Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1974)
,.;" "W T W' W n"- '- - 1 1 IQIIU 0KE jj jgjj M l I" n if i I .M w H jr. i -j J-i 11 nil 03 in i I 1 FOR SALE ji5 MGB overhauled en- i he, overhauled transmission, Iw battery, very good tires, f ins great. Your chance to own ' 'soortscar for a modest price. " hst offer. 2941 "Q"-Tom-475- ;53. t ( 72 Capri, browntan V-6, .MFM, air, excellent condi- Ujn. Must sell, will take highest tfer. 786-3175 local. , Beautiful MEXICO HANG LOWER POTS AND OTHER DTTERY. Picture frames and bvelties. Sunday and Monday MO South 44th St. j Electric typewriter SCM lodel 110475-9117evertings. . JElectrophonic turntable, AMI M receiver, tape deck plus fbums, 4 speakers and two $hts- strobe and fantasia. $600 iilue- $400 or best offer. Also jie-year-old black , and white Insole TV. $40. 475-7205. j 1968 BSA 650 Hornet in good fiape. Best offer 489-0518. 1963 ids station wagon 483-0518. 1973 Honda 175, under 400 iiles. $675, or best offer. 39-94 03. Schwinn Paramount Bicycle- ist offer over $350.00. Altec- nsing Speakers-$395.00. 477- 585. Like new, full size foosball Jble. 489-3871467-4341. Kawasaki 900. See to Sppreciate. 489-3871 467-4341. Canon 814 with Zoom lens hovie camera and Bell Howell Iroiector. Excellent condition. B9-5825. Lincoln's Largest Buyer and Ipller of Antiques and Used furniture. Evening Appoint ments Available. Payne & Son, X36 Havelock Avenue. 464- )33467-12?0. 10 speed bikes 20 off on all stock in the carton. Terms vailable. Goodvear Service tore 1918 'C Street. With Student of Faculty I.D. S0 discount on ali Goodyear ires except promotional items, erms Available. Goodyear Ser- tce Store 1918 'O . 10' x 55' Custom built Van pyke. 2 bedroom, skirted set- ..modeled. New shag. 466-4958, venmgs. - Girls, see what MARY KAY osmetics can do for you! Call ary Eiien iserman 483-1 nu. Expert typing, papers manu- ;.ripts, theses. Bev bcwanz .6-2375. For sale: Castinger ski boots, 12-10 12, 786-2201 after 6 .m. HELP WANTED Wanted: Drummer for 5-piece - lock group. Vocal ablility want , ; d. 477-1687 after 5. H Part-time janitorial work. St. 'Mark's on the Campus 1309 R Street. 432-3630. Wanted; grill man and bus- m t QfoAk.n.RAma nniirn ! vj.ou a.m. 10 .iJ p.m. wmo m ndaoD Wanvt me. Union Forelon Film Commit- ;.-o needs ticket sellers for this f-m be given for each 20 tickets fold, go to the Union room 115 call 472-2454. 'art-time cookdishwasher for funch business hrs, 10 a.m. -2 p.m. M-F. Apply between 10 m. and 4 p.m. at Der Loaf und waitresses, car service waiiers, ;-od preparation workers, cash 1 -T8. Good Pay. Hours can be '''ranged to fit your schedule, xperience not necessary, Ra pid advancement possible. All locations now Interviewing, See in phone book. Equal Op portunity Employer. King s sood Host USA. Inc. I I Delivery person for a.m. .'vekdays and all day on Satur day, Hours flexible. Dlttmer s lower Shop and Greenhouses ,1th and Higrt 475-2688. Appiy In person. I " i ;j2"SU5t23, 1974 ' COLLEGE STUDENT needed for part-time custodial work. Good pay. Apply to Century House, Harrington Real Estate Office, 1201 J between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. TTETDnTlTTAWETTnfnedi- ately . for telephone reception work. Salary plus bonus. Call 466-5037 for interview appoint ment or apply at 620 N. 48th Suite 208 10 to 4. Mrs. Lane. Lincoln Bethany Lions Club. CAMPUS and local represent atives needed for nationwide employment search, Flexible hours wonderful opportunity. For full information write Sum ner Advertising Co., P.O. Box 643, Peoria, Illinois . 61601. Part-time- Print Shop experi ence helpful but not necessary. Close to campus. Jay Worley Printing. 116 S.16th, 432-4500. Babysitter needei one chiid, weekdays. 