The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 16, 1974, Page page 5, Image 5

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Ted Wright, NU architecture professor, assumes the . post of
director designate of the newly formed Community Resources and
Research Center.
Get orates awarded
to 24 cs
The University of Nebraska
Lincoln awarded 23 doctor of
philosophy degrees and one
doctor of education . degree at
the end of the University's first
summer session, Friday, July
The doctor of education
degree was awarded to Alfred
E. Smith, Omaha, who has
been a teacher at South High
School in Omaha since 1955.
The new doctors of phi
losophy, their current ad
dresses, and their current or
future positions are:
Maximo W. Baradas, of the ,
Phillipines, horticulture and
forestry; research associate in
the Department of Horticulture
and Forestry at NU.
Steven J. Dellovich, Tulsa,
Okla., geography; assistant
professor of earth sciences at
the University of Tulsa.
Louis Carl Brandhorst, Mon
mouth, Ore., associate pro
fessor of geography at Mon
mouth College of Education.
William E. Brockmeier,
Springfield, Mo., special educa
tion; director of special services
in Kearney Public Schools.
Larry Leland Krlinger, Bart
lesville, Okla., animal science;
livestock specialist for the Kerr
Foundation, I'oteau, Okla.
Neal Owen Higgins, Com
merce, Texas, economics; as
sistant professor of economics
..: r; tv TTni..Aw
Joan E. Innes, Omaha,
mathematics; assistant pro
fessor of mathematics at
Creighton University.
Alden It. Longwcll, Macomb,
111., geography; Western Illinois
Sheila E, Megley, Western
Springs, III., English; associate
dean of the college and dean of
students at Salve Regina
College, Newport, B.I.
Marilyn J, Mcrtens, Lincoln,
political science; research ana
lyst, NU Bureau of Business
Gary A. Moore, EimwooJ,
economics; assistant professor
of economics, State University
College, Geneseo, N.Y,
Larry A. Morrow, Lincoln,
agronomy; research agronomist
for the U.S. Department of
tuoiday, juiy 16, 1974
Donald J. Nelson, Hastings,
educational psychology; staff
psychologist, for the - Hastings
Educational Service Unit.
Virgil K. Olson,' Pawnee
City, chemistry;, post-doctoral
work at Colorado State Uni
versity, Fort Collins.
Robert Louis Otteman, Lin
coln, business administration;
assistant professor, University
of Nebraska at Omaha.
Nelson Samuel, India, zoo
logy; assistant professor B.U.O.
College, Batata (Punjab), India.
Hebn Winter Stauffer, Kear
ney, English; associate pro
fessor, Kearney State College.
, Dwight V. Sukup, Syracuse,
mathematics; assistant pro
fessor of mathematics, Uni
versity of South Dakota,
Vermillion, S.D.
Tomoaki Taira, Japan, gene
tics; post -doctoral fellowship in
Department of Plant Science of
University of Manitoba,
Robert Charles Townsend,
Bensenville, 111., psychology;
clinical psychologist at Malcom
Crow Medical Center, Wash
ington, DC
James E. Vinatierl, Bartles
ville, Okla., chemistry; re
search scientist for the Phillips
Petroleum Co.
Wayne L. Wahlquist, Ogden,
Utah, geography; associate
prf;of nf irencrraohV at
Weber State College, Ogden,
Richard Charles Wildnian,
York, sociology; assistant pro
fessor of sociology at Bradley
University, Peoria, 111.
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esource Center Form.'
in Architecture CoMe
By Rebecca Erite
Improvement of Nebraska's
environment is the sweeping
long range goal of the UN-L
College ot Achitectnrc's newly
created Community Resource
and Research Center (CRRC),
according to W. Cecil Steward,
Dean of the college.
In an interview Tuesday,
Steward end Ted Wright,
acting director (designate) of
the CRRC, outlined the compo
sition and goals of the center,
which was established officially
at the Board of Regents' May
Wright, former head of the
NU Extension Division's Com
munity Development Unit, said
the Community Development
Unit would be one of three
components of the new center.
Established in 1948 by the
Extension Division, the unit
aids in community organization,
studies, planning and parks and
The CRRC's second com
ponent is the Omaha Com
munity Design Center, created
in the late '60s to enable lower
income groups, through College
of Architecture students, to
receive help in community
design projects.
' The third unit of the new
center is what Wright called a
research component, the func
tion of which is to coordinate
research efforts of the College
of Architecture and to initiate
community development re
search. '
Funding for the center, in
addition to state tax monies,
will be provided by grants
amounting to about $125,000
for the 1974-75 academic year.
Environmental research
study, is , funded through . the
Department of .Health, Educa
tion -and Welfare under - the
Environmental Education Act;
a National Endowment of the
Arts grant provides for a
Capitol Environs Study of the
State Capitol Building; and a
Community Services Grant
under Title I, Higher Education
Act of 1965, will facilitate
development of new adminis
trative structure, Steward said.
In audition lu L!iea projects,
specified by the grants, ongoing
tasks of the CRRC include park
and recreation consultation,
administration of the Nebraska
Community' Improvement Pro
gram and public workshops in
community planning, Wright
Other objectives of the
program include the mainten
ance of a center of continuing
education for community offi
cials, the provision of design
and planning services to persons
and groups who otherwise
would not have access to those
services and the development
of an information bank on
community development.
Steward said the long-range
benefits of the center will be
threefold, affecting the aca
demic community in the College
of Architecture, the profes-
sional community of practicing
architects and the general
population of Nebraska.
He said the students of the
college will benefit from direct
laboratory experience in plan
ning and design through the
CRRC and its research pro
grams. Graduate students will
serve as research assistants
and other students will receive
class assignments and design
projects directly from the
The benefit from the center
to professional architects and
the people of the state will be
through new access to well
erganized resources err envir
onmental quality and com
munity development in Neb
raska, Steward said.
"The net effect, we feei, will
be improvement of the state's
environment," he said.
Both men emphasized that
the CRRC is not designed to
pose any threat to the practices
of professional architects in
"Our task is not to initiate
action, but to assist the actions
of community groups," Wright
The center began operation
July 1, Steward said, but
relocation of the Community
Development Unit from Neb
raska Hall to the College of
Architecture will not be com
plete until September.
All but two staff positions in
the program have been filled,
he said. In addition to Wright
as Acting Director (the ap
pointment awaits confirmation
by the regents), staff members
will include Kip Hulvershorn,
formerly with the Extension
Division, as coordinator of
community relations programs,
and David Allor of Syracuse
(New York) University, who
will coordinate the Omaha
Community Design Center.
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summer nebraskan
page 5