The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 07, 1974, Page page 6, Image 6

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    ' . - . , v v v v v - J ? 3P $ -IF y y f y . i v
'Governors featured
Govern ors from fifteen Mid
west stai es met in Minneapolis
July 29-f J 1 to discuss areas of
mutual ooncern. They heard
the com? j lents of such guest
speaker. as aviator-author,
Charles ! Lindbergh, New York
Times columnist Harrison
Salisbury ,. Federal Energy
Adrninist i ator John Sawhill,
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Earl Bui ;.z, National Farmers
Organization president Oren
Lee St ak ; y and Minnesota's two
U.S. Sen titors, Walter Mondale
an 1 Hubi frt Humphrey.
Highlij hts of the conference
wi l be aired on a special
one-hour program, 'The Mid
western Governors' Confer
ence," Si i: tiday, August 11 at 10
p.m. on the Nebraska ETV
Network. Topics to be covered
during th t s three day conference
wi'l include the world food
crisis, th e right-to-read pro
gram, is .ues of man, and a
report on energy requirement
and environmental protection
for the Midwest and the nation.
Governor J. James Exon of
Nebraska will be participating
in the conference in addition to .
governors from Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
North Dakota, Oklahoma,
South Dakota, West Virginia
and Wisconsin.
The program is being pro
duced by public television
station KTOA of Minneapolis
St. Paul, Minnesota in cooper
ation with the Central Educa
tional Network (CEN). With
headquarters in Chicago, CEN
is a non-profit mutual associ
ation providing a live inter
connected network and pro
gram exchange for 24 members
who operate 42 TV stations
capable of reaching an audience
of over 35 million people.
$ i
3 military engineering
s cholarsliips awarded
Three I maha Post-Society of
America! i Military Engineers
Srholarsh. yps of $150 have been
pnsentej to students in the
College of Engineering and
IVchnolo, g y at the University of
Nebraskr i .
The re j ipients are:
bernar d J. Mewald, Jr., 21,
on of Mr and Mrs. Bernard J.
Merwalcf of Omaha (3411
Washington St.). He is major
ing in electrical engineering.
Eugene A. Thies, 20, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thies of
Beatrice. He is majoring in civil
Allen V. Thummel, 19, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P.
Thummel of Kimball. He is
majoring in mechanical engineering.
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u. ,
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The Pointer Sisters appear in concert on the ETV Network on Aug. 14.
enuhin, basketball, music and
governors highlighted on ETV
See our new
i4 Visw
featuring authentic handmade Indian jewel
ry with the finest in Navajo, Zuni and Hopi
f s
J i
f 'LUS our other imports: I
1 1 (tapestries
l bedspreads
'Navajo rug?
9 incense
beaded curtains
pewter items
brass work
( Mass Menagerie
13th a "O" St
A special tribute to a
world-famous Nebraska author,
highlights from a midwestern
governors' conference, a Neb
raska high school all star
basketball game and popular
music highlight this week's
programming on the Nebraska
ETV Network.
Now the Public Broadcasting
Service is broadcasting the
Menuhin tribute nationally
over 250 PBS stations. Neb
raska ETV viewers will have
another chance to view "A
Menuhin Tribute to Willa
Gather," Monday, August 12,
at 7 p.m. (6 p.m. Mountain
Time), repeating Thursday,
August 14, at 2 p.m.
Twenty-four high school
basketball players in the state
will compete in the Sixth
Annual Nebraska State High
School Basketball Game. The
Nebraska ETV Network will
broadcast complete game cov
erage Saturday, August 17, at
8:30 p.m.
The "1974 High School All
Star Basketball Game" is
sponsored by the Nebraska
Coaches Association. The game
will be taped by the Nebraska
ETV Network Friday, August
16, at Pershing Auditorium in
Governors from 15 Midwest
states met in Minneapolis July
.29-31 for the Midwestern
Governor's Conference, with
. Nebraska's Governor J. James
Aug. 4 Aug, 5 Aug. 6 Aug, 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 10
- Mary Schoot tor School for Ufrthday
' ' Sunshine Wives Cohan Wiv Party Cohan
mmmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mttm mmm mam esa ban gassa ssca bsssssj bssct mmsa em wmm
Curtain time 8:00 p.m.
