The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 29, 1974, Page page 4, Image 4

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'It's all well and good for these conservationists to worry about air, but people can't live without money.'
Think it
out for
nancy stohs,
second thoughts
"Rvery man is a creature of the age in which he
lives; very few are able to raise themselves above
the ideas of the times."
Voltaire was so right.
He knew even in the eighteenth centuryhow
being stuck with one name, a single national
citizenship and one calendar year at a time can
restrict clear, objective thinking.
Without the perspective of a historian or an
international citizen, we seem to get stuck in
intellectual ruts when it comes to evaluating world
The prescription needed? A complete lift away
from cur familiar roles and environmentsfUSA,
1974, college student and all.
reporters who dig into Andrew Johnson's
impeachment for extra depth in their articles, or
critics who draw parallels among Presidents. It's
often he motive of the world traveler. And it'tralso
the purpose of this column.
For five or ten minutes each week, I want to give
the reader a different seat In the stadium, a
different pair of lenses or a different era in history
In which to "live" temporarily and view his world.
To show him yet another side.k
I don't want to prach. Or state an opinion and
say, "This is the truth believe it." My primary
goal isn't to change minds at all, but to set a few
rusty thinking cogs in motion.
For, ironically, despite all the talk about a
free-ruling press and the openness of contempor
ary American society, there seems to be one,
ever-growing, uniform mind, a kind of "national
For instance, Gallup would publish that,
according to a national sample, 53 percent of "the
public" opposes recent escalations of the Vietnam
War. Soon that figure is climbing to 65 percent . . .
then 75 per cent. . .
Pollsters cite inflation as the number one
national public concern, and next week Inflation is
everyone's concern, and complaints about grocery
bills multiply.
Someone remarks, "Politics has always been
corrupt. Nixon just happened to get caught why
should he and not the others be punished?" Pretty
soon people all over America are shaking their
heads and agreeing.
Agreeing with the popular ideas of one's time
and society is a nice way out of mental dilemmas;
one doesn't have to think that way. But it's also
a danger to democracy.
Thi' hy f'rn n nrtfng to feed you distinct
opinions to adopt. That's why my one message all
semester will be "Make up your own mind."
No editorial conclusion, even after hours of
deliberation, rewording and polishing, is final and
not disputable. There's always another side to the
story, always a possibility something will sprout
up to overturn the entire line of argument.
We found that out with Watergate.
So, when reading "Second Thoughts," expect
just that second thoughts and not final opinions.
However, i must admit to one exception to this
philosophy. That's my unfailing belief In
democrary and freedom a3 the only civilized way
to run a heaithy, stable society.
The desire for freedom and self-government is
deep In man's soul, like his second nature, and I'm
convinced that no alternative organization of
society can outlive the problems of our time.
- (On second thought ...
daily nebrsskan
Arts series varied
For the last two year, UNL's Performing Arts Series
has helped disclaim the often-held belief that Nebraska
is a "cultural wasteland."
The series will return again this year with an
impressive list of performers and season tickets still
priced unusually low.
For $7.50, students can attend five performances by
worid-famous artists, including Jacques D'Amboise, an
acclaimed dancer with the New York City Bailet and a
choreographer for ballet and the Broadway stage.
Other performers scheduled to appear on campus are
Itzhak Perlman, a violinist from Isreai; the Loretto- -Hilton
Mime Company, comprised of two mimes who
studied in Paris with the teacher of Marcel Marceau;
the Syntagma Musicum from Amsterdam, a .Renais
sance Music Ensemble which playson instruments
from that era; and.Jgor-Kipnis, a harpsichordist. who
attracted an overflow crowd to the Nebraska Union
Ballroom in March 1972.
In the past years, some of the most exhilarating
moments of the performers' visits have been the free
informal sessions held in residence halls and Greek
houses. During the sessions, a performer might discuss
his art, talk about current trends in dance, explain and
sing selections from an opera, answer students'
questions or elicit audience laughter with his wry wit.
Persons who do not buy series tickets are missing a
chance to see top-quality performers at a bargain price
and to inject a bit of cultural exposure into their lives.
Coffee pots 'creamed
N o one can save money, so everyone can save money.
Or something like that.
Last month, individually or departmental owned
. coffee pots were prohibited on UNL premises. Campus
vending machine operators had threatened that unless
they received more business they would have to raise
the price of a cup of coffee from 10 cents to 15 cents.
Under the terms of the vendors' contract, other coffee
dispensers are prohibited on campus.
The July 19 edition of the "UNL Bulletin Board," the
faculty-staff newsletter, warned that "violations of this
contract provision have become more serious recently"
and that it is "essential" that such coffee makers be
removed immediately.
Department and staff members who have ignored the
order should be commended for resisting the clutches
of big business.
Richard Gilbert, an engineering professor who heads .
the Faculty Senate, aptly summarized the situation,
saying, "It seems kinda dumb."
Nothing short of a "bust" by a coffee control crew
could wrest her coffee pot from her, a staff member at
the College of Law said. In such event, she would have
to walk down four flights of stairs for a cup of machine
coffee. She said that, in addition to spilling it during the
return trip, she would accumulate hours of wasted time
Irekking down and up the stairs.
While some departments have blatantly disregarded
the rule, others have been more devious about their
i he School of Journalim has abolished private coffeo
pots, instead, signs have been affixed to the former
pots saying:
"This appliance is an aromatic humidifier necessary
to the health and morale of the staff and students "
Unless departments and staff continue the'r defiance
of the coffee pot ban they soon might find themselves
prohibited from bringing brown bag lunches The
vending machines also contain ham sandwiches.
Jane Owens
august 29, 1974