fi ,J ' W ' y . '.J x s y . V .y -j' J 'V '' y " V ' ioneer experience relive 1 r" At the Stuhr Museum in Grand Island students in the Pioneer Workshop spent a week living in a log cabin and cooking off an old stove. Shown In the pictures are, starting on the top right and moving clockwise: Mary McBride from Blue Hill, a sophomore majoring in busir.tsH at UN L, looks t old jewelry in one of the old houses at the museum. Getting food out of the ice house are Larry Grilling: (left), a sophomore majcrir.g in est at UN-L, and Mary Wilson, a junior at UN-L majoring in crimiri&l justice. ' . Ilogcr Wclach, instructor of tueiday, august 13, 1974 the workshop (right) lectures his class outside. Cooking over the old stove is Lynn Ireland, who majored in French at Nebraska Wesleyan and plans to get her masters in folklore in New York. Looking at an old hearse are (from Jf ft), guide, Anita Glenn from Fairbury, and Jan Hick?, junior from Lincoir majoring in fame economics at UN L. Pumpinj? the water uwd for washing during the workshop Bob Pierce, graduate assistant in the English Department at UN-L, and co-instructor of the workshop, 1 '. N t t f3 i 't , : ' . ' 1 " 1 " ! """ft.. jj.-H-i - . . V t t hotos by ucy Lien Stuhr Workshop . . 7. . 1 t - X i ;., page 3 A - - 3...,.. & jit . , A 4 4 .4 . j A , i ! A 4. .4 4. .A summer nebrsskan