The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1974, Page page 6, Image 6
c Don't Miss This New And Bold X-RATED ADULT FILM Roommate Showing Now thru Thursday! it i bwuui in ly minimal IUJM i J ' 4- ,4 l ;'- Ann cm? a ft ' " ' : l ,mmwn .... Sgg .'""-f S . HueNcte 1 Does HUMPHREY, BLACKS and BUUES Er:id ..... ( f ,f -5 U A nn I -n J II n era ll 1 1 !; I n il 1 m n if fj I ..1, s -, I ! r in II J v.y E WEEK - fe'' - T' ,' r , - - ! Li 'jj'js' up)) (Oj 1! 1 2th and Q Sts, HOURS: PHO.'JE jfjrgsst selection 10-9 i convenient hours SAT. 0:30-0 bankrtmericard and mastercharge IVOAIEfJ'S LIB OH ' WOMEN'S FB ? 4 RATED 'X IN lltCIOi I At: 11:00,12:45, 2:30,4:15, 6:00, 7:45. 9:30Ends Thurs. EMDASSY theatre 475-62S0 every LP nd tape guaranteed new mxamrt mlMOD!a to helo vou By Mary Wagoner There doesn't seem to be much roommate switching in residence halls, according to student assistants (SAs) in Schramm, Harper, Heppner and Love Halls. ; "Most of the girls have learned how to get along with their roommates, and that's part of a dormitory environment. I'd estimate about 14 of the residents switch roommates," a Schramm SA said. A Harper SA said most of the switching goes on at the beginning of the school year. He said many roommates stick it out with each other "because it's too much of a hassle to move ou ' Roommate switching is at a minimum at Heppner and Love Halls, a male SA there said. The two hails house students in the Centennial Educational Program (CEP). However, one female SA tit Love Hall reported a lot of roommate switching on her floor. She said that, out of 35 residents, 16 requested different roommates. Contrasting life styles were the most common reasons residents gave for wanting new roommates. Other reasons given were smoking (one person smokes cigarets, the other doesn't), personal . conflicts, personality clashes, personal habits and different values. Many freshman ., switch roommates after meeting new friends on their floor, and others switch for more compatible roommates, according to the SAs. Most roommate switching ends on friendly terms, the SAs said. They also noted that former roommates generally get along better after they're separated. The SAs said they generally . try not to interfere with roommate problems. Most said they talk with both roommates, and try to offer alternative solutions or suggest ways to work out their differences. But, several SAs -said, roommate switching is the best solution. One Love Hall SA, however, said roommates with problems should stick together and try to work out their differences. She said many people who live in a residence hail for the first time are used to having a private room She said not enough emphasis is put on roommates to work out their problems and learn to share. Tow iiMiiy pu(x' Hrtr iiiii, she said. ' When high school friends decide to room together in college, it usually works out, according to most SAs. But, they said, it depends on the people. One danger with friends rooming together, the SAi said, was that they tend to stick together too much, and don't make a lot of new friends. One way to resolve roommate problems 'would be through preference cards, a Love Hall SA said. "As long as they're going to have preference cards for living units and floors, they should have roommate preference cards. It would make it a lot easier to pair roommates together who have similar interests," she said. Another SA thought the present system of selecting roommates was adequate. Wednesday, may 1, 1974 daily nctirasksn