen, yard, sewing factory, h '.'aHtniniftttinn' riff ir-- library and furnace room, Ahdersor said.' Pay ranges from about 70 cents per day 'most nthpr nrisons. ares Gnawed .tb.w,eaV.ntJ'eW.f heir own clothes, make-up niOnn aiH.V 1 v . dHU'vyiyo, pjawii t',w-. . ... ... Prison 'not fun' i w. . mmm - -m- m m m 11 m mi ' ij i'.i .1 ! ' !. . ' ' ' ' i J.,.'.,. . Lj-. .to't'og. Vri1rgrn-iarrtrhae!-joiH th'at nriqnn ii. "rinl n Int nf "-ooocic . ' rf,-' .. v...' ".yrrr-'.- ..-. k- 1 ' ''' '. : .'llLC VJiw V.'.,i,;skviiik,, ':''iv.i V AndeV.son,VwKo"-w photographer before !r SX ' H F VI WCjT' n(C3S! .M'-:' WWg,Ptor)V::.a,id--. she ' would like to see more 1 W s im fog A.Ar 1 wr 1 should establish a prisoners' families to help ... on. . . the prisoners fain sausaQ8:sandwiGne does to a pers delicious chicfensiad: la "ii?16 . ffi I C Lid VC . UU I C UU 1 UIU tlQ I lv l OU U . sanawicnes, ana scrumpiouy Bar-B-Que Beef sandwiches at Henry's. er or worse. The sandwiches are served with piping hot baked beans and a beverane: all for ?1 &.'yi''il''L Priffinr.fn-Chfaf: Jane Owens. News Editor: Wes AlberS Manaaina Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate Nes Editor: Robrccf Brite. Layout: Mary Beth Grange. Sports Editor: Steve Taylor isArtainmAnt Editor: Grea Lukow. Niaht News Editor: Jane Hoge Chief Photagrapher; Gail Folda. News Assistant: Lisa Brown Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens. ': Disrtnrltorn' Harfi Baurnert. Chuck Beck. Deb Bettenhausen. Lor CiperCon'nJ Spe Ga'skill, Randy Gordon. Dot) Gray, Ivy Harper, Ifarfc' Hoffman ."Vorip KaiKowaki, fiuoiy ner.o, r.ox Sclir.c, Lynn akethe.san id be prepared'for Fastvfrast ,; ' v v 8 -j Fast service at Henry's, next to- 1 Nebraska Bookstore -11 23 fRV:: v:i;. (Bring your folks on game day v -.J HENRY'S- If- i page 2 i i i .-. - fl dolly 'nqbrcsltan avid V daily nebraskan SHseg; Mwy Shatkeitpn, Matthew,! rueil, Greg Wee feptraifijmNt't(Vsiteri;. Dennis EMermeier, Chuck Strinz. Dt Soorta StaR:' Bob GOilinan, becKy Morgan, Dennis unnen, Larr t ... - j i" ' i . ; . . Corumnrsts: ' Mark B; Hasmussen, iaren mcnarason, i im Sindeiart Nancy. Sjohs, Amy Struthers. "Artist: Ro'rn WheelVr.' ; Fhoogr,af5h? r Stev!e Boerncr.. '. CCpy UesK yeD ueuennousen, wnrisue oaier, ?niriey janssen, Aon Newber'ry., MarySchackelton, Ron ftuggiess. ' '' p'isfnt63''Mrt8rar Jerri. Haussler. Advertising MaqaqV:"Ken rrKffbdMctloo-Mnabri-itty Policky. .ecoT)o crass .posiage paioai umcoin, NeorasKa. : '-.Address; The Dally Piebraskan, Nebraska Union 34. 14th and P m.) Lincoln. Nebr. 63508. Telephone 402-472-2568. ' Tha Deify Ncbraskcn h oubiished bv the Puhiirati ort Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn arjo.tpring semesters,-except on nouaays and during vacation. , Copyright 1874, th Daily Nebrw.an. Material may to repfintf-d without permission If attributed to the Daily NRbrmfean, oxc -pting material covered by another copyright. thuroday, October 10, 1974