. ---.J' -h dP-"!' ".- !"-(?" .M w - siiofl stuff Harmon Cardon 75 Dlus quad amp for sale. Excellent condi tiqn. Call 466-7376. Full keyboard Clary Adding Machine in good working condi tion, $35 or best offer. Old A.B. Dick mimeo machine, all parts there but needs some work, make o!fer. 472-2590 or at 34 Neb. Union. Gibson amp., 2 column speakers, 3 Shure mics. Call 780-5739 Palmyra. 1961 Falcon ail new parts 464-3764. l 1972 Honda CL 350, new engine, chain, 6.300 miles. Call 464-1138. 1963 Ford Fairlane, depend able call 464-1 138 after 4 p.m. 1973 Portable Hoover washer and dryer. Excellent condition, stand included, $200. Call 475 "1 741 " " " - Ludwig double trap drums, cases & accessories, mics and stands. Call Barry after 11:30 p.m. 477-2292. jOuy ' fcfaiibu 2dr. vinyl op. 12.0U0 actual miles on new 327, '2 barrel New B.F.G. radial 1 .A. s, 60 series with E.l. Mags, auto, trans., air cond., power steering, 20 m.p.g. Also 6-ctring acoustic Gretsch guitar. Leave name and number at 472-2589 or call 475-2746. Ask for Spiff, Ch RTSTMAS CARDS with or without name imprinted. Order early! Call after 5:30 475-2076 or 132-7956. 63 Fender Stratocaster, new finish, cheap, call 468-C242. CUSTOM VANS , Award winning Custom Vans with chrome, mag wheels, plush carpet, love seats, stereo T.V., no 2 alike. See at DEANS FORD 1901 West "O" 475-821 1601 So. 17 9 a.m. Wednesday, i lAIpOa Lalii rasKa union Room to iMMIRMMMIUillWNiiW1 Wednesday, ocSober9, 1974 1 Predental students will meet today at 7 p.m. in College of Dentristy 15. A general discus sion of predental requirements and admission procedures will be followed by a tour of the dental departments. A School of Music student vocal recital featuring Holly DeBusewill be presented in the choral room of the Westbrook Music Building at 3:30 p.m. today. Good opportunity for student to work 4 up to 8 hrs. between 3:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. doing maintenance in well-kept office b!dg. Apply, in person to Per sonnel Dept. Woodman Acci dent & Life Co. 1526 "K" Babysitter wanted for 10 mos. child, my home 4-5 afternoons wk. 475-5434. EARN UP TO $12u0 a school year hanging posters on campus in spare time. Send name, address, phone and school to: Coordinator of Campus Repre sentatives, P.O. Box 1384, Ann Arbor. Mich. 48106, Immediate openings part time and full time restaurant help needed. Contact Mark VanHorn 489-6108, 4701 . "O" St. or Al Johnson 1840 "O" St., 432-4783 between 9:30 pnp Jt, a.m. or 2to 4:30 p.m. King's Food Host. Inc. ) Have immediate openings or part-time waiters, bartenders & cpcktail waitresses., Aj?p,lytQlay- ton House 10tf.: ...GAUf YOU StU.H3)e.caV Need1 $135 weekly? NO" cook ware, cutlery, books, insurance, vacs, canvassing, competition. 466-9770. Need at once, male singer with good range for popular rock and roll band. Call 465-5176. PART TIMI HELP WEEK ENDS Neat appearing person for crill area, weekends. Apply in person. McDONALDS RES- TAURANT 865 N. 27th. Wanted: young man to clean meat dept. daily, early evening and Sat. Good pay. Apply in person Shuster Jack & Jill 140 Capital Beach Bvd. 3-5 p.m. afternoons. "NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: 6 MEN TO WORK TO REPLACE ,6 MEN WHO WOULDN'T. '48? 4424. 20 off stock fabrics many Remnants O New & Used Furniture Bean Bags Lamps & Pictures 432-5598 4 p.m. October 9 1 1 be posted Today through Oct. 25, a California Redwood Assoc. tra veling photographic exhibit, "A Total Environment House", will be on display in the College of Architecture's gallery in Archi tecture Hail. All social work students are invited 'to attend an organiza tional meeting to re-establish the Social Work Students Orga nization. The group will meet Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union to elect officers and representatives to commit tees in the. School of Social Work. Immediate opening