TELEPHONE 472-2073
12th & R STREETS
Exon presiding as chairman.
Highlights of the conference
will be broadcast on a special
hour-long program, "The Mid
western Governors' Confer
ence," Sunday, August 11, at
10 p.m. on the Nebraska ETV
Guest speakers at the annual
conference included such
persons as New York Times
columnist Harrison Salisbury,
Federal Energy Administrator
John Sawhill, U.S. Secretary of
Agriculture Earl Butz, National
Farmers Organization presi
dent Oren Lee Staley and
Minnesota's two U.S. Senators,
Walter Mondale and Hubert
Exploding on the music scene
with a combination of Andrew
Sisters camp and vibrant
rhythm, the Pointer Sisters
will perform for ETV audiences.
Bonnie, June, Anita and Ruth
perform'on the summer music
series "The Boarding House,"
Wednesday, August 14, at 8:30
p.m. on the Nebraska ETV
The Pointer Sisters are the
daughters of an Oakland
preacher and they sing together
as they did when they were
children in their father's church.
They have replaced the hymns
and gospel tunes with a wide
variety of jazzed-up music.
It's a night of Gershwin hits
with piano virtuoso Earl Wild,
Arthur Fiedler and the Boston
Pops Orchestra on "Evening at
Pops", Sunday, August 11, at 7
p.m. on the Nebraska ETV
Network. The program repeats
Thursday, August 15, at 7 p.m.
and Friday, August 16, at 3
Wild's rendition of "Concerto
in F" will be featured that
night. The Boston Pops
Orchestra plays selections from
"Girl Crazy""I Got Rhythm."
"Embraceable You," "Bidin My
Time," "Strike Up the Band"
and others.
Other programs of special
interest to Nebraska ETV
viewers include: "Puppets
and the Poet" revives the
ancient art of puppetry in a
one-hour special, Sunday,
August 11, at 4:30 p.m.,
repeating Thursday, August
15, at 9 p.m. The program uses'
producer Peter Zapletal's
"Black Theatre" technique of
puppet animation. Featured
are excerpts from Shakespeare,
including "Macbeth," 'Taming
of the Shrew" and "Richard
"Masterpiece Theatre,"
Sunday, August 11, at 8 p.m.,
features master sleuth Lord
Peter Wimsey in episode two of
"Clouds of Witness." Wimsey
and Detective Inspector Parker
examine the scene of the crime
and begin to probe the
character of the dead man. The
program repeats Monday,
August 12, at 10:30 p.m. and
Friday, August 16, at 9:30 p.m.
-"Jeanne Wolf with..." fea
tures talks with contemporary,
personalities by interviewer
Jeanne Wolf in a one-to-one
interview format series, Don
Shula, Miami Dolphins coach, is
Jeanne's special guest, Tuesday
August 13, at 8 p.m.
"Learning to Live" focuses
on how individuals adopt life
plans or scripts early in life in
the program, "Acquiring Life
Scripts," Wednesday, August
14. at 7 p.m.
"The Great American
Dream Machine" features
columnist Amy Vanderbilt,
singers Elaine Stritch and
Carly Simon, and roller derby
queen Ann Cavello in an hour of
comedy, song and contem
plation. Wednesday, August
14, at 7:30 p.m., repeating
Thursday, Augsut 15, at 10:30
p.m. and Saturday, August 17,
" at 7:30 p.m.
"August: A Month of Folk
and Country" headlines Rick
Evans and Pam Herbert in "I
Need This Song," recorded
before a live studio audience for
a broadcast Wednesday,
August 14, at 9 p.m.
"Just a Cop" is a film
portrait of thirty-two year old
Officer Richard Hyiand, on the
Madi.ion, Wisconsin police force
for six years. His day-by-day
activities will be een Friday,
August 16, at 6:30 p.m. on the
Nebraska ETV Network.
tuesday, "august 6, 1974
summer nebrsskan
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