The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1974, Page page 14, Image 14

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    - -ajf a;- V-' '-aa--
colli iraiifsK
with switch
to fullback
lorry stunkel
One of the biggest stories that has
developed from UNL football drills this
spring is the shifting of sophomore Tony
Davis from I -back to fullback. -
Davis, who last fall became the third
Husker to gain more than 1,000 yards in a
season, said he may not gain as much
yardage at fullback as he did at I -back.
Despite this fact, Davis said, "I like fullback;
I didn't have any reservations at all about
the change."
The toughest part of the adjustment,
according to Davis, is the blocking. "But I've
adjusted to that pretty well," he said,
"There's a lot more hitting at fullback,"
continued Davis, "but I got hit harder at
l-back. The blocking assignments are easier,
but execution is more important."
Davis admits that while his 5 ft. 11 in.,
212 lb. frame may be to his advantage ss a
runner, it doesn't help his blocking.
"I should be bigger," h said.
Xhe fullback spot was a concern at the
beginning of spring practice. The graduation
of Maury Damkroger and Ralph Powell, plus
the loss of Mike O'Holleran to medica
school, left the position with no expcrienceo
returnees, and with three lettermen coming
back at l-back, Husker Coach Tom Osbcrpe
suggested the switch to Davis.
While Osborna admits that Davis is now
solid at fullback, his search for backup at the
position still continues. The four athletes
presently in contention for the spot, Jim
Belka, Gary Higgs, Jason Justice and Lindsay
Kucera, aSI will be sophomores next fall.
Again, it is blocking that seems to be the
problem, as Osborne has commented
favorably on the running ability of all four.
Belka, who practiced last week at the No.
2 spot, said it could be either of the four at
second team and that "this blocking
business" will be solved as each gains
"Blocking is the toughest part of being a
.fullback," he continued. "You're- always
supposed to be hitting somebody. Around
here, the fullback is expected to be tough, to
knock the crap out of everybody else instead
-. nnHinn tho fran tennrAead nut nf him. YoiJ
really take a beating." '
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page 14
daily nobrasken
UNL halts
oss string
in baseball
The Husker baseball team
broke a B-game winless drauglit
with an 8-3 victory over Drake
University in the first game of
a doubleheader Tuesday. In the
nightcap, UNL's 3-run rally in
the bottom of tlie seventh
inning proved too little too
late, as the Huskers bowed 6-5.
In the second same, UNL
took a 1-run lead upon scoring
two runs in the bottom of the
second inning. Huskers Dick
Anderson and Paul Haas led off
the inning with singles, Bill
Jadlowski responded with a
run producing sacrafice fly and
Bryan Akisada contributed a
single which scored Haas from
second base.
Husker starting pitcher
Randy Benish was replaced in
the fourth inning by Larry
Wetterberg. He was greeted by
Bulldog designated hitter Mitch
Wibler with a single and struck
for a homerun by Greg Seyfer
later that inning.
Drake was able to lengthen
its lead over the Huskers to 6-2
by adding a pair of runs in the
sixth inning aided by a Norm
Giismann error. .
A dramatic finale was set in
the bottom of the seventh
inning when, following a single
by Sam Sharpe and Jim Smith
being hit by a pitched ball,
Giismann connected on a
towering 3-run homer over1 the
right field fence. This narrowed
Drake's lead to one run at 6-5.
With one out, Drake hurler
Paul Stefan delivered a base on
bail to Anderson, who became
the second out upon being
caught in an attempt to steal
second base. A walk was then
given to Haas who was thrown
out at home plate to end the
game when he attempted to
score from first base on a
Jadlowski single.
Wetterberg was the losing
Husker pitcher, his record now
stands at 1-3 on ths year.
The score was tied 3-3 in
the opening contest before
UNL erupted for four runs in
the fourth inning.
Ron Miltenbergs and
Jadlowski led off that frame
with singles for the Huskers. .
After bnarpe hit into a torce ai
third, Doug Pillard walked to
load the bases.
The first run then came
home on an infield single by
Gary Healey, which preceded a
2 run single by Jim Smith.
Terry Dopp drove in a run with
scoring spree.
The Huskers added &n
insurance run In th sixth
inning on a single by Bryant
Akisada and a triple by Smith.
Denny O'Ooherty hurled
the first four innings to record
his second victory of the year
for the Huskers. Dave Buehrer
last three innings to preserve
the win.
UNL's record now stands at
824 on tho year. Its next
opponent will be the
University of Kansas who will
be hers for a 3 -game scries
Friday and Saturday.
Miiiwiwini ,n ii iii m
1 Ykcfiu 6srG:n3 )
Wednesday, may 1, 1974