The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1974, Page page 5, Image 5
. m ,, . WVfWwywiji,;,.. , . , , t.lW.)iiliwiWTiiiiii'Wyi)i.iiiiilwiMiiiiiiii.i, wn,,,, . v w, Welsch . . Continued from pa. 1 "A situation could arise where different cuiteral ! groups would examine their own navels and compete to prove that their impact on American culture was better than anyone else's. Or it could become a tremendous outpouring of nationalism, like the 1874 fair." Welsch turned from folklore to a topic of November significance. This fail he said he will face three candidates for a seat on Lancaster County's Weed Commission. He said he disapproved of indiscriminate weed spraying used throughout the state. "Blue grass is not an expression of divinity," he said. "Other things have a right to grow, too." But not all plants need to thrive, he admitted. "I'm not an idiot," he said. "I know that some plants, like velvet leaf, have to be killed because they're detrimental to Nebraska's economy." But present spraying policies have created what Weisch called a double agony. "Not only are we funneiing unnecessary funds into sprays and into wages to pay sprayers, but we're suffering an incalculable loss in the ditches. Choke cherrys and wiid grapes have been severely damaneri bv these snravs." ---j j . Sociology department offers study in London i o u j i i y u The Sociology Department will again offer its full-time program, including up to 16 credit hours, of study in London, England for the Spring semester 1974-75. The curriculum will include a combination of discussion, seminar and independent study courses and is open to both majors in Sociology as well as nonmajors. Tuition is the same for the London study as for regular classes. Housing costs are also similar and possibly a little less . at the London site. " The program will be more fully discussed at a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 1 in Oidfatheri.Hall ,707. All interested studentsfeMWd. Vets split on amnesty By Randy Gordon The president of the UNL Student Veierans' Giyaiiizauori Said Thursday the group is evenly split on President Ford's grant of conditional amnesty to draft evaders and deserters. Rich Henderson said because of the division on the issue, the organization will not take a stand yet. But, he said, members are free to give their personal opinions on amnesty. "I'm basically against it because there ara about 1,300 prisoners of war or those missing in action unaccounted for that the government refuses to acknowledge or try to get back," Henderson said. He said that if and when these men are accounted for, "there is nothing wrong with amnesty on an individual basis." Henderson said he believes only the "true" conscientious war objector and those veterans who deserted after they had served one term in Vietnam and fled when they were about to be forced to serve another, should be allowed to re-enter the country under the Ford amnesty. He said evaders and deserters who had never been in combat should be prosecuted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice through a general court martial, which would give the defendant the right to a lawyer. Under the Ford proposal, draft evaders and military deserters who have not been convicted or punished can turn themselves in to U.S. officials before next Jan. 31, reaffirm their allegiance to the United States and agree to work In approved public service jobs for up to 24 months. For men already convicted or punished for desertion or draft evasion, Ford established a nine member clemency board to review their casesV"-' : Merlin Ketchum, vice president of the student veterans, said of the proposal: "I thought It vas humane and will do a lot of good for the country, if it's forgiving. At least Ford, by taking the step, let people know Ketchum, who served with the U.S. Air Force in the Orient, said he thinks the amnesty will further decrease the job opportunities for Vietnam veterans. "The evaders and deserters left the country and got their college degrees and will now come back," he said. "The vets, meanwhile, are starting at the bottom of the heap in jobs and schools." "Most of the deserters were able to get an education and can now return to get decent jobs," Henderson agreed. "Many vets are working at minimal jobs for only two or three days a week." John Clatterbuck, treasurer of the organization, said the group is trying to maintain its apolitical nature, but that he opposes any conditional amnesty until all missing Vietnam veterans are accounted for. "I personally would like to see all veterans serving in Vietnam receive jobs before there is any amnesty," Clatterbuck said. Henderson, who served as a Marine in Vietnam for 13 months of his tour years in the service, said he does not think amnesty will bring national unity on Vietnam. "There are too many hard feelings by veterans toward evaders and deserters and the nation is too evenly divided on amnesty for there to be a national healing," he said. He said Vietnam veterans are especially bitter because many are unemployed. "Of the five and one-half to six percent Americans unemployed, two and one-half percent of them are veterans," Henderson said. Henderson, Ketchum and Clatter- hur.k said thpv nrmr?e anv . unnnrfLS tional amnesty, such as that proposed Thursday by the Nebraska Civil for Peace. " ; ' ' T r'i 4 ,' fi 'THE ONLY SHOE STORES YOU NEED TO KNOW BANKAMERICARO. i 5 1 1 i v.-. FrH fill ""St Ed a 1 1 1 1 I If LrS Uzd Ltd . 1317'0'St. 2600 No. 48th (Down town) (48th to Baldwin) Park&ShoD Mon.-Fri. 9:30 -9:00; Mon.&Thurs.til9p.m. Sat. 9:30-6:00; Sunday Noon 6:00 So L i el 1 1 r. GAL'S SCHOOL SHOES ALL LEATHER Several Styles to Choose from... ( MEW'S FINEST QUALITY HIKING BOOT Values to $40.00 f 1 Q 99 J f slightly irregular Vah iGS to S 1895 YOUR CHOICE Both Stores no. 4 I W U. ,j u u Wednesday, z'cmbor 25, 1974 daily nebraskan j pageS