Five-state area study Vet college proposed The former dean of the Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine has been hired to study a five-state regional veterinary school, according to Gov. J. James Exon. Dr. C. R. Cole was hired by the Old West Regional Commission for $89,828. He will recommend a location for the school if it is decided one will be built, Exon said. Exon said he recommended the study Jan. 22 because there isn't a veterinary college in any of the five states now. The commission, representing North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska, budgeted funds for the study, according to Warren White, an economist with the state Office of Planning and Programming. Ihe plan proposes that the five states share the costs of the the school. Negotiations on a timetable for the study are still in progress. White said the commission has asked 14 or 15 persons associated with veterinary colleges for their recommendations on establishing a regional college. The Old West Regional Commission was created in August 1972 by former President Richard Nixon to consider the problems the five states have in common and attempt to find solutions. " ' tach of the governors of the five states appoints an alternate member to serve on the commission in his absence. Exon's appointee is Don Nelson, director of the State Office of Planning and Programming. Oct. 4, 1914 "In a game marked by many brilliant gains and marred by many costly fumbles, the Cornhuskers initiated the season by defeating the whirlwind Ichabods by the score of 14 to 7. On Nebraska's side the game was an exhibition of brilliant individual playing, coupled with miserable team work, while Washburn's game was the epitome of both." "Being an undergraduate student in the twentieth century university or college of the United States is quite as much an undertaking, in its way, as that involved in the career-making responslbilites of the great actual business world.. . "Devotion of a collegian to the task of making his varsity football eleven becomes a drudgery which would appall the contemporary youth in the world of everyday business. The adherence to a prescribed diet, the hard practice every day, the remorseless hours of early retiring, the relentless espionage of faculty scholarship requirements, the whole program of the prospective gridiron hero is exacting to the point of harshness. And yet he makes it his business." STARTS TO DAY! 1st LINCOLN SHOWING Sex Devils will possess you with , laughter when .- you see... wNtft wad mr.S - ,tf' damn wow i i ' canto '" .',f -nwwtf ', ' ,jr y. -'a BILL ff9' , in j.""""""'' cAM VAIKVUN 'W'W ",, MICHAEL tifr SHERRY DEN TON' SALLY MARR H ft..'.! CAJJ 4 i N 1'xP. 'J GFbiztidtin' (X, ' a ! m i"io shows at; 11 12:30 2 3:30 5 0:30 0 9:30 , --.-r- Laic bnow I uniuni ai i i :vv ri if ' :- ) You must be 18! JA - I.D. Rr.aUIRD-IN COLOR :hwmr Itiik wtxii Mm t! r L5' TWMBMT1 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! I n I Is t ;ii For one U.S. Buck RESIRtCTCO Admission $1.00 v-cs I ''Jffi 1 1 " w I VT Shirts, Jeans, and accessories for Guys GATEWAY f' f1f c,! Bobbie Brooks Tops, Hooded Tops, Jeans, and Lincoln's Largest selection of custom Jewelry for Gals We wear the Grown for having the grandest clothes and custom jewelry for Guys and Gals," "Do you think Minnesota has a chance tomorrow, Gabe?" "The Vikings, maybe - the Gophers, naw! i . .... ..... ,4 .; iff- -j," ,,,, ... V ..... ... M 'f, . " "' , !i i iV. ..... . f i. 't V 1 1 1 - - a I 1 1 W . , - , , 4 - . ' r i. 5 !1 .'. ,! nmyn! friday, October 4, 1074 ... 'J