4 . Hi 4! wir,y''-W" !Ww.W,Wr:;r,rf-,-,'fllr"J,',-':,V;ft,'(e" George Shearing Quintet . ! New Chr.sty Minstrels . Carnival De Mexico J r t . r" James McCraken and Sandra Warfield Spanish Radio-TV Symphony Orchestra of Madrid World Series will be contest Students and Newcomers to Lincoln... Fight Entertainment Inflation! Students: 5 concerts for $6.00!! Join Lincoln Community Concerts students $6-adults $12-families $30 ADMISSION BY MEMBERSHIP ONLY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FOR 1974-75 SERIES Number of Adult Memberships ($i9rtn) Student Memberships ($6.00). Family Membership ($30.00). J Names and ages of children I Enclosed is my check for $ I Bank Americard I Master Charge . Expiration date. Expiration date. i I Name: ' J Address: , Telephone: . Detach and mail this form tndav in- I LINCOLN COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION I 400 Sycamore Drive, Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 for more information. call 483-1515 Opinion by Bob Cu!!inan With the 1974 major league baseball season winding to a close, the time draws near when everyone picks his favorites for the pennant races. Dyed-in-the-wool Yankee fans -are heralding the return of the New York greats, who have, as of Tuesday, returned to the top of the American League East. Others cite the clutch play of both the Boston Red Sox and the Baltimore Orioles, who are noted for their pennant drives. The other contests seem to be almost wrapped-up, with the Oakland Athletics leading the American League West by more than six games at this writing. The A's appear to have the momentum needed to win their division. ' In the National League East, Pitts burgh and St. Louis are see-sawing back and forth with their divisional lead. Pittsburgh is temporarily out in front, with St. Louis a scant two and one half games behind. The National League West is also a tight contest, with Los Angeles leading Cincinnati by three and one naif games. St. Louis should win the National League contest in the East, and Los Angeles will win in the West. St. Louis is fired-up for the closing weeks behind team leader Lou Brock. Brock's aggressive play, in the quest of a record 105 career stolen bases, has ignited the rest of ' the Cardinals as well. Los Angeles is relying heavily on the power hitting of Jim Wynn and teammate Steve Garvey. In the American League, the Oakland A's will probably face the Baltimore Qripjes in the title games. Oakland has been strong for the greater part of the season, and they show no signs of letting down. The Orioles always finish the season in a flurry, and their superb hitting and late-season pitching should make them winners. Now for the World Series. It looks as if the A's will continue their recent dominance of American League baseball by beating Baltimore to get into the series. , . As for the National League, Los Angeles has the strength to go all the way. Pittsburgh has had a recent surge in its pitching staff, but it's doubtful they can keep it up. As for the Series itself, your guess is as good as mine. Oakland has always done well in the World Series, while the Dodgers haven't seen a Series title for many a year. Oakland is a very morale-oriented ball club, and a few intra-club hassles over the past season may have scarred its spirit a little. Los Angeles has led its division throughout the entire year, and the title is within reach.", , The Los Angeles Dodgers will win the World Series., , spores sfoorSs ) The UNL Water Polo Club is starting the fall season with a match Sept. 28 against Drake. The contest will be in Lincoln. Anyone interested in playing is welcome. Any questions should be directed to the Recreation Dept. or Mark Rinne at 467-2603. Practices will beqin this week at the i,nQqj&pum pool from 6:30-8:30 p.tru , 1 SJil ' ' I I I I 7-9 I k o new fall fashions i y l J o modeling 1 I I ' l' o beverages 1 J ' j , ' r o hers d'oeuvros daily nebraskan Wednesday, September 11, 194 4 4 itMMAtS 4 A A . 4 A 4u A A .4 JfJ?. 444J44A.J,