! ! I ' ,.. . . " i fi'- i ' ,i,i.-.,.ii...ii-i'MI' -' 11 . ; "" ""' '" ' "V . 1 ' : i 3 page 8 t V leL V ' - I f 1 fir i '-. I I i jr r t v - i! i . .. v- . ...... ....". ' .. , f . . . : . 'L - ,-8-.". ' .1 v . - - 5 7 l7 f if : I L r 1 ne uptical iqop . lirlislieJ eyeglasses Severs; 'Little trouble finding work-study jobs ' Last year Doug Severs, UNL work-study advisor, only had trouble placing one student in a work-study ' program that interested him. The student wanted to be . a chef, and there was no position on campus like that. Bui about SCO other students fere a!! working at jobs. within their colleges and interests, Severs said. ; "Every! student who applies for financial aid is ! automatically considered for the work-study program. Of course, not everyone takes the jobs. We generally : have more requests for students than we have students," Severs said. ': The jobs include work in all the departments on campus and in all colleges. They include messengers, carpenters, public relations work, grading papers, running projectors, child care help and lab assistants. The pay runs from $1 .90 to $2.70 an hour depending on the skills needed for the work. Severs says he doesn't know to. what extent these students depend on work-study to meet expenses, but says that over-all i surveys show the jobs to be extremely helpful and in many cases can make the difference between graduation or not. ; 1 Severs said although the school year has started, ; students who need work-study programs can still ; contact him in the Financial Aids office. ; ff eecls ' A .eBOFter; Ttie y NL ngwspajr is rowacccrpting r applications for the "positions of reporters 'and news assistants. Contact Becky Brite 9 lor Wes Albers at 472-2590. n 2 . A f J3&'11 A ... rl" in n ,11 A mmm HMN I U aiJM'j y 1' ' L'JUTrr' .-''" .' , '. '.' '' . ' ' - 'i - ' T "i 1 - ; . ' i i .1. You've got an idea. You want to tell all your friends so they'll join your cause. Print the message on your T-Shirt. Bring us your message and cur machine will print as many T-Shirts as you need. It sa great way to personalize and identify your idea. j : ' i You see, we're a lot more than a bookstore. I 1245 R St. 43331 " b -wv,- SW-J' u College .Students m. jyL m. You can add to your income,work in pleasant surroundings with friendly people, and still have plenty of time for studies. Miller & Peine has; interesting j I and rewarding openings for you ! as a sales person or waitress. i 1 ; If you're available at least 2 days fa week between, the hours of 11 . )a.m. and 2 p.m., you can use this I'timeito' earn at least federal minuiuuin wage (waitresses earn 1 1: generous income from tips), and (i yoirll have the privilege of a generous discount on your 3uchases at Miller & Paine. 4pj)iy in person to 'the Personnel 41 IcnorliiienU 7th floor (lownfoivn. r A. ' 1 ff 1 1 O 'pn iwjller cj if daily nebraskani ... t Wednesday, September 4, 1974