for part time custodian. Flexible hours and good starting salary. Must be bondable. Contact manager in person at Plaza Theatres, 12 and "P". M-F 10 p.m. to 5 p.m, PART-TIME OPPORTUNITY: Three nights till 8 p.m. and Sat. mornings, more hours available, Sears Service Center 4815 S. 14th. Must have transportation. Apply at Sears Gateway, Per sonnel Office, 2nd floor 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Benefits: store dis count, paid holidays, paid vaca tion, life insurance, profit shar ing. GENEROUS REWARD for the return of an SR-50 calculator lost Wednesday, Oct. 2. Call 466-0059, ask for John. LOST: gold name bracelet arqund,; Brpces, or Andrews; "Karin", reward. 475-7794. LOST: Billfold containing ID'S in Union on the afternoon of Oct. 1st Reward. Ph. 483-1533. L-OST W5nerTrornaT. idrrtiityrvnight of Fri. 27" et KirVlball Recital Hall. Call '489 4641 for fat reward. Need 2 female roommates for 2 bdrm. apartment 466-2203. One vacancy for another man at Cornhusker Co-Op, 475-6796. ODYSSEY Frame Shop... Tine custom framing al a reasonable price. Norman's Interiors loth & O is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year at Behlen Motors er-a vie a Features Economy and the Luxury of Reclining Seats, Roomy Interiors, Radial Tires, Rock and Pinion Steering, 4 Disc Brakes and Automatic or Standard Transmission 115 Wo. 48th St. Lincoln inhere vjq core about you and your cor daily nebraskan Roommate needed in an upstairs apartment 1816 Pros pect, 477-8354, $70. A person, preferably female, who does some studying, but also who likes to party!? That number again was 477-8354. Male roommate wanted, own room, $67.50mo., utilities incl., 3 blocks off Vine. 519 N. 25th Apt. 1. Call Mark 477-5813. Roommate(s) wanted, single or couple. 1 blk. to East Campus 464-0480. Pregnancy is needing a friend For confidential understanding help, can Birthright, 477-8021. ;ip. can Birthright, ; TjElTa UPSlLOtf: rA UPSILON: your fence rail is being held for ransom. If you want to see him again, we want 3 rubles and 5 Big Red stickers or else it's toothpicks! Reply,, .thru Rag The Knotzi Raiders. " P"S. 'He wants to" talk "Do as they say, they got a (gasp) chainsaw!" Want to buy or record ANY Michael Johnson aiburji.seay topprIVpS, 4;7S;,(. u ilW,;. Term papers!! Canada's lar gest service. For catalogue send $2 to: Essay Services, 57 Spadma Ave., 208, Toronto, Ontario. Canada. lit ;Q ! I ' if 1 1 J Students who have completed at least one year of study toward a graduate degree in modern languages are eligible to apply for a Hippee-Rogers Scholarship which win finance continuation of studies at UNL. Letters of request for consideration for this scholarship should be sent to the Department of Modern Lan guages at 1111 Oldfather. Re quests should include a brief outline of the applicant's back ground and educational objec tives as well as a transcript if one is not on file with the depart ment. Deadline for applying is Oct. 15. Quality watch and jewelry repairing. Prompt service. Au thorized dealer for Bulova, Caravelle and Timex watches J.C. Penney Co 13th & O St WATCH REPAiri any" nuTne -'bands DICK'S WATCH SEP 1 VICE Yellow door-east side ' Campus Book 13th & "R". 432-3414. Dynamite Dunmer. frpp tn good homes. Browsers welcome Call 483-1090. Why don't you stop in and let us appraise your car. We trade or pay cash for clean late model used cars. MIDCITY TOYOTA 1200Q 48th & Y 475-7661 467-2553 " . j,f College P.E.O. Group Meet ing: Oct. 13, 5 p.m. at 2320 $aW,k PSU, T1 5,,i:..lv.. 8nd.. J XRm.a . .xeservaynns-. by rx Thursday ev-ennqMo428-.(');1'.r!.' m . . .. -r a HOPSHMENT NOOHISIiMENT KOURISHilENT STAHARD'S IGA STAIIARD'S IGA STAIIARD'S 101 4413lli and K" (It makes M'fisr) UNL I'KOPIJ; Shop our store for noocl bits on good food! Once again - a SdllitZ $2.93 12 Pak,(witriii only) p.i-' 1 118 AT Alin Tift q i fiyiiiip o fill 13th e II