ASUN posts open Interviews are being conducted to fill two ASUN Senate positions and 19 other ASUN appointments for the 1 974 5 school year. Openings are: senator, Teachers' College (1 j; senator, Graduate and Professional College (1); Housing Po! "' Committee (3); Council on Student Life (3); Fe Allocation Board (2); Publications Board (2; I varies Committee (1); Scholarships . I A 1 4 .1 111 . . eliiu r ilienikicai Miua ouimmuee; ii pensions Committee (1); Commencement Com mittee (2); Teaching Council (1 ) and Committee on Equality (3). Applications for these positions will be taken Sept. 2-6 at the ASUN office, Rm. 335 Nebraska Union. r ddllu ftcbreskctfi Cdftor-fn-Chfef: Jane Owens. News Editor: Wes Albers. Managing Editor: Dave Madsen. Associate News Editor: Rebecca Brite. Layout: Mary Beth Grange. Sports Editor: Steve Taylor Entertainment Editor: Greg Lukow. Night News Editor:. Jane Hoge Chief Photographer: Gail Folda. News Assistant: John Kalkowski. Editorial Assistant: Ann Owens. Reporters: Harry Baumert, Chuck Beck, Deb Bettenhausen, Lori Clepper, Connie Sue Gaskill, Randy Gordon, Deb Gray, Ivy Harper, Mark Hoffman, Kathy Kuhlman, Russ Reno, Pat Schitzer, Lynn Siihasek, Mary Shackelton, Matthew Truell, Greg Wees, Mary Wagoner.; Entertainment Writers: Dennis Ellermeier, Chuck Strinz, David Ware. Sports Staff: Bob Cullinan, Becky Morgan, Dennis Onnen, Larry Stunkel. Columnists: Mark B. Rasrnussen, Karen Richardson, Tim Sindeiar, Nancy Stohs, Amy Struthers. Artist: Ron Wheeler. ; , Photographer: Steve Boerner. . . Copy Desk: Deb Bettenhausen, Shirley Janssen, Mary Shackelton, Ron Ruggless, Christie Cater. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Ken Kirk. Production Manager: Ketty Policky. seconn class postage paid at Lincoln, NeorasKa. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R StS., Lincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588. The Dally Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. ... . nw,, ...... - i ; M CiKiTitl, K&s-c-rjluV ivROLLfcj Av Arn Arv jwiyjti'iij IIm run ff('nJ,X- 5 A$JOR, VOG&HT KNOW vCsHAT ME Z l0OKfM6n jl JIJ- I'i.A H i''T I I f?Ay . we're. ru4AuYanMi f ; N NHrnz'KDM' v&&lej VlllilliiiUi'J liir iuIi .OX i(iil7r;feWi'L TWS BST SCS3DS' ;m toojm, n cuts "ifi irrrTTTilMBMMMMMMMWWwnrfiti,-TLilli ,iiiiii'f riTf)iniiriiit m ran inn mi rnw inun-oriiriiHiiw imiiri-i-(ifi n nnr rriTin in i m 'I rn irirrriiniiiliiii n iiiMmJMwitniM Tinm num miwn iririMHiiiiTWi 'in liii . i . i Tirii"rin .dr o It will, if you want to hear phone bells this fall. Because Thursday, September 5, is the day our Student Telephone Directory closes. Please order your new telephone now, so your name will be in the directory. To order, come to our business office at 1440 M Street, where you can choose your phone from many different styles and colors. Remember the 5th of September, it's a bell-ringer. Tho Lincoln 1 : friday, august 30, 1974 daiiy nebraskan page 3 '