w- - 'W-Vrf','"f" -t -a nr : v - v. ' ' . , - t -..- -6. v v " - .r jt-j". t ' '( --? '' V''. .if . t v ,. '.'ji'.,'., " !. ' i, ' r '"l , .,- ..''', ii ", 1 "' " ' 1 1 ""' " 1 ', ' """" ln.iinnmii.ii.iiiiiiiiini i i i in i i i i i ' ii in, inn iniinin in j,i ; ' ,' ' 'vV"Vr. 'sJ'- " .' ' ''tr-t? W'-r. ..''r; -v.-:.r'-.. -..-. y ; ,1'.:: .,,.,). r. .I- I Ski club planning Colorado trips By Steve tj A ;sk( swimming poof "Anyone who has .the skier trvina through a cornfield Besides te- trip's and;he.cHan69 :l : niPiM i ftohlft!'.PRii,la"ii differ. anotner reason to join sKviuDi?:- j -m ill m ft a ' J ' i oy - Qe.:: acknowledges Tdrh WattbnvMisi ,2But I tlever'Saw,any)Mhem;:?:',:.v.. ff ithel Nebraska i football .tearn Taylor 'o-: club , fn ! NeDrasKa?- jhac DO lcss,;so tney are in the midst of no more than ;$150.' -v pvwr..--I ; " : f :aiiine-rorin? poiev . t nis : yeanpe iup j saeniauveiy -n t ; - v ,iT,, vr.T'r.r ? I y.-v ;. - : seen the postered piannihdrt (6.: maneuvers ?bdat SDrlnGSt.,'-...--;.-4: !.e-?.no.'iaiesi:,;t i . ,,;.;r ;!imposslble.but;such.i a yclub'i-'doesviareU iyAlors;: Berdfeipecame'tA1 v.;.. :i'exlstat'NUi'-Vj.-(.iL'VK';r.:-l'. J,- Mem,berSi:cfHh0fNUiSSijCu - : : : ' 1: " ' ' ""TT'T'Tr' FOR SALE BSR 310X automatic turn table, never used, 475-1842 after 5 P.m. Dining table, walnut, drop leaf, 6 chairs, 488-6832 after 5 p.m. ; Men's Schwinn' 26" bike, coaster brake, baskets. Best offer call 477-9477 after 5 p.m 74 male Schwinn Continental lightschain & lock, 466-5248 "BEAUTIFUL BOA. well- mannered and cute, cage in cluded. $100. 432-8615. Swiss hiking shoes; new, worn once. Alsp, used.Cfigch $20. 432-7436 after 6pm One pair Goodrich G 70-1 4 belted tires. $40. One pair GM chrome wher-13 $25. 475-9434! ' . ' (viuI-L,&Li: iS2Fiar65d' S p ivvfKJ'J -p; nvi5 3 750 or best -Of ff r 6j-5St;S'. y "".- " Eico Pre-Ampybual Power Amps 50W RMS 2X Driven. .05 : THD $119. 488-5553. 1968 Checker Cab. Good transportation vehicle, In good condition. Make me an offer I t:anlt.r-pf.usg .- - 1962 Volvo B18 engine, 26 p m o. 489-1073. , Rave to sell we bought a van. 1974 white Vega GT with extras, 10,000 miles. Make offer 464-4332 - - '63 Plymouth Sport Satellite, 318, auto, transmission. Power steering and air. Gall 435-8334. FOR RENT , Brand new ap.t. 1 bedroom dishwasher, disposal, air, laun dry facilities, off street parking. Jrs, Srs, grad students pre ferred. Qjiet 6-plex conducive to study. 822 H 477-2577432- CANADA'S LARGEST SERVICE $2.75 per pag Zand now for latest catalog. En ;!ota $2.00 to cover return pott age. ESSAY SERVICES S7 Spadina A vs.. Suit 203 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Our research tervke it told for research assistance only. NOW SHOWING! EMBASSY-THEATRE - I' fV, mm A AT-11;201 2:404:20 6 7:409:20 No One Under 18 monday, September 30, 1974, 1 John Schu1llng;ils rbusy'pFotoolirfd 'mlsht find sbrhbthi :' .:the.,club4:'-,:-XbU;ayeWjet Colorado arid that's ; whaty'weVe' s ,iryingtodoy;.:';- The three rationalize that If more - ncr would likely be turned down, i "University of Nebraska SkJ Club" ' people make the annua! junkets to ' Dues for ,the. year are.$5;Mhe on their trip to Colorado. . . dOIIU IflO'CfG ge lour oearm, noma one block from East Campus; , ' " 't . , lleLh;e2nS0o5 $420 1st semester, $4002nd f; sem. vacancies ror women ; . HELP WANTED y . ?". NEW BAWBVMOftE1 V uotMAIL LOUNUh, lUncn mAnu. rinwntAtwn fnralinn Inter. ....., ....V. . , viewing tor Danenaers, wanres sps. call 435-2993 for appoint, i? Rartftnriwr wanted for arts-a Lincoln's finest, lounges Can, fit Library Lounge 70 .& '. "A". Many hours available. Call PAR IME. HtLP WEEK-.U ENDS Neat appearing . person ; miu oyiiuui ohicuuio, f j pa(JCI a, II IBSIS, dflU ITianUSCripiS . - Of pay.CaSfl fOf arfvinvi ,11 1 I., 'nnuj nvn. iuufi umr . WANTED; Cocktail waitress. ,' WORDS WILL' RFRFARKM . . , for grill area, weekends. Apply r Very experienced typist , for In person. McDONALDS .RES-ic term papers, - legal :memoran TAURANTR65 No. 27th : .dums. thesesr 4S7-1S84; - ' Men & women ; 10 ciean downtown office building week nights 5 p.m.