i t 'V V V Fate of Selleck questionable, decision expected in spring By Rusty Reno Whsthsr SsHsck QusclrsnQls v.'i.'l remain a residence hail or be closed next year probably will be decided next spring, according to Housing Director Richard Armstrong. Armstrong said the total capacity of all residence halls, excluding Selleck, is 4,534 while the number 6f residents this year is 4,553. In other words, UNL now has 19 residents in excess of the capacity of all the other halls, excluding Selleck, he said. . , ; If Selleck were closed down, then residence wbuid be relocated in other residence halls, Armstrong said. Armstrong noted that this year there' are 276 fewer residents than 1973's total of 4,829.. "The answer lies with occupancy in the future," he said, "but because occupancy is uncertain then the situa tion in Selleck is uncertain." "I am not disguising my response ' that Selleck does not have a future," he continued. "But it appears that if we must convert residence halls to other uses then Selleck is our leading consideration." He said Selleck ;i in need of "big dollar" repairs. However; it' is too early to forecast, he said, and stated three factors in Selleck's favor; Housing does not wish to destroy the SeHeck community that has b?6n sot up over the years. Housing believes that renting of private rooms, whose number would probably be decreased if Selleck closes, is a good program. " There are 371 persons living in private rooms this year as compared to 257 in 1973. Other universities have shown an increase in occupancy and, because the .future "can't be predicted, Housing is reluctant to close Selleck. "All three points are relative to the economy of, the situation, so if we are losing money then the whole thing has to be re-examined," Armstrong said. Benton and Fairfield Halls, which are in Selleck Quandrangle, are occupied this year by the Department of Anthropology, Teachers College and Nursing. Possibilities for the remainder of Selleck, if it is closed, include married student housing or academic purposes, hesaid. "If during the year we get sufficient, indications that the drop in occupancy in 1975 will be by this year's amount, then it will be awfully difficult to maintain Selleck as a residence hall," Armstrong said. l J l is BACKSTAGE Glass Menagerie 12th & a Rovers are created to conform to th hup and con tour of your foof ...a SUPER-NATURAL form of foot wear comforf. In Rovers, your woiqht will b distributed to the back of the foot, rather than tho (font . , . w, as nature intended In addition Rovers hav u s:: i arch ihat yives you the sup port necessary for a comfortable, natural way of walking. We have a elction of 15 different Rover to thoo from. For Both Men and Women priced from $23.00 to $37.00 page 2 daily nebraskan doily oobroslcan rHitcr.in.r.hief- .Ian. Owens. News Editor:Wes- Albers. Managing Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate News Editor: Rebecca Otcv'w i a IWi . Brite Lavnut: Marv Beth Uranae. Sports Editor: Entertainment Editor": Greg Lukow. Night News Editor: Jane Hoge. Chief Photaqrapher: Gail Folda. News Assistant: Lisa Brown Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens. Rennrlers: Harrv Baumert. Chuck Beck. Deb Bettenhausen. lori ICIepper, Connie Sue Gaskill, Randy Gordon, Deb GraV. Ivv HarDer. Mark Hoffman, John Kalkowski, Rusty neno, nex- mC( ....... iSilasek, Mary Shackelton, Matthew i rueil, fareg wees. v Entertainment Writers: Dennis Ellerm.eier, Chuck Strinz, David Ware. '" . ' . ' Sports Staff: Bob Cullinan, Becky Morgan, Dennis Onnen, Larry IStunkel. Columnists: Mark B. Rasmuseen-, Karen Richardson, i im Sindefar, Nancy Stohs, Amy Strutters. Artist: Ron Wheeler. Photographer: Steve Boerner. Codv Uesk: Ueb Bettenhousen, Christie Cater, Shirley Jarissn, Ann Newberry, Mary Schackelton, Ron Ruggiess. "Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Ken Kirk. Production Marrager; Kitty Policky. ! 1 Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th. and R Sts.. Lincoln. Nebr. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588. . The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. ' NOW REG 29 nal. tanks Pearl Gourarnis Albino Coryariora Culfisli SI 9.95 $26.95 W .98 1 8 1.29 8 .79 $ 1.49 LONDON AQUARIUM 1511 North Coiner 466-7485 ft A PJ.1 LJ a a n-7rv I c.1 r of Lincoln Men's & Women's Western Shirts Long Dresses, Muslin Shirts and Turquoise Jewelry ALL MERCHANDISE HAND MADE YOU WON'T BELIEVE... the Superb Handling, the Roominess, the pic up... the the Honda Car ' Come on over for a test drive itMJBGLPiS OIBSOOME 21st & N 432-4451 thursday, September 19. 1974