; -5 W K W v w v i I . h. . v. MI-::-' 5 5 . I it 'i Wave ydu picked up your 1 iwjX Sofas iHOSPizza 6Mrae3l'6,r;size;. o Order whenever Free whertdu ppen a ch !.6r savings -account at FI RST NATIONAL LI NCOLN I icu 1 sc;i o pi awv Two of UNL's cross country runners said they think Nebraska's track pro qram shouldn't be taken for granted. ' " Keith Whitaker and Harold Stelzer, who are from Massachusetts and received UNL athletic scholarships, said they can't believe the difference in team attitude and organization here as compared with team attitude and organization in Boston. v , . becky morgan 9 8 SsMB 1 ;.:-,s6&o 13&L "It's more serious out here." Stelzer said. "Back east we had trouble with starting times and organization. Whitaker, a sophomore and the only returning letterman on the cross country team, addded that the program is much' bigger at Nebraska. "The people are more friendly here too," he said, In addition to distance running, Whitaker and Stelzer are working out as potential milers for spring track. - -j j. 3,-- : A i. - -J A -.-.HPfc, llliluBMlilill II I IIP Hi ttPH Hdlf IP MWP F I - pphf hip 4ir f w w-fv-w " ' . - - - - - -iftBiiifiiiiiiiitiiTiiHirTH mm m m mmwm m w m w "There's not much spare time," they said. Both said they run an average of 15 miles each day,- divided between two running sessions. The first session is at 6:30 a.m. before class and the second usually begins at 2:30 in the afternoon, they said. ' Whitaker, majoring in business ad ministration, said he likes the university and thinks tt has a lot to offer. ; Stelzer, a freshman majoring in criminal justice said he hasn't been at the university long enough to judge Its academic program. Both runners said they were influ enced to come to Nebraska by Peter Scott; a former Nebraskan who set UNL's half-mile record. Scott, now in Massachusetts, worked with Stelzer and Wnitcker when they were high school runners. ' Commenting on this year's cross country team whitaker said, "We are rebuilding right now. We've got a good crop of freshmen and there's more desire this year. You get out of it what you put Into it." Colorado and Kansas will be tough competitors, he said. - SI n 111 ..... mi 111 m 1111 wwi' ! 2:00 -5:00 South Conference Room North Conference Room Nfihraslo Union ' ' J-i4ju.iLinmi 1.1 1 nni : -----pictj 1 ri Jmiliil II T ' . i'in;li-nuIMIWJMift.iyIW.M. i- ' ' " ' : f 1 -,v f U n ,-Ti Inl I w II In : " iv: 1 M ' ' .; I - WiJ m I li ! - 1 r 1 1 ( h ' :'l bt il "''.'' . aKvCI -: - " ! . li i i j . y 1 u A 1 1 s . . 5.',.";:'',,.;.:, -r-!.t W I r- - 1 I : V '';:::rn I I J ' I . ,-s j '''"f" ' - Jf ; ' I j j . Served with:. ' .;. 1 f t . '''Choice of Potato . Mi,..j t. b.-, I .'-.- t - li : ' Hot Texas Toast..". ' . ' - fT7! A T''' 7i" t ' '( 'I .'Tossed .Green Salad n t if k-? . ; 1 J - 1 ?j II Chnlie of Dressmn . f t r - ,- ,:' ,,. - ; Jm-.w n 1 j , i 1 Pspcr fi.tpkjr,3 ' ' ; when you order ths spU . j . Tg;'j. . -. . .t j . , rr. , . . " - n jl -''V v;;Z C-0-- 'rP 0? 0&iy from, jj 1 - ; t V - i'JL:L J 11:00 a.m. - , j. H ' : v vf ,J " VVnon you're really hungry for something good ,! !; - . ; 244 North 12th Street j: ! 1 , V f ' I j M 11 . ' ' ? .. .' ..: . . . . t . - . 1 1 ' ' - . . ' ' - ' M I ? - . . : t . ... . , j w . -. . . . Freshman men Interest ed in the UNL Rowing Team should meet Tues day night at 8 p.m. at the Crew Boathouse. For more Information contact the Freshman crew coach Jerry Huber at, 435-9605 or 432-2442. - , Women Interested in athletic scholarships . should apply in Room 103 of' the South Stadium Athletic Office. Deadline Is Monday, Sept. 9th. The Rugby Club needs new recruits. Anyone wishing to join should contact -Mike Potter at 432-48031 1 Former Nebraska foot ball star Rich Glover was one of seven players cut by the New York Giants Wednesday. Glover won the Outland trophy In 1972. The UNL Soccer team will open its fail season against Concordia this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at Seward. It will be their first of eight games this fall. Desk Clerk 3-11 P.M. Will train, Apply in person. Ramada Inn 2301 N.W. 12 lS WMITMAM 60c C05N BOARDS ALWAYS JUST 30c 1 1 ) 1 A ''V t k ff . tr f ea lunng a ro'Ttpltite line of Numismatic and Philatelic items, t-ook s and supplies, of all y mamac!u.'er$. ; daily nebraskan friday, Septembers, 1974 I.