I..ti(''f-s.-w Vj, w w. ... V-W , ""S ' Some wonder bread: you 'knead' it 3 ways Toothpicks is back. This semester you will be provided with more relatively useful tidbits designed to make vour day iust a little stranger. The column will feature such timely topics as creative cookery in your I Ml I I VII WWIIW W dieting, many easy-to-make, practical, conventional recipes, as well as some that are neither practical nor conventional. This week the fine art of bread making will dominate the discussion. Many people think baking bread is very difficult indeed. Not so. Anyone with a little time and patience can do it. And, if you've got a little culinary talent, you have a head start. ' The basic infredients are the most important element in crating good bread. Substituting ingredients will vary the flavor and texture of the dough. I recommend using whole grain flour, as it is higher in vitamins and essential oils than the more processed white flour. Whole wheat flour is ground at lower temperatures and thus contains the highest percentage of gluten, which holds air in the dough and allows it to be more elastic. When substituting whole wheat flour for white flour use approximately one half the amount listed in the recipe. Rye flour tends to produce a finer-frained, moist, dense bread. Corn meal gives bread a crumble texture, crunchiness and sweetness. Milk makes bread smoother, softer, and contributes to a cake-like texture. It also lessens the coarse taste of some of the whole grains. Eggs make the bread lighter and more airy, as well as more tender and golden in color. Oil used instead of shortenings and margarines contribute to a cakier, richer tasting bread. Also liquid oils are. more easily assimilated by the body than the solid shortening agents. In addition to the whole wheat and rye bread recipes, a plain white bread recipe is included for all of you conventional types. ' koren richordson m p GGM Kill WholeWheal 1 cup sweet potato water 1 pkg. dry yeast 't cup oil 1 a cup honey 1 T. salt ;,; ---TAlv 1 V;. eupi.slocK or water, 6 cups whoie wheat'flour' V! cup soy fiour Vi cup wheat germ clash of nutmeg 1 . Dissolve yeast In warm water. 2. Add oil. honey, salt, stock, soy flour and wheat germ and one half of the whoie wheat flour. Mix thoroughly. 3. Add the rest of the fiour and knead. 4. Shape into round bail and place in oil bowl. Cover and set in warm place to rise for 1 hr. and 15 min. 5. Punch down and shape into 2 loaves. Place in oiled pans and let rue 1 hr. 6. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 rrnnutes. 7. After removing loaves from oven, brush tops with butter, 1 . Dissolve yeast in water. 2. Stir in sweetening and dry milk. 3. Stir in rye flour until thick batter Is formed. 4 Beat well with vipQ(5n,-100 strops).- T,,,....,, 5. Let rise 60 minutes. 8. Fold in salt and oil. 7. Fold in additional flour until dough comes away from sides of the bowl. 8. Knead on floured board, using more flour as needed to keep dough from sticking to board, about 10-15 minutes until dough is smooth. 9. Let rise 50 minutes. 10. Punch down. 11. Let rise 40 minutes. 12. Shape into loaves. 13. Let rise 20 minutes. 14. Bake in 350 degree oven for One hour. Rye Bread 1 V2 cups lukewarm water 1 V-i cups sour cream 1 pkg. yeast 38 cup molasses 1 cup dry milk (optional) 4V'2 cups rye flour 1'4T. Salt 34CUpOil 3-4 cups additional rye flour 1 V? cups rye additional rye 1-1 Vz cups rye flour (for Knead-ing(. 15 Remove from pans and let cool', or eat right away. Plain White Bread 3 cups lukewarm water 2 pkg. dry yeast 2tsp.sugar Vz cup sugar 1 T. salt 2h cup shortening (melted) 9-9 Vz cups fiour 1. In a small bowl, mix V cup lukewarm water, yeast and 2 tap. sugar. Set aside, 2. In another bowl, thoroughly mix 2Vi cups lukewarm water, Vi cup sugar, salt and 2 cups flour. 3. Then add 2 cups flour and shortening. Beat well. 4 Stir in yeast mixture. 5. Add rest of fiour and work in. Knead and put in greased bowl. 6. Let rise Vh hours. Punch idown and let rise 30-40 min. 7. Form loavt'3 and let rise 50 60 min. Bake 30 min. at 420 degrees. 6f Qs , Can you spare a few minutes a day to eliminate stress, tension, anxiety? If so, TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION MAY BE FOR YOU!!! -.As taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - ft" 7 fcveryone Welcome Admission Free TANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION (TM) allevi ates stress and tension in life. It makes people more effective, productive and successful in all they do. TM is a simple mental technique which allows the individual to experience deeper rest and rejuvenation than in sleep. (See chart) According to the New York Times, unlike other ppractices. TM is simple to learn, instant in its results and can be practiced as easily on a bus or plane as in a quiet room. Scientific research indicates tht TM can help lower blood pressure and depression and even increase grade point average for students. 2 it - if I ' i I V) i I u I z . uj IC -V ) . h Lectures at Nebraska Union (Rm. posted): 3:30 pm Aug. 29 7:30 pm Sept. 3 Change in Metabolic Rata HYPNOSIS TRANSCENDENTAL MEDlTATlOM P 005 (T TEST) TIME (hours) Wallace and Benson, 'Physiology of Meditation', Scientific American, February 1972, USA Questions: Call 475-7164 n-you need, a calcul ' you need it now.- , . No waiting for delivery. Your University Calculator Center has the largest inventory of quality units available anywhere. Plus, we specialize in the calculator requirements of the college student. 14 '4 v'- "Nrv .X r X7 F rem TEXAS INSTRUMENTS. woridvv.'Je locler in the electronics industry. SR-10. 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