The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 07, 1974, Page page 8, Image 8

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Indian students
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A string sculpture fixed in front of Woods,, is t design by Albert Spaerth, graduate student in art.
Animal science dept. head sought
A committee to screen
nominees and applicants for the
new chairman of the Depart
ment of Animal Science at the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
has been appointed by Dr.
Duane Acker, vice chancellor
for agriculture and natural
The vacancy was created by
the resignation of Dr. Frank
Baker who has accepted a new
post at Oklahoma State
Dr. Dwana R. Zimmerman,
professor of animal science at
NU, will serve as chairman of
the screening committee. Other
members include: Dr. Roy
Arnold, chairman of - the
Department of Food Science
and Technology; Dr. Donald
Clanton, professor of animal
science at the North Platte
Station; Dr. Peter Cunningham,
associate professor of animal
science; William Fulton, gradu
ate student; James Novotny,
Dodge County extension Agent
at Fremont; Dr. Ernest R. Peo,
Jr., professor of animal scienct;
and Joe Steffen, graduate
In his charge to the com
mittee, Dr. Acker requested a
list of six persons, "whom you
feel would be acceptable in all
ways to serve as department
chairman." The list should
include at least one person from
within the University and at
least one person who is not
presently connected with the
institution. "
Although formal endorse
ment of individual persons by
industry organizations would
not be appropriate, Dr. Acker
said the committee would
appreciate suggestions and
nominations from alumni and
the livestock industry.
The deadline for receipt of
completed applications is Sept.
10. AH applications should be
sent to Dr. Dwane R. Zimmer
man, Room 247, Marvel Raker
Hall, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68503.
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By Rebecca Brste
A boycott of UN-L minority
student programs by the
Council of American Indian
Students (CAIS) may be in
effect in less than a month if the
university does not meet a list
of CAIS demands, according to
members of the council.
The demands, most of which
charge that UN-L minority
programs do not meet Indian
students' needs were sparked
by the resignation of Indian
counselor Karen Buller, whose
unfavorable staff evaluation
last spring "was the straw that
broke the camel's back," one
Indian student said.
Buller resigned effective
Sept. 1. In a 'May 28 letter to
Special Services Coordinator
Joe Renteria, of Minority
Affairs, Buller said she re
sented "being evaluated by
ambiguous 'white' standards,"
and that she had no intention of
performing her job in the white
man's way.
"It's not the kind of job
where you can keep white
hours," Buller siad in an
interview last week. "Most of
(Renteria's) complaints were
about my work schedule, and
the fact that I was sometimes
five or ten minutes late for staff
"He told me that if I didn't
conform to white standards,
and also make the students
conform, I would be fired," she
said. "I realized there was
nothing I could do to change his
thinking, so I resigned."
Renteria, vacationing ( last
week, was not available for
Buller said she called a
meeting of CAIS to inform
them of her decision, and to
explain that she had wanted to
resign anyway in the next two
years to complete her graduate
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work in psychology.
The students were upset by
her decision, she said. Robert
Mackey, director of the State
Commission on Indian Affairs,
was also displeased with the
'situation, and the Indian
Commission adopted a reso
lution in support of the
students, Buller said.
CAIS met June 25 and
drafted a resolution to with
draw completely from all
services of minority affairs if
several problems, which they
outlined, were not solved by
Sept. 1.
The problems included:
Harassment of Karen
Buller by non-Indian super-.
. visors (in the form of Renteria's
Lack of positive Indian
recruitment and studies pro- -grams;
Lack of an Indian Culture
Center; and
No follow-up on problems
presented to the administration
and to the staff of Minority
Other problems listed dealt
with disbursement of Indian
! moneys and with accountability
of students to non-Indian
The resolution was sent to
i Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs Kenneth Bader, who
arranged to meet with CAIS
and discuss the problems.
"We never really got off the
first item," Bader said in an
interview Thursday, referring
to the charge of Buller's
"I met with them a second
time, presenting a letter in
which I discussed each item of
their resolution, and asked that
they review it and respond to
it," Bader said.
CAIS' responded in a letter
on July 17, stating that the
council had found Bader's letter
"unsatisfactory," and that if the
CAIS recommendations were
not accepted, the students
"must force the issues by
whatever means (they) deem
Bader, who indicated that he
b working on several programs
in attempts to help resolve the
issue, said he has not met again
with the council and did not
know what their current plans
Several Indian students
interviewed last week said
plans for the boycott are still in
effect, however.
John Twobirds Arbucklc,
former Indian counselor with
Minority Affairs Special Ser
vices, said the council has no
intention of remaining under
Minority Affairs.
"It's impossible to deal with
Indian problems like those of
Blacks or Chicanos," Arbuckle
said. "We want a separate
office, devoted to Indians only."
Ima Jean Voucher, a
graduate student in Social
Work, said "only an Indian can
understand another Indian.
We're not like other people.
' "We never fight anybody
unless they fight us first," she
Duller said the hoped the
university would hire another
Indian Counselor for Special
Services (advertisements for
the position began last week),
but m also echoed the other
students' sentiments.
"We don't want to be lumped
together - under the general
kbfei of 'minorities'," she said.
"We want the right to be
Indiana, the courtesy and
dignity to ba different, to be
what we are."
Buller is the fourth Indian
counselor to resign in four
- tuesday, august 6, 1974
page 8
summer nsbraskan
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