if. Price hike for parking permits The same 7,000 UNL for maintenance work, purchased at the Campus pus Security's traffic divi sion Monday had to dig farther into bank accounts to meet the $10 parking permit increase. This year permits cost $25, Campus Police Chief Gail Gade said. Permits have been $15 for the last three years, he said Gade blamed the price hike on a' deficit ac cumulated last year. Costs for Maintenance work, including striping parking stalls, paving lots, replac ing posts and enlarging existing lots, were passed on to students purchasing permits, he said. Another major cost is the shuttle bus service between City Campus and the fairgounds parking lot and service between East and City Campuses. The shuttle service costs ap proximately $7,000 each year, he said. According to Gade, the UNL campus has some of the cheapest parking in the Big 8. Other Big 8 schools sell parking per mits for as much as $160 a year, he said. At least 130 of a given parking lot's capacity is sold, Gade said. This 30 oversell is necessary to keep lots full since cars continuously come and go, he said. Parking permits wil be on sale at the Coliseum the remainder of this weekrBegttf ning "Tuesday, Sept --"3,- permits may be puchased at the Campus Security office. Permits will be available all semes ter for $25. FAMILY PLANNING INFORMATION Call 435-8661 (O 472-2200 J) WALK-IN WKST DOOR - HEALTH ONI tK Satisfaction guaranteed. We can promise you some of the most satisfying mnv)r rf lrfMlr Wff If r I - If you are able to spend some time helping people who need your help. Can you spare even a few hours a week? Call the Voluntary Action Center in your town. Or write: "Volunteer," Washington, D.C 20013. 4 ' Hunteer. The National Center for Voluntary Action. A 71 A-V-S'3 Gout kJ Wednesday, august 28, 1974 UAJKi itawf.MMwwiM Mtir u ,?WlwmafeiaiiMMM , m ..... 1 f ' " . UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 1974-75 WINTERIM EUROPEAN PROGRAM December 26, 1974 -January 12, 1975 Charter Flights on TWA Lincoln London - approx. $256 round trip Lincoln Paris 3I277 round trip Registration opens Wednesday, Aug. 28, 9 am in Room 204 Mlebr. Union 'Accompanied by the following 3-credit study tours offered through the UNL Extension Division Plus UNO courses in Humanities, Home Economics, German and Economics 1. International Broadcasting (Journ. 498f) 2. The Golden Age of Spanish Literature in Transitioning. 398f) 3. Drama in Performance (Eng. 201f) 4. Spanish Art and Architecture: Drawing Theory (Art 399896f) 5. International Advertising Semiar (Journ. 398f) . 6. International Education ( El. Ed., Sec. Ed. 6. International Education (E. E., Se. Ed., Ed. Adm. 7. English Origins of American Culture (Hit. 397f) 8. 2nd Year FrenchSpecial Topics (Fr202;;99f) 9. Comparative Law (Law 650) 10. British Studies (univ. Studies) .: . 1 1 . Dance Tour of London (WPE) 12. Crop Production and Soil Management Israel (Agron 402f) 13. International Adult Education (ACE 89clf) 14. 2nd Year German. 'Special Topics (Germ 2023990 For further information and application forms, contact: Flights & Study Tours iNeor. union, pnon 4rz-d4ao-b. "There seems to be little doubt as many now realize, that what is going on in the USSR is not simply something happening in one country, but a foreboding of the future of man. and there fore deserving the fullest attention of Western observers. "No, it is not any difficulties of perception that the West is suffering, but a desire not to know, an emotional preference for the pleasant over the unpleasant. Such an at titude is governed by the spirit of Munich. . . "Co-existence on this tightly knit earth should ' be viewed as a"n existence not only without wars that is not enough but also without violence, or telling us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know and what not to know . . . " Aleksendr I. Solzhenitsyn September 11. 1973 The Sharon Statement "Adopted in Conference at Sharon, Con necticut. September 9-1 1, I960." IN THIS TIME of moral and politic! C"!m it m tfS T-iP-rSb''ly C umiri of America to affirm certain eternal truthe. , Wl, s young conervtive, believe; THAT foramoat among rha tranacandanl valuaa ia ttta indtvicJuaf's una of hit God B'van fraa will, whanc d'iva fa right to ba frat from U ratutctiona of arbi trary foroa; THAT liberty ta inOwnble. aod that political fraadom cairtot long aat with out economic fraadom; THAT tHa purpo of giwarnmen! ara to protect triaaa freedom Ihrcugh th preMrvation of internal order, tha pro vmiort of national d'anie. rd t ad- mmittration of (uatice; THAT when government venture be yond ttiee rightful function, ri accumu late power which tend to diminih order tr-C liberty, THAT the Consditution of the Urtd St!e ia the het arrangement yet deviaed for arrpowertng government to fulfill it proper role, while restraining it from the concentration and abute of power; THAT the eenru of the Corntitution tf4 divmtort of power i tummed up in the cleuM which reserve primacy to the eeveral ttate. or to the peopie. in lhce aphete not specifically delegated to the Federal Government, THAT the market economy, allocating resource by the free play of supply and demand, I the tingle economic ytm compaiihle with the requirement of pronal freedom and eonmiutional government, and that it it at the tarn time ttie mott productive aupplier of human need. THAT when government interfere with the wori of the merVet economy, it tend to reduce the moral and phytic el tlrength cf ttia nation; that wften it take from one man to beetow on another, it dimin ihe the incentive of the fit!, the in tegrity of ttw wcond, end the morel autonomy of toth; THAT we will U ft to only to !ong a the national tovereignty of the United Staui i tecure; tfiet h!y t?v9 P''mS of I ; iv i ; . i. " s S v J " ; . x j m I S &. a J 5 ' fin J ' iJt' I ' . I.' i ' " J'' I i f N I 1 v f! ';. ' i f'Vi v I ' . I iff? ' i W eVe beeii saying C7 Join Young Americans for Freedom today freedom ere rare, am) cn esiif.i only when free cilien conceitedly dofend their riglitt aoamM ail enerrue. THAT the force of internjtionul Com munitm are. at present, ttie tr.reetett mgi threat to theite litrflie. THAT the Unrtsd State h&M tireM victory over, rather than coexitteno witti. thit menace; aod THAT American forcn policy muet be judged by thi criterion: dot ft tem tfi ut interest of the tnltad State? - I JApplicatton tor ftnmt3rrfitt 1 I I j I am in agreement with ttie Sharon Statement end I wis to apply fo mernbfhtp. I encloMS my mmhrshipdiil of: i ' I I .MppilCBliun tor meiiiweiiiiip YOUNG AMERICANS for FREEDOM . 3141 Prairie Rd. ,; I i inrnlr. Klohr.'jcka T 4P.ft-fi771 .STATE NAME MAII.IN0 ADDRESS. I CITY I AGE SCHOOL OR OCCUPATION I Mufitwrttwid . 12 fo or my n lor nbtovtxxi to V w Oner tef ere im. Chttck On O Slurinmt$3 00' U Student 1 1 00 (Di.w not inckirJe Th New GumI Q Ncn Student S3 CiO lUnder 40) D Nop, Student SI 00 (Ooet not include Tht Aew CtiteA Q' Joint Mmbehip for Mer-ied Cutta S400 fAfndereXn Awcit MemtiersiMpSlOOO (Over 401' p I enckwe e contritxition m the emount of f C I wwW mote information about tAf. I I I I I I I i I I dally fiebraskan . I"- A y-. . ,Jt- . fS A'