The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 1974, Page page 7, Image 7

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    Budget bdost sought
In a Saturday meeting in Scottsbluff the NU !
Board of Regents . requested a $115.2 million
operating budget for fiscal 1975, That includes a
10.34 per cent increase in tax dollars to operate all
' Not included in tho request, to bo sent to Gov.
'J J. Exon for approval, are recommendations for ;
Tpay raises'to University employees and improve-. 1
I ',ments. in agricultural Research and. 'rural ' health ; !
, programs,. nu president u.b. varner proposed to '
delay the pay raise request until December or until
', ' the cost-of-living increases can be determined. He
said he will hold off requests for- tfje rural health
and agriculture programs until next month. : , ''
, - :. l i " ,V jili. ' ! '
The $115.2 million includes money from three,
sources -taxes,' tuition and fcderal.aid.- : ; ;.
According to Varner ,.-70 per cent bf NU's budget '.
is for salaries and top priority is given, to salaries in
n1' i
i. :
kmrnrifnriiT v.-
! i V
Our business is the repair of VW vehicles and the selling of
parts and accessories for Volkswagen vehicles.
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You don't know
the players
without a
, the proposed budget. 3 1
- With reaard to the.- imDortance 'of Dav raises '
.Varner saidrf "Most of our staff, are now taking j
home less pay in terms' of purchasing power than ,i
they were five years ago; J .'. !j . '
, 1 ; , y -'i , j.i ,;, , i-, ,i, ,,f! i ,; i r, i (i j '
. i 'Also approved Was d S15.X million package fbr.,; u
, -capital construction. The regents spid that much , ;.
,:wiilbe required , to. fibance construction on theri
' , three N,U "campuses during the 197C:76 year. The i '.,
1 'projects will eventual I ycost $52. 8n)HSion. ' ' 1' I .
v . " f' 's- ')". !l I i i U .!,''!' !
r Top-priority 4or! "construction; .dn .the Li'ncolrl ;
campus wasgiven't'otne $5.7 million 'plant science 1
building; 'for UNO, ;a $10 rniii'ioo downtovn - .
, education -center, , and r for the .University of . ,J -
i 'Nebraska Medical .Center ar S8 miilion outpatient . i .
i clinic. " . i ' i' . !;:
"If Gallery
1 Mall
JJ Gateway
Dexter, Shoes "', ! 1
Reg. $22 - S24 (
Now t ,ii-',l't; ! '
i.,;,,,., j,, 1, 11 j 11 ' --1
!' The 'Joyce 'Johnson :An ' on for degrees or certlf h :
qcH Flight is hosting , art cates received at the .
end ofithe first semester
Sunday In'. W: Nebraska :Appliat- the Office -of sjp
t Jninn.'The Jovce Johnson ' Hpqistration and Records
;Angei; Flioht is a coed intormsticn vvinaow, ao,
auxiliary to'the Arnold Aif ' : : ministration Building Of 4
rv, -.n hnnnwru' fn ftco Hours: 8 a.m. to '5 '
the Air Force ROTC, ca . ,Pm. Monday through Fri- J
dots. ': ; pv , j ;
. ' . , ' Thc 'Human potentials '
The Alpha Lambda Del: , ,f)m- series will begin
ta-Regent's, Scholarship ,.'Sunda y;!at Sheldon Art
Tea will be from 4-5 p.m. Ga,er;': , .
!?d.ay:iS LJJmS'i 'SSixcojdr films producecj ,
Union, Persons ard , d h t a b Ma,
R5ht Sh?J- :Wa ts are. scheduled for 3 . .
year have been1 inyitcd to,;- L7u i .; . ,
attend, t - J: ' j: t,and7p.ra. , . ,
. f '' . j' '!TckeS for the Human
' Students ' wishing 'to I' . Potentials fiim series are
campaign to elect Sen,' '.. available at the Union
Richard Marvel for gover- 'south' desk,' at UMHE
nor will have an organize- Commonplace (333 N. 14)j
jional meeting at 6:3d and at Sheldon Art Gal
o.m. toniqht in the Neb " lery. Individual program
raska Union.' j ';' tickets' are $? each ($1,50
.!,.' I . ' ' students).' $5 ($3.50 'stu-
! October j Is, the dpidr oents) for all three present
iriO'for making . appjlca? tations. i: , ..-i":
i The'Blockbuster'
,f, ; j i ! just 1 of 5 styles
;," ", ! in 9 colors for Fall.
Special 1 week only . . . $19.90
"bbstoniahs FryeBoots Clarks imports Stomper.
ArmviGreen Is Ndt;i,hia;P.nly treen
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Qualified freshmen who enroll in , Army ROTC
; ; MS'J 1 Iniay be elegible for two and three year
I ;silo!arliips,:' worth'.uptd," :$2900 in treasury
' f"r'' -i'-!i ; ' ;EnroI!hok , U ' ,;;
Call 472-2468. ; Visit SV3 H 110
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NATURE SHOE A , a much talked abouf nofura s)ce tho paccs
', ijo liccl lower than the rest of tno:
! ;fKie park hrowk tan and tie dye;. ' ; ; . L0(O0"D''- bJOLTuDOGU O
'! I,,,,; tnnthrs. Bv Connie, '. : oi . DOWNIOWN . GATEWAY
,"" . 'I : S
L 1 H .W.- if rTTf1"'"""1-' Ti if : 3
ft 1
1 j
j j
Ihursday, neptcrnber 12, 194
!l . , ' : i ' i
daily ncbraskan
page 7
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