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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1974)
fines, fee IUI OlClll, faculty? On the premise that all UNL students, faculty and staff should be fined and treated equally, the Council on Student Life's (CSL) Ad Hoc Fees and Fines Committee took a stab at existing discrepancies in those policies. ' Michael Steinman, committee chairman and political science assistant professor, presented the report to CSL Thursday after the committee conducted a series of public hearings with representatives of UNL departments which Noting that its recommendations were "shaped on the 'Ideal (rather) than by considerations of hard reality," the committee called for equalizing fees, fines and appaallats procedures for all members of the UNL community. Some of those recommendations include: ; .' Equalizing the procedures for the time allowed in checking out library materials, renewal of library materials, and fines for late returns for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students. Now faculty and graduate students can check out some library materials for two months as compared with two weeks for undergraduates. Also faculty as students in courses are not fined for some late materials. Fines for graduates and undergraduates are started within 1 ' the second day after materials are due. . -Allowing open access during parking permit registration to all UNL parking Jots. No special consideration would be given to any UNL member except to the handicapped. Now faculty and I JJ. specially designated parking lots usually closer to the center of campus than students' parking lots. . . -Establishing a system of appeals boards ; for f na decisions about disputes over fees and fines. .Mostfmal decisions currently are decided within in i.p levying the fee or fine. , t . -imposing some type of penalty on faculty or staff who leave fees or fines unpaid, thus, making penalties equitable with penalties levied on students. Holding faculty or start member's paychecks was suggested. No strict sanction is imposed on those two groups for leaving fees or fines unpaid while students may have registration or a degree withheld if they do not take care of all bills. CSL tabled the report until next week. ' CSL also heard from its Registration Task Force. Koy Arnold, task force chairman, presented a report on the task force's actions. Arnold is an associate proiei chairman of the Food Science and Technology Department. OPEN NOW SUM OF THE PARTS 1036 P STREET NOT JUST ANOTHER PRETTY PLANT STORE !" K i ' V t mm ft I Iff hHfct: UAYtN, TUNES, ADVICE, m "v it, A ft I r-N m. .on UULUho AIMU C7"K SERENITY u MrXtW 1 Jtr-iL Iff "tori.? jiN . V-Jf la I 'V Hi' I "Walker, I've got a case of Falstaff that says Red will beat White tomorrow." "you. still owe me a case for the . Cotton Bowl game!!" n I "I 1 X I i : - . -! ft K , i "f M C Friday 11:30 a.m. Card Inn I Spellman Schooi-Nabraska Union . . 11:45 e.m.-York School-Union 12 p.m. Winsid School-Union 12:30 p.m. Muslim Student AMOC.-Union 1:30 p.m. Amerlcen Pharmaceutical Assoc.-Union 3:30 p.m.-University Liaison Program-Union 3:30 p.m. Jazz and Java Committee-Union 6 p.m. F ootbali Clinic Dinner-Union 7:30 p.m. -Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship-Union oiy nobroskon Th8 Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Materia! may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: ine uatiy NeorasKan, hbwbsku wjmiuh ot, i-tm , Sts., Lincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone 402-472-2588., LINCOLN CITY LIBRARY FOUNDATION AUIjUAL BOOIC SALE MAIN LI8HARY 14th a H Sts. . ' (Biissstt Mttrtin PubSc Ltbrcry) .- Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Msy 2nd, 9-9 3rd S 4th 9-6 Sunday, f!sy S, 1:30-5:30 iilili mm I1 i !i iV !auj 1 1 umvmsm of - NEBRASKA PRIM GALLERY Sheldon Memoriai Art Gallery Tuesday, May 7, 1974 .1 p.m. to 8 p.m. ill ii!Mi;f;!;H;Ti)li!f;!Mi;i.-'i our mountain ine class You owe yourself an Oly. Oiympia Brewing Company, Olympia, Washington QIY' All OSympia empties are recyclable page 2 daily nebraskan friday, may 3, 1974 . . ...hA jfc. yn- ,v