The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1974, Page page 2, Image 2
1 i 4 page 2 . t; j-irecoae requires Greeks to! V. - I improve Greek living units on the UNL and Nebraska Wes leyan University campuses are making improve- MVI III I I s 1 I (WW Willi iMv W i Jf WVV IM V j H W Inspector Charles Beachamp said Friday. According to the fire ordinance, "the term 'house' or 'houses' shall mean rooming houses, lodging houses, apartment houses, motels and hotels and shall include, all buildings, structures or dwellings containing three! or more rooms andor suites of rooms, or both, in which! sleeping accommodations are furnished by the owners or operators." " Provisions required in the fire code include a manual fire alarm system, lighted exits, separation of floors by fire doors, a proper fire extinguisher system and two exits from every floor. These exits must be stairways; ladders are not acceptable, Beachamp said. All 44 Greek living units on the UNL campus were inspected last spring, according to Beachamp. He said nearly every house required some improvements. Only a few houses of the needed no improvements. Those were houses which were fairly new and were built in compliance with original fire regulations. Fire Inspector Mike Durst reported that eight houses have completed their work and another 21 Jiave started construction. Formerly exempt from the code were buildings operated by charitable, fraternal, religious and educational organizations. When the fire ordinance was amended in July, 1971, the city removed the exemptions from such structures, including fraternities I and sororities. ' A volunteer group of Greek alumni has been formed to review the requirements of each house, and how and when improvements will be made. Williamette Shafer, an alumna of Alpha Chi Omega and chairman of the committee, has estimated the improvement cost per house as ranging from $500 to as high as $50,000. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, IS THE AST DAY FOR FN I B a mm m m vxmr- g m mm m -m m mam mom REFUNDS ON ALL BOOKS NOT NEEDED THAT WERE . PURCHASED FROM US THIS SEMESTER. PLEASE BRING THE CASH REGISTER RECEIPT AND DROP SUP. Campus Book Store 13th & R Open 8-5, Monday - Saturday 1135 R 432-0111 I 4 'J Hf; jHUnnitit'tli ttii-Hsiz if (ill w fMii:f:Tr M b & tij iflilMO To celebrate our opening in Lincoln, we make this i I : ; : : ; . - , . , I tyott ut't Pdf Mote , , a I i nTn -:.t ,, , 'is I - GESARDLESS-ef faur Prtscriptitm out om low rxict - t no tm - muwtt lir)! isii lt v Bitot) Lnm Tk(oc! tn. tmt h9c 9 ANY rRA ew lfg Micnen ( tiywa and icfon iwiet '..'l Jrirf your EYE ftY!CIA?l' (M D J or OfrOMtTBtsr (rfipv tt DOWNTOWN LINCOLN 1101 "0" STREET cosNEii of iKh and o" mm TEUf'HCNJ 43S-4S24 daily iiChraskan doi - s Pditor:We3;Alber3 Editor- n-Ch et: jane uwem. r ji.-,.' ooh(M Managing Editor: Oae Madsen. Assoola.a SSf. Brite. Layout: Mary S" J H Entertainment tdttor: ureg R Chief Photagrapher: Gail Folda. News Assistant. Lisa Brown Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens. , La: rh.,rk Rnk. Deb Bettenhausen, Lori I Heponers. nc,,y nh Grav. Iw Haroer. Clepper, Connie sue t.asKin, nnuy v..wm, Lvnn Mark Hoffman, John Kowskl, Ruty fjg"; 55, ? Silasek, Mary bnacKeiiuii, iviaf" ; . , Entertainment Writers: Dennis Ellermeier, Chuck Strinz, David WSports Staff: Bob Cullinan, Becky Morgan, Dennis Onnen,' Larry rn!mni!)s. Mark B. Rasmussen, Karen Richardson, Tim Sindelar, Nancy Stohs, Amy Struthers.; v; Artist: Ron Wheeler. Copy Desk: Ueb Bettenhousen, Christie Cater, Shirley Janssen, Ann Newberry, Mary Schackelton, Ron Ruggless v 'ina Manindri" Jerri" Haussler." Advertising" Manager: Ken Mirk. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Second class postage paia ai unwm, 1l)h , R Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R ots , Lincoln, NeDr. doduo. leiepnunw Tk. nn., KiAKrociran is nnhitshpd hv the Publications Committee on MnnHav Wednesdav. Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Maieriai may ue iBiyfimou without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. l : J Cross word Puzzle ACROSS 1 Actress Turner 5 Expensive 9 Recede 12 Seed covering 13 Scottish Gaelic 14 Chinese leader 15 An inert 17 Conclusion IS Native metals 19 Sinatra 21 Commenced 24 Round of applause 25 Incite 26 One-shot TV shows 30 Transgress 31 Begin 32 Cravat S3 Cooking pans 35 Beverage S Gas 37 Old-fashioned 3S Early public 2 officer 3 40 Heath 4 42 Baseball's Gehrig 5 43 Wandered 6 48 Doctrine 7 49 Large lake 8 50 Bristle 51 Dance 9 step 52 Water 53 Rip down : H 1 Resinous IS substance 20 Exist Nothing Take out God of love Donkey Perform again Corrects or improves Judicial bench Carcass Vase Blackbird Avg. solution time: 23 raia. TwHE A z a ST E; X. N ;:A' AL .EE. MAP LlEiJElD EiNJ ip ymoETsl Co Answer to last puzzle 21 Former pugilist 22 Spanish river . 23 Certain Oowertog plants 24 Possessive pronoun.; 2$ British gun 27 Common value 23 Fabrica tions 29 Withered 31 Raged 34 Bishopric 35 Merest 37 Seed covering 33 Fastener 33 Bonheur 49 Mutilate 41 Single units 44 Epoch 45 Female mff 41 Greek letter 47 Patriotic org. 1 rrij " p iHP"6 H i" iA9'k fi , : : llll ,4 ,y;V u&fr. l&A&iL m-mmum-- ifrffm ""Wr? 1 ffWf.'WWff 21 22 25 pM ;;t i iiwiii i. ml Ulna I iiMMkMnM 'fW nnllnn" MMfM MVHMWt- MiMKMHftaW Pf9lWf iMHMii WMMHk MMflMni 30 ljii -M 1 l. 1 1 imiLii ii mmi ii 1..MLWHH KdAAfHnd hi iiwwmwwii tmmmmmwm mmmmm syygWW" hmmmi MBMtM 33 3 f'J3 1 -anwMH inimrnr Mini' ,HM:'n't "M mi iiniMWWiW.i i kaWWMWMMw mKwii - t JMnmni,i hWmmm. uumtwn MiHaM,)! tm tmtmitrintmmnimnmtdTitirfrih rin-imi r-iirir,imJ'"rnii In im iiuiliiiii iMm iii rnMUMiiiMw-imrmftTii nnflii mniini sponsored by: Lady Globe Scoreboard Listen to the Lady Glsbo Scoreboard every Friday night for the scores of your favorite high school team or call 432-6808. 1 240 on your dial mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmxm Wednesday, September 25, 1974 . t. i A t, A id A A ..H -H " , ,.,r Kit If