lArLEPEfwlALI ss n ! k: n m n- '"i- if -t. - w-'-n ar ir ART AMD requests that ALL ART PRINTS BE RETURNED TO -UNION 115 ALL RECORDS BE RETURNED TO UNION 122 BY FRIDAY, MAY 2 Names of students whose prints or records are not returned will be submitted to the Administration. Such students will be denied Uni-' versity registration until prints are returned. d Mom a care 15 , AS Send her the FTD Sweet Surprise C for Mother's Day (May 12th). Sweet Surprise, arranged, usually available tor less than $ "1 ,n. V-Tp v Sweet Surprise,. 1 x v- "... ' K ... 7 end it today. It J , .7 d Wouldn't be easier. Just call or visit --"y your nearby FTD Florist. Tell him you want the FTD Sweet Surprise. One's all flowers... the other, growing plants with flower accents. Both come in dainty hand-painted ceramic flower buckets. An Extra Touch" gift she'll love. Your FTD Florist can send your Sweet Surprise almost anywhere in the U.S. or Canada. As an independent bu'vinfssrrian, each FTD Atember Florist sets his own prices. 1974 Florists Transworld Delivery "Your Estf Touch Rorlrt" m If St Sheldon Art Gallery 12th & R Sts. The Films of John Ford! , 1 "X" She Wore A Yeilow Ribbon starring John Wayne and plus two Betty Boop Cartoons Friday, May 3 & Saturday, May 4 Screening at 3, 7 & 9 p.m. Admission $1.25 (come at and see both features on one admission) Part-time jobs 10-20 hrs. per week Schedule flexible Earning potential unlimited ivert isinq '-'end . sciies Lili ii (Before Monday) See Ken for interview W W llill H ill Hil op nn n nfl i R1) ' 1 ' flf fil (?) U There are probably as many answers as there are individual Msryknoil priests and Brothers. Some men are deeply moved when they hear of babies dying in their mother's arms because of hunger or disease. Others are distressed by the growing antag onism and separation between the ' rich and the poor nations. More are concerned about the great injustices that have been inflicted upon the pour by iiioMJ wrio pu3rs weaiiii and power to an excessive degree. Others look to learn from peoples who have grown up with a different mentality than that which is theirs. All feel that the only solution to the crises that threaten to split men asunder is the love of God as shown in the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. This love of God urges men to go forward and be missioners so men can love one another. What could be your reason for joining tVlaryknoii? If you keep saying pu want to do something with pur life here's pur chance to prove it 1 J 'X For information, writs or phone to: : . . MARYKNOLL MiSIONERS, 2101 EAST 7th AVE. DENVER, CO. 80208 (303J 322-7773 Dear Father: ' Please send me information about becoming a Maryknol! Priest U Brother Sister U Mame. do want to do something. Addre$ City. Aye. . St4t9 , Phono . J page 8 dsily nebraskan ihursday, may 2, 1974