;v V y V -tj' t t XI t - . "X "ft 'v Jfl VV'V''S J H t ' 1 li 1 1.1 i I- ' If L ASUN Interviews - -Thursday $effis-) For: Faculty , Senate CorAffilttefes '.Position Student suspension Commencement , Teaching Council . Committee on Equality Computational Services &Faci.ities 1 " 2 i grad ',.' f 1. o Judicial Bd.'ori Equality Pick up applications and 3ign up for interview at ASUN. office Wednesday 8;30 a.m. Admissions, Workshop-Nebraska Union 9 a.m. Counseling Center - Union 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . Builders Activity Mart-Union 4 p.m. Phi Chi Theta Union 5:30 p.m. Engineering Toast masters-Union 5.30 p.m. Gamma Lambda Union 6:30 p.m. ASUN Senate Meeting-Union 7 p.m. NU Meds-Union 7 p.m. Interfraternity Council-Union 7:30 p.m. NU Wildlife Club Union" ' . 7:30 p.m. Math Counselors-Union 7:30 p.m. Centennial Col lege. Workshop-Union rri 'A I 6 1141 i I 7 o o:i n o ' : ' . lNi i :....-, i(OTwiwtK W f year Army j an -to qualif led ; iT5 I i 11 p 3 1 "-l 0 13 il ..HilQ U J Sill . ,31 fr ri p-'i r ' r " j i ( I i ? i ,i y : iv w f I jf ' J ft A i ; V, I A tfccU cJittun pMMw4 bf the Dily Nchrakan. Hrl Down tectyi no Muiient ( wppmt (l';is!) Oregon vs. Nebraska on Saturday and you won t know the players without a program And for 1 0 cents you can't go wrong It's the cheapest thing in Lincoln on a home football Saturday. First Down still only a DIME :. buy orte' Saturday . call 472-2588 for vofumn discounts! 1 P UNL students tutor 100 Indian children About 100 Indian children were on the UNL campus Tuesday night to be tutored by university students. , The organization bringing the children and university students together, Tutors of Nebraska Indian children (TONIC) operates with the Winnebago Reservation. Twenty-five io 30 tutors travel to Winnebago once a week to meet with about 60 children, and 85 tutors work on the UNL campus, the children range in school grades from kindergarten to eleventh. ' Co-coordinator Suzy Prenger said TONIC is riot a liberal do-gooder organization, but "we try to fill the academic and social needs of the children." However, she added, tutors benefit from the teaching experience and have a chance to instruct on a one-to-one basis with the children. "Our most important concern Is getting tutors committed to the cause," Prenger said. "If a tutor does not show up then the children think that person has quit on them." According to Prenger, the children are not forced to attend weekly sessions, but success is measured by attendance. One goal of the tutors is to instill confidence and trust, she said. , "A basic problem is that they need to learn how to read and write," Prenger commented, "and learning may not be the most fun thing for them right now, but it is most helpful." Tutors keep in contact with the child's teacher to stay informed on his progress, she said. Prenger said TONIC has offered to tutor the children at the Wounded Knee Barracks. It is not known if the school-aged children there will remain at the barracks for a full school term, she said. Recruitment for TONIC and the independent study courses that accompany it is continuing, she said. ASST. FRY COOK evening hours, will train apply in person RAMADA INN Interstate 80 & Airport Pre Vet Students Organizational meeting! for Pre Vet Club Wednesday Night 7:30 Vet Sci Building Ml Cross word Puzzle 37 Gr6wsdim 41 Bakery product 42 Possessive pronoun 43 Catch up with 48 Joint 49 Nothing , 50 Furnace 51 The Orient 52 Perched 53 Tear '"BOWN-"'"' ' 1 Twitching 2 Commotion 3 King 4 Sipped 5 Winglike 6 Garland 7 Poly gon 8 Biblical mount 9 Medicinal plant 10 Birds' bills across;,"" T'BaSeif product 5 Mountain 8 Argot 12 Concept 13 Lila or Peggy 14 On the sheltered side 15 Racing shell steersman 17 Steals 18 Sailor 19 Most docile 21 Ud 24 arrived 25 Confined to bed 26 Spanish explorer 32 Kimono sash (33 Quadrangle 35 Sect 136 Russian mountain , range Avg. solution time: 23 min. cTHnOiPnDiAiRff L1L-N M Kjlii iA'MU ll'AL b AMlU K fc't3'AilN!U!INJUlU!U.il' ,.'. hriSf, V .i SPiOOPHBUUPJUiSH TZL U.kiA.PibULlA' f !AV;A R.E F-';Q K M E D f I P(b,k;b AltASriEiRiRl UEIAR TiYiREuyiifeumag answer to last puzzle :11 - Examinations T6"Conflicr 20 So be it 21 Throw 22 Woodwind 23 Outlet 24 Celebrate in song 26 Explosive forces 2? Noisy 28 Capable 29 Insect eggs 31 Rabbit 34 Reddish brown 35 Religious singer 37 Pelt 38 Type of fuel 39 Goddess of the moon 40 Crude me tab 41 Zone 44 By way of 45 Salutation 46 Cognizance 47 Conclusion I U p 4 Is I6 7 I j8 I9 ' " ' .''4v': , ;,,, 12 j-Tjl.5 . j!4 I 1 frH i H i lrzt 1 H 1 'ifywyy- yryrrr 11 - ' -wm.. HnwM,., ..mwwm. , T , .3 , 19 20 : ( , ! ' : r I 22 23 ?4 ';'' . ' i 2S I i 20 . -.IL I I mWfMHM. .yyyyq-y)., -d-; i Mi.wiM.n I --.111 1 T 111 I III --, rrnl.fl I ' T,,. -,,., ill... ; . 36 157 ..4.M..-tAwi: waHt. 1, , ' M'l V , , -ho 4i Hi I?9 vT f I..,,...., , 1 i.iu-,.. .,...!. ...J, a...i.i,X-.n 1.1 ' lmmMh4maJimdmm v,ednod3y, September 11, 1974 - - daily nebraskan