-9 p.m. of 6 p.m. 10 p.m. Call 475-7244. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: 6 MEN TO WORK TO REPLACE 6 MEN WHO WOULDN'T. 488 4424. If you're not sure , what's out there, how can you;Av i know where ' J : you're (joino or how to get there? The Christian Science ; i . ; Monitor can help.' V. . ".v y" ft keeps you squarely ,'.. in the center of. the bold . -. and exciting,; the im- , v portant trends of thought. . It give3 a firsthand, ' close-in view of the, . world's struggles and1! achievements. , You see where yow fit in things you can do; , . : The Monitor doesn.'i " . do your thinking for you. ' In a qyick readable style it gives you the fact's to form your own decisions. News, commentary,'. ".' the arts, politics, science,' fashion, sports, business: the Monitor is an excit-. ing daily newspaper. (Monday - Friday). Less7 than 10 a copy on your special rate. Yes, I'll lnvt S9.3S In my futur, for 4 month of The Christian Scinc Monitor. ". . I i Payment enclosed L I Kill (tiu l.itrr riamo Street (Please pirn!) Cii Lia'o , - ZIP ,.- Th CfirUiian Science MonitOf J Box 125, Astor SUIten Boiiton, f.lasjrjch.ujtitlt 02122 t f 4 s.ta:.m ;k i : vuLLtt siuutM I neeaea unfur-J.iMOft:, part-time ; custodial -jorkn . '.rrr ' ', .rs.v.;r. narnnyion rieai tsiaie- , ?JL,CA If?6Sn'"a-. ' between' .1a m ' and 4 p,m., ? . Arts Dept. of Univ. of-Nebr. i nude models. Call depart- secretary ,'. i72g63lV 1 ': fjent SERVICES: - ..WATCH REPAlHi&ny inahe- ' : rM. -nioir iATu,fco . bands DICKSi WATCH SER-- VICb Yeiiow CaWoua tBook ? , '.' Experienced typist A5:PUGHJ OFtAFT YOUR PAPER; LETTER, THESIS FOrt ; YOU. PROFESSIONAL" PUB- LISHcD, DEGREED. P.O; BOX 2742 LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. 1 0O'spfiteriisTfr Mil (i l l . ? .V, r r'mDSfJSJjf , . pepS;. RUPPERT'S REMliL PHARMACY .1 . .;y . ' .. . BBBki. ' ( ". ' fli ' MMk . Willi - Ml m MHmmm jKBSSSh. r'-V, '. M Gome iii5nd;Se purriew Dept. ; Everything you need in eyewear! IRSIIWWI I vv ft. M- ... M11thaOS!s." I, it Ph. 477-1211 Mm dally rtcbraskan I. , r , . - .' )).. , i , .'. iy... v ' - .. .... . ' ' -.: . .t.Ai r iriUcHS Tor n re: .-typing, mimsographlng, aft and vi.v.xr-v ,vrr-r; -i.-r .- ' " f firm nainprs'l I" tfanaria'a arnl- . ' ! . Jerrn papersll.CanadaTTarg - - esi service.' f-or catalogue send .,$2 to:- Essay Services, 57 : Spadlna .Ave. 208, .T -Ontario, Canada. w- Toronto, MISCCUANEOUS NEED 'RIDE TO Sf EAUL . . J-.P'i lJ'.c T.9 ' .rMUU, us appra.se your gar. . vve iraae Clean tat model MinniTYTHVOTA I .;': ; 2060 itoh. v '475-7661 - " 4fi7-?w , r PERSONALS .. Pregnancy is needing a . If lend. , For. confidential under standing help, call Bifthrlght, Store v . ? r mi 1 ivi rvi ' 1 ir v m a nv s a Sfore""l3th ' 475-3 : .We. fueshe honor, ora, .: y- 1, 7, -.- ?(.r.j--..rr:',n77L'..,3'fr'. r ,u iniro maie.roommaie neeaea to I I VIII J .. '. , ... k . .... m mm tnM, M I - J' ''.'-. n t,r, . 'anrf' Hht'Ai tarda for UhA , imponani o scounis .on vour uio- -. .k m nrtMnL ';; ties Certter, 205 Nebraska:Un- inn- ..,-: y , .. . .... : , : rr NEED A M ATE? : -' - .Wanted; One ; mature naie i roommate to-share; two bdrm.. duple. Great location. cSosa to " ' campus ; and, downtown.' Leave 'S name .and, number at .472-2589 , "house with vard. Tfi mln 'wAik ; . from rammi. tRilrm l.fl i,m ' StOD at.2287.Sheliio.vSs:. i'.i,; 1 432-7182 v ' ' ' MENtVOMENt ' " '.. ,30B5 'ON SHIPS! .No experience required. Excellent pay; World- ;,.-;wjoe travel. Perfect 8umfr: r ! M. or... career. ;iena ,,$3.uy -ifi information. SEA FAX, Dept. L5, P.O.. Box .2049; Port An ; geies,"Washiftgton S8362;. i .-' phono 475--6731 St' t V f i . ii. 1', Kb. fWB! 1 ... -"y r GROUND FLOOR -:V.f . .- . ' j... .A, . .. A 4 A A 4. fc , t. ..4 A 0t