X 'a, v "x ""H.X X X X X'XX x-xxx --.- v,. -r " ."V"''-'-' . f n t v - ' . h, V, CREATING BETTER LIVING FOR UNL STUDENTS ... Independen t studies increasing 'A New Concept n foMe ftome lAftttf , Free two months rent if you move in before November 1, 1974. Club -house complete with ping-pong and pool, tables. Wet bar and fireplace, conversation pit. Heated pool, tennis' court. Baseball and football field. Two fully equipped playgrounds. Picnic ground with gas grill. Two car off street parking, and in park city bus service. Free storage shed, cable tv", water, sewer and trash service. MORE THAN JUST A PLACE TO LIVE! 2801 N. W 1st 475-5572 plus special guest EL YIN BISHOP IN CONCERT Thursday Oct. 3rd 8 p.m. at Pershing Auditorium. Tickets $5.00 in Advance and $6.00 at the door. Tickets available at the Union South desk, Dirt Cheap, Brandies, filler & Paine, Jfce Daisy, and. reisning oux omue. By Deb Bettenhausen . Independent study programs are groving in popularity, according to a Daily Nebraskan check of several departments at UNL. The English, Modern Languages, Science. Business Administration and Math Departments all reported enroll ments in independent study courses equal to or slightly higher than last year. One reason for enrollment increases in the English Dept. may be the fact that major requirements in English have become more flexible, said Tom Bestul, vice-chairman of the department, " Bestul said he expected a few more students to enroll in independent study courses this semester than last semes ter. ' Last spring, 126 undergraduate stu dents participated in English indepen dent study programs, he said, compared to 66 the previous semester. Such programs are entirely student initiated, Bestul said. To begin an independent study program, a student must contact a professor who will agree to supervise the work to be undertaken, he said. Course credit depends on how much work the student wants to put in and may range from one hour to six hours credit Iper semester. "Student and professor work out an agreement for the course of study and arrange for occasional conferences," Bestul said. One study Bestul cited was a study of novelist James Joyce who was not treated as fully in class as several students wanted. The Modern Languages Dept. also offers independent study programs, according to D. E. Allison, chairman of the Modern Languages and Literature Dept. Most programs offered within this department are in the areas of literature and linguistics, he said. The number of participating students has been fairly steady in recent years said Allison, who was unable to estimate the number participating this year. Independent research also is offered in the Collgge. of Business Administra tion, sajd.fJary Schwendiman, associate dean. Economics and management projects have probably shown the greates enrollment increases, he said. Prof. Gary Hergenrader, Interim' director of the School of Life Sciences, said independent study programs In th . SrJencs , Bent...: are generally a research project, usually lasting one year. . About 20 to 25 students have enrolled for independent research projects this year, he said. This is about average for a semester, he said. Students have studies such subjects as environmental factors in regulating resting stages In aquatic organisms and genetics, Hergenrader said. - The Math Dept. offers more than 150 college-ievel courses In independent study programs, according to Irene Johnson, college counselor for the Extension Division in College by Corres pondence and Evening Classes. Math courses offered through inde pendent study programs are almost identical to structured classes offered on campus, Johnson said. A prepared course syllabus is made by the professor in charge of the course, she said. About 2,000 to 3,000 students en rolled in college correspondence study during the past year, Johnson said. During the first two months of this fiscal year, beginning July 1, there have been 542 enrollments, she said. Enrollment figures have fluctuated during the past few years but they reflect a gradual increase, Johnson said. Johnson said adults desiring to work for a degree often try individual study programs to see If they are capable of undertaking college classes. Profes sionals use these courses to update their educational information, she said. Independent study programs reach people all over the United States and. throughout the world, including people in the . military, Johnson said. One cannot earn a degree from independent, study programs alone, but credits earned in that way may be applied toward a 'university ' degree," Johnson said,' ;' ' : Qd ft 7 I Mil i. 1 r. ff r 1 3 f 1 f 6 $ i i a ) I r M A L. It is f 14th and R;! ;;. M I J 'Lincoln. j I j O Q i ft Q ti Nebraska Union Open 8:30-6 Monday thru Friday, Saturday S:30-noon. I page 10 daily nebraskan, vednefday,. September 1 1 , 1374 rife. At.J., . '' vlVfil'-')'