The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 18, 1974, Page page 14, Image 14

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! !
I i
V . .v. ...,. V h
i" . .'iLO' ; ;. 1
arred student housing scarce
29 gal. tanks
Pearl Gouramis
Albino Coryadora Catfish
now; KEG
(jl9J95l $26.95
3 .98 N 1.29
$ .79
$ 1.49
1511 North Cottier 466-7485
1 s a way
e high til
on ail tires and
service work
&with student ID
3, .2 weeks only Offer :
j ends Sept. 3()
"I don't think it's worth it myself,"
said Jim Canarsky, a UNL student who
applied Jor married student housing
about two years age. "When we put cur
name on the list they told us it would be
nine months. A year and a half later
they called us." - . I '
The waiting list for married student
apartments is long. According to the
Housing Department, the University
only has 84 units and there are 123
couples waiting.
The list has crown since last year,
according to a housing office spokes
man. Despite the epparsnt interest
shown by students, the office of
married student housing no longer
exists. . .
Wayne Blue, former director of
married student housing who is now in
purchasing said that when 19 year-olds
become legal adults the work of the
office went down 40 percent.
"Students used to have to live in
University-approved housing, and be
cause they were under 21, had to have
people co-signing contracts. Now, they
don t like to be told what to do or where
to live."
Housing Director Richard Armstrong
said, "To put it bluntly, a secretary is
now handling the work that Wayne used
to do. We just couldn't utilize him
But students are still kept waiting
from a year to 18 months for
apartments, according to Bush. Arm
strong claims there is nothing that can
be done.
"We know there Is a need for more
housing, but right now I don't know
whs! C2f! dens about it. .For ot.s
thing the federal government has Just
withdrawn its interest subsidary pro
gram which means that when we borrow
money to build, the interest rate has
risen from 3 to 10 .i We 'can't afford
more housing with those conditions,
he said. I
Blue said the problem has been the
same for years: "The question of more
housing for married students has been
around as far back as I can remember.
It's a purely academic question. The
money always goes toisomething with
higher priorities." , i . .
Another possibility Uhat has been
discussed by the Housing Department,
is converting dorms; into married
student housing. Armstrong said he
isn't hopeful. i
"If we didn't have the demand from
single students, it might be an idea. But
the demand is still there," he said.
"Besides that, it would cost so much to
convert dorms into married housing, we
might just as well start over."
Canarsky, who looked over the
apartments before putting his name on
the waiting list said, "The apartments
are all right, but they're not really worth
waiting for."
"We check these apartments. If there
are things wrong we contact the
landlord and get it fixed. We make sure
the apaitments are suitable to live In.
to be
i :
-.w -' . "w ' -- I C
Vocational group counseling whi ubiow
the first time at UNL within the month through the
University Counseling center,: according to
Counselor Don Holm.
Holm said the group will supplement and not
replace the one-to-one counseling presently
provided at the center. Groups will consist of five
to eight members with each member working to
gain "a larger perspective on himself, Holm
S3He contends that "interacting with other people
who have similar problems will benefit the clients.
'We'll very much steer away from tne
vocational class kind of thing you were exposed to
in hiah school," he said. .
Getting to know more people and having more
material to work with will also benefit the clients,
Holm said. Groups will usually meet for three or
four one-and-one-half hour sessions. ...
Schedules and groups will be worked out with
the individual clients according to each student s
convenience, he said. Counseling center counsel
ors will conduct the group sessions. ... .
Also being considered are groups that will get
into other kinds of issues such as helping students
clarify their own values on what kind of lifestyle
ihfv should lead, learn how to work out vocational
decisions and develop job-seeking skills J
There is still time to register!
rwr..miw ?fi 1974 -January 12. 1975
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Dear Avid Readers;
Due to inflation, our ad Is
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holding down prices in
our store. This weeks
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a.m. 1 a.m.)
1. International Broadcasting (Journ, 438f)
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. 2nd Year FrenchSpecial Topics (Fr 20239)
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i I
page U
(formerly Trixies)
13th & "K"
daily nebrs.jkan
vedncsday, September 18, 1974
f 4 . j . ,f t.j ,.? JJt ,t M. I. . f .