receive decreased allocations While yearly budgets have Increased for most UNL' organizations, allocations to Black United Sister (BUS) have decreased. BUS is a campus social group created in 1971 to open lines of communication among black women, according to Annette Hudson, BUS faculty advisor. AS UN allocated $280 to BUS in 1973, but in 1974 the Fees Ailocation Board cut that sum to $100, used mostly to cover office expenses, Hudson said. In a letter to BUS, the board stated it "felt that a speaker proaram to increase the awareness of Black Arts duplicated other efforts planned for next year." Thus ; plans for a speaker program were dropped, Hudson said. She said the board lumped together the requests from all black organizations on campus not realizing that separate allocations were heeded for each group. "the board gave each group a lesser amount than it would have had the board considered each group on Its own merit," she concluded. . The board "also appropriated $1,100 to the Minority Affairs Culture Program for Black Students and $1 ,400 to the Afro-American Collegiate Society. These two groups and BUS work together to sponsor Black History Week, an annual event focusing on black culture, she said. One important BUS program is Big Sister-Little Sister, Hudson said. Black freshmen women are paired with sophomore, Junior or senior class women who help acquaint the freshmen with university life. ' "It's a great help to the incoming freshmen," she said. Another proposed BUS program involves Lincoln's Malone Community Center at 20th and T Streets. Hudson said BUS volunteers become Big Sisters to black girls at the center. r n n f innnn SO YEARS AGO Hnffman. orominent in engineering circles of this University, attendee I the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engi neers, at Cleveland, July 9-11. ' "The professor took an active part in steps for a Model Ventilation Law, he being the chairman of the committee in charge. "On the return, several intermediate points were visited at which inspections of heating and ventilating plants were maoe. fivp mpn nathered in Memorial Hall Inn n f t a r rnnunnatinn to affect a tnnnio nm n n i 7,i 1 1 n n Mr. Harrv Ellis. Of Beaver City, Nebr., was elected president of the organization. Ellis has won the state tennis champion ship in doubles for the past two years, playing witn Davis, now at Harvard University. Orville Chatt was elected secretary and treasure? for the coming year and will accept the names of piospective mumpers at the office of the Daily N&b'aian any afternoon." " On the campus Thursday the effort of the Innocents to turn out the crowd was equalled by the Frosh effort to show true Cornhusker pep. The meeting was primed and charged by the tolling of the bell on Uni Hall, by the band Dlavinq outside ana Dy tne spienaiu per& of the speakers themselves." USSSS3SB I r " I'll P- . ff X Vr-ra-tr yjriifiT7K ; w j ' r,-,. c I I it. ill 1 T . f f lit I ll beneath the 'mushrooms. 1) I n ASUN Appointments opening exists on the Council on Student Life (CSL) Applications will bo taken until 1:00 p.m.. Friday, S;ptemW27:::: Applications may be picked up in the ASUN office, Room 334 Union Questions - phone 472-2581 24boursaday I C? 1 Do nut; therdk finest the "0" street worlds best -.ff0e They're makH s a batch QUI ) There is one secret that makes Valentino's mushroom pizzas taste so different. The secret lies beneath the mushrooms the crust. Not too crisp. Not too chewy. Tastes great with any topping. Over sixteen different combinations you can choose from at Valentino's. Why not share the secret with your friends? Share a Valentino's pizza! y AJLiioi s i ill ivy u People keep coming Ijfick. ( ti p-ge6 35TII &JIOLDREGE 64-5947 daily nebraskan raff lilt1, JiB UTO M!l flBI wr ' 114 W V cSv Celebrates . the first week of fall vith what else but... ALLstaff Cans Today-VeclnescJay-Sept 25 i! Da Wednesday, September 25. 1974