1-5 p.m. My home, vicinity 20th andCaivert, well. 423-4045. pays Earn $110 per week part time, if you have ever sold books, magazines, cookwear, vacs, al bums, cutlery or clothes. Write area manager. Box 80124, Lin coln, Neb. 68501. The DAILY NEBRASKAN needs people experienced in paste up and type setting. A full-time day and part-time evening position available. Con tact Kathy at 472-2588. for rsnt WOODSHi RE Large 2 bed room apartments at 17th and Pawnee. Attractively furnished, tile bath and shower, off-street parking. $185. 477-2983423-6698. 1739 G One bedroom, air-conditioned, attractively furnished, carpeted $140 plus electricity. 477-2983489-1414.423-6C98. .. CANDLETREE "- APART-- MENTS Spacious 3 bedroom apartments, 2 baths. 1330 sq. feet. $260. Students welcome! So. 40th & Hwy 2. 489-8728. ROOM & BOARD. $80mo. University men, Brown Palace 1900 B St. 432-2583. CORNHUSKER Co-ed Co-op $420!1st semester, $4002nd sem. Vacancies for women. 435-9256475-6796. 2 or 3 bedroom house close to the campus. 2218 Dudley. 475 5581. ROOMMATES WANTED Intelligent, modern, woman wanted. Your own room in large, homey apartmeni near capital. $50. 475-4103. Patty or Jeanne. Female roommate wanted. Country living but close to town. Horses boarded. AQUA gelding forsaie. 457-2152, Female wanted to share fur nished two bedroom house. 3224 A $82.50mo. plus utili ties, 474-1453, evenings. Female roommate needed. $46.50mo. Own room. Phone 432-3918. Wanted: Female roommate 1737 M St. Call 477-4538. Free Room and Board for Ctto-tant nr C.nttn( I tsjft with man in wheei chair-some assis tance required. 475-5228. Room & Board. $100mo. .Nice, lots of privacy, garage, own half bath. University wo man. 472-3080488-2861. Desparately need 1 male roommate to share 3 bedroom duplex. Close to campus. Call 475-9714 after 5 p.m. . MISCELLANEOUS TURKEY, at a rock!! Doof and Goof. Rida needed Lincoln to W. Omaha 9 p.m. Men. and Wed. Will pay. Ellen Domb, ex. 2787, ex.2770, or 393-5843. Need a Band? Call Russ 'Gillespie. 489-5757. 1MBW-,M Illl III lll.-ll-l I 1 WW I. I I.. Ill HI"' I " ' DALE'S FREEBEE at Earl's 56th and Superior. Come to play and hear your kind of music. Every Monday. 8:30-12 p.m. j Apply RmM. T-lebraGka Union I I Nebraska's I ; Bluegrass Center 2641 N. 48th ssssssssssssss See our full line of scientific calculators. Texas Instrument Rockwell & the new SR 36 by COMMODORE ! ' . ..u i " Jiumju nil SR 10 - . i Texas fnstruments electronic slide rule colcubtoe trie world famous time saver for engineers. Architects, mathema ticians and college students is at an all time low price! This wonder does square roots, squares, reci procals, as well as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Bright red display shows 8 digit numbers, 2 digit exponents, minus signs, overflow sign and low battery warning. Calculator, adapter charger, battorios, carry casa and eomp!et8 0wner manual. Size: 6.3y5x3.i"xi.4" o Bankameflcafd o (Tlaster Charge OPEN: Mcn.-Frl. 8:30-5:30 Sat. AM Day See our wide selection of Guild, Gibson; Garcia, Martin, g Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone and Hernandez guitars and Q Udl IJU3. (Ask about our weekly Folk Guitar Lessons) Thomsen fTlusic Co. 1707 'GT ;sr 11 , ' WAS $74.95 Calculator, adapter charger, batteries, carry case and complete owners . manual. Size: 0.3" x 3.1" x 1.4" to .75" r-v ii'j U 1 464-8375 v electronic slide rule colculotor .the world famous time saver for engineers. Architects, matheima ; ticlans and college students Is at an all time low price This wonder 'doe3 square roots, squares, reci procals, constant and automatic pie as well as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Bright red display shows 8 digit numbers, 2 digit exponents, minus signs, overflow sign and low battery warning. WAS $89.95 IT 'I 477-713! t m s& jr -y s$h. m m isr,.. page 15 dally nebraskan r j