I K -4 f V t . "SS" I. 7 C1 ires to jouf: iieormim .J -t t K,t TTFTV . 77. T Moliere's play, "School for Wives", concerns the efforts of an older man, Arnolphe, to keep his young wife, Agnes, innocent and ignorant. His plans fail when Agnes falls in love with a young and hand some family friend, Horace. Shown in the pictures are, starting from the top right hand picture and moving clockwise: Arnolphe, played by Roger Johnson; Agnes, played by Judy ' Zimmermann (left), and Horace, played by George Hansen; Horace, played by George Hansen; Arnolphe, played by Roger Johnson (left), and Georgette, played by Judy Sperath; and Arnolphe, played by Roger Johnson (left), and Agnes, played by Judy Zimmermann. "School for Wives" will be taken on tour of Nebraska towns starting in September. f -a v 111! 111' x ' V - t ' ( . A :!. I" ", '1 M I - I - I , ; J ; if . r . 3 t 4 l ' . f " Photos . by Lucy - Lien tuesday, august 13, 1974 V ' v J i i i . ... ... ?. ".. , , ' f r .1' 7 - A' fkj-f fc '...4 4 paga a . .. ..-,,,.