The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1974, Page page 4, Image 4

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1 r XMu'"-.--. : .:C.vde. Pretty BovFloyd. John DMUngef. Al Capone, D-' -J
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A chanc
ften the nation's cities are cciq vnenji
comi to influencing legislative decisions. ; ; ,
iuse the opportunities to affect fed4rat Tc ffibticH 'f
ir , sa rare, UNL studentssulty tiM.llztt;V,Z?&?n
..ips lur kmu iiu oca uww
Intended to clarify the Education Atf Amentfnts ci
1972 ne gu dehnes proposea oy im J'f
He 1th Education and Welfae (HEW) cover vr-
th ng from admission- policies to cucfmvs &tj schcU
wnich accept federal money. - , . i : : jr , - ' ;
At the hearing, to be held in, the Nebraska t'.1:v, .trij
udien e can recommend guideline modifications to a
NL ' i hoc committee.
Currently, the guidelines' most vocal opponents are
olinq out the effect of the proposed rules on college
,rts The rules would require that colleges provide
comparable" training, facilities, recruitment and
travel financing in athletics for both sexes.
Although equal spending' In both areas iJ not"
required, affirmative action is, For example, if enough
women at UNL wanted to play football, the Univereirr
would have to supply them with a coach and a field.
Even more controversial ts the. 'guideiv Vr.t ..;
sport played by both sexes, such aslenhis, clfv.
would have to offer as many scholarships 'r.;6nu' .
players as to men. They also would t4 reqirfrctf .? ;
travel expenses and time on the courts..
The guidelines' effect on college ispu enf,,
important issue, however. The impact also would bdv
fftlt in the hiring and promotion of nctmcMVff Jf1? '
new rules would insure that women Are" enrK,td in
upper administrative levels of elementary and
secondary schools and colleges. - .
The guidelines also would forbid schools to impose
curfews and codes of conduct on women stunts snd
not on men. Pregnant students wouSd"rspt fca a'-hid to
live in separate dorms or attend sep&fa!, c!;!itfv.( ncr 4.
would thev be excluded from eompenti&!'i for
homecoming queen, in secondary scroop, bays yvoum ,
not be excluded automatically from clcssd: a norr
economics, nor girls from shop. T "- ;
Another fringe area the rules would afffYt i-5 tho
single-sex campus organizations. According HtW, '
colleges receiving federal aid will not t a alio,: .1 'to give'
'substantial" support to such groups iMhcy tpr.tmua
to exclude either sex. .. i.-'5
The guidelines would net effect mi!iUry'a. 'rr.-ss
religious schools "to the extent compliance '..ouid be
inconsistent with religious tenets." 'V.otitd net
require elementary or secondary rchc.'s ft" vt .ircJ
tlonally have been single-sex to ff.ityritof jiivf wla
they require private colleges to do so. , , .'
' Hnwpvw. all vocational schools and hradu.:' j
would Have to admit men atri women an f--! 0
The proposed guidelines could pro;-;':
headaches for college deans, welt i$
which to hang class action suits. i ; . - ,
Certainly they wit! have snlmpscl en Iho fc.i-.ftf UN.
community. Members of that community ste,-!j rcict
fn thf? nronnsed rules at the croon hearing. It c -t; help
f -r- - - ' , . . . . . .. t-,. i '
5 convicted
for buying
determine the fate of fairness
page 4
i I 5... v v w
September 8, 1975 Gloria N. Naysnon, d
seeminqly respectable housewife, was convicted in
Federal Court today of buying a $19.95 cuckoo-clock
plant holder. 1Q7f.
Flayshon, 39, was arrested under the 1975
Unnecessary Puchases Act, passed by Congress in
July as a desperation attempt to curb inflation. The
new law requires consumers to prove that any goods
they buy are needed for their "health, safety or
W During 9the dramatic trial, Prosecutor Franklin
Furter noted that Flayshon was already on probation -nnhocinn
a ti o qf spt of six antiaue Lucite
moustache cups and a" $14.95 Stuffed Canada Goose
Lamp Kit. ,,
, "Seated before you, ladies and gentjemen,
Furter told the jury, "you 'see that most-selfish,
f thoughtless and despicable of Americans a com-
PUlS'Vn herS'ense, the sobbing three-time loser said
only that she needed the cuckoo-clock plant holder ,
"to brighten up the living room."
The jury required just 17 minutes to reach the
guilty verdict. , .
Flayshon was arrested after her husband came
home to find the new cuckoo-dock plant holder as
well as a plea scrawled in lipstick on the bathroom
mirror: "Stop me before I buy again!"
Police found her in the Imported Curios Section of
a discount house. They said she was pale, trembling
and perspiring. They said, she begged them to allow
her to buy "just one little $1.95 Zamboangan Rain
Goddess" before they took her in a plea they, of
course, refused. ,
Under relentless questioning by Prosecutor
Furter, Flayshon admitted she had violated the
terms of her probation and had not only read ads in
newspapers and magazines, but watched a commer
cial on televisions..
"I had already gotten up to go wash my hands 18
times in 29 minutes," she told the jury. "So I just sat
there exhausted, telling myself, 'One teensy
commercial won't hurt'.
"But they showed this really adorable cuckoo
clock plant holder and this indescribable craving
came over me, and I knew I just had to have a fix
and..." At this point she broke down in tears and
couldn't continue.
cr -.!!,...; ha tncHi Defence. Atfnrnfv Pprrv Flk
made an impassioned pica for leniency.
"I admit, your honor, that my client is a junk
junkie," he said dramatically. "But let us remember
that she has been conditioned since infancy by a
" trillion dollars worth of advertising to become hooked
by an insatiable craving.
s-fl -ni r But Judge Hector (Hanging Hec) Woolsoy was not
vjl I lUI .impressed. "To see the defendant as simply a victim
nf h.f.r nnimnrwerKhnri pnvironmpnt . " hn kniri
Sternly, "is bleeding-heart nonsense. To protect the.'.
AAnAmi tt'afrilu rf tali HWrt4 ritifnnc fhie ufAnnrt
must be incarcerated for what she is an incurable
junk addict." .
The new Unnecessary Purchases Act has been,
widely hailed by economists and husbands' alike.'
Fvpn its fpw critics admit that it has solvnri thn
, Aflf problem of inflation. - .
44.1 iHwl With one-third of the nation's economy producing
nothing but useless junk for the past half century,
one-third of the nation's factories are now closed and
one-third of tho labor force now out of work.
"But at least this Great Depression wo are now in
is a problem we have dealt with before," a White
House spokesman said optimistically.
fConvriaht Chronicle Piihlishirtri r.n. 1Q74
r - j
i t SiJ iJ III'
daily nebraskan
wednesaay, September 18, 1974'
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