The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 1974, Page page 3, Image 3

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    ri-Sp !"" H rr"" i '. 7i - II
1 0 1 OClw I
-. ' C iw ifarp.r, , 1 i
, . 'G!vJ to hav? tha Information, but need to study it ,
'. ' i h;.i- b'lho reaction -of UNL professors to a' report-
sfteWinq hc thoir. salaries compare with each other
... . n r-i . t i wii ii &3i r-rr i " i r t r w : ..... -
tl,,f,A4J.. -1-- , t V(!(0 .Vi !iiJt lin,e 0 ec-d the report rr fully .
... "J i 'A .. "-.'A .. -- s vv' -"-i ------ - i- v ,--iH-"yi )i S '.'i'yt " jr ""' $ " - "--3v,-'i j'flH 1
. . , . 1 '" ' cicut salary inequality at UNL , ',.';-! ' ! I. t
; T ivj !::f:v--r-';0 report , issued Tuesday -by the faculty '
" SvM.'Conmihbe on Salary Goals and Achievement,1
' -mpiiVaiid salary dGtcrmir.ed tlirouyh' merit ! and :
- "M.uny ioachcrj, although reluctant to be specific'
'-. about how they feel, said they are happy the statistics ,
are out. They agreed that the committees' 5 rccomrnen-'
"' dations are sound. ' -
' The report shows wide gaps among salaries for full,
assoc:ate and assistant professors in different colleges, !
' , ; The highest paid professors are those in .law,,,
: ' cfr.listry "and . business, according to .the report.,
' Professors in arts and sciences and agriculture are'
' ' . ' among the lowest paid, the report indicated. ;
Ronald Case, assistant professor of wild life and
blolocy, said, "My reaction is the same as anybody who
is at" the bottom. I can't quite understand, the,
rationale." "
The report shows an assistant professor in
Gfjricjliuro makes an average of $1 1 ,GC0 compared with "
; . ', $13.1?0 for an assistant professor in home economics.
. ; ; "I'm all for equality," Case said, "but I feel I'm
- . . getting short-changed."
Case said it may be necessary to' pay law and dental
profe:crs hic;h salaries but he does not understand'
: , : why " tl.-iro . are ' differences among business, home
" "exonemk:;:;, ericuiiureHhd oihor colleges. 1 :
' HcL-crt Sitti-j, associate professor of political science,
. ' tasd no i3 nairvj to take a closer icoK at the figures. He
' ' said "thartho-salary .schedule proposed by the
. ' i cr.'.rnittEj :: is "most equitable" and- would be a
' $yi. . .'.f;: solution to the problem',
; ."tt!i ;-. re? .rned that UNL is far; be lev '
. ' ' . ; f : - - !':.-"; it is disconcerting to be so far below
; '.;t;-fiS put cut by tne American Assoctaticn or
First Down -
fou dor i i
' w . -mw 5- fu.a . .fea .t,. :,. , 1. 1.; 'i,. :n-Hour .
'? St'
i it pi
Thurs. Sun.
players' -without
Only 1 01
20 off all line bearers 1
H I r ,4 tCr Vf r aquarium tank, NOW
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10 gallon tank -stand,
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stand, NOW
full line of cram supplies
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5 p.m. 9 p.m. weekdays
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y iy in and M ..r-.-- -435-4745
- X". . 3.
I t ...
f- isy f-;o?r :crs (AAUP).
iTo rcc.ih mid level AAUP projections next year.
raises vvoula have to average 25.4 for professors,'
" 18 fti -associate professors, .11.1 for assistant'
professors and 15 for instructors. The overall average.
increase would be 19.
Hael M. Anthony, Dean of the College of;
- economic:, said she would like to know more about the
. adjusted figures. - . i,
The fieures are adjusk;d to take account for the v
(JHH'f vrico-.iii rank, years of service, sex and tenure", '
ctatu: f carding to Donald Haack, chairman of the.'
' committee. ' '
"icv! rc-'fisrti." " :
Ai-iucny .said whenever adjusted figures are used'
rather than actual dollars, a comparison is difficult to:
unf'vrstand. ' " y ", .- j
Mr.then L-id she would like to see the figures for the
"19i'4-;;. y t-ir. Th-v cornmiiteo report used salaries for
' ' 1 9 3-7 : Cha she i; sure the total picture would be ,
C'Jiz :,:. if tr. j. 7A -'75 figures were used. '-'.,-.
: The report said assistant professors in: home
cscr.smic 3 more than those in arts and sciences, i
c Un-r. - crirc.-u '.cf-crs, library and ar chitettursP ; ; :
: Ai.i-an" ;ij' full professors sn heme economics
ma.'-.! k is ir..-;;i fhos in niher colleges. :
G?'-:i Fn.i'-.q, professor and chairman of poultry
we a
his. and Guys brands S I :v vitlues going for 950
Also pick up a free $5.00 Discount Card
carne out on the lo.ver:cnd. I
ti;o-".M th. import showed what we have been saying
,, , 1 (. ' " ' i -' !"
I 8 -W Y ' -
' Horcr
pi zO t r t
Let the Atlas Carpet Company take the frost off
your floor with our quality, foain-haeked earpet.
We huy earpc t emU in hulk so you can buy
" beautiful , warm arp t for as little a S3.25 per
Mjuare yard. . So warm up , spruce up , and
soften up your room with carpet from Ada;
and take advantage of the tremendous aiiigs.
i r
1' r,ft f
; ' ' C 'reeled by Fritz Lang .
' Germany 1926.
frrinif September 1 3
;j'.r"-.r.;n'ji at r & y p.m.
.. J'jrs Art C. y and R Gtrrf
i ail r 1 1 mini n im iir i nin rrlrr - - n "Tmnrmmr' n i rti Trrnr r"" i imiiwui i hMiaiwMWil
i Ioi.-Sat 10 to 6
: X
(- Lhicoins doIl-) our.-elf itrprl cctdcr
"1 !' 0 O
thurs'lay, s--ptemh-r 12, 1974
daily r.ebrackan
page 3
a 4-- .