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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1974)
i"1 W tr Financial aids office opens job line today Students in need of slimmer jobs might find the answer to their worries at their fingertips. Beginning today, students can dial 472-3810 for a "list of jobs Student Employment Coordinator .at the Office of severs, Scholarships and Financial Aids. He said his office now employs art electronic secretary which lists six to seven jobs daily that are offered to students by loca! businesses. The jobs included on the telephone recording wif! be the jobs that local businesses have notified the office of the preceding day. This way the only openings listed on the recording will be those that have the best chance of not being taken. Severs said. A more comprehensive list of jobs Is available at the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids, Administration Bldg. 1 12. In addition, a bulletin board the jobs offered on the telephone is located in the office. This list will contain- more information about the jobs, according to Severs. "The referral service will offer a wide range of jobs, from painting to clerical work," he said. The jobs, both full- and part-time, are with local companies. "Any student who has applied for financial aid next year has a good chance for summer work-study on or off campus," added Severs. Anyone interested should contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids, he said. The telephone service will be run indefinitely, Severs said. "I'm going to try to run it from now until midsummer and then make a decision on continuing it," he said. "It depends on how much students use it. "If it works out well, we'll try to keep it year-around." ' ounmer .-Y v i Ai $5 t'i (I; Jobs : if ' l3 '"' ' ' "' ' ' "' ' " "' " "" " . ps:ss , ff$ (( )j l MJ? J, OQIU enneay billing influenced By Lynn SiShasek ' v, It was a Kennedy assassination that made Ivan Scheier realize that his job as a research psychologist "was a good way of protecting yourself from people.' , - After his realization, Scheier founded and now directs the National Information Center on VoJunteerism in Boulder, Cole. The center staff compile! information on volunteer programs across the country and from other countries, including Japan, Canada and Australia. Its staff of volunteers, professionals and analysts travel throughout the world, offering organizational assistance and VOlLJ nTOQF" inforrnation to people wanting to set up other volunteer Scheier spoke Friday in Lincoln to 25 peoplt attending a college volunteer program conference sponsored by tha UNL Student Volunteer Services. In an interview, Scheier explained why he made the switch to volunteer work. "After .the first Kennedy assassination, I learned that . Lee Harvey) Oswald, when he was 15, was called to the attention of a juvenile court New York," Scheier said. "A psychiatrist looked at hirrf. ad said, This kid needs help.' But nothing was done." Scheier said he believed he could have made a difference ' in what happened to Oswald, if he could have worked with him as a volunteer in the courts. In 1963, Scheier did become involved in a juvenile court volunteer program, under the direction of Horace Homes, a Boulder juvenile court judge. "He was one f the fin judges to admit pecpfa from ths community Into the courts to help the kids," Scheier said. In 1065, the program received federal funds to establish itseif as a model program for other juvenile courts in ths country. The process required contacting other existing volunteer program! in the country, some not directly ' related to juvenile courts. 1 "We found out it was a vital thing to find out what other people were doing" within other programs, Scheier mid. The inforrnation-fpthcring process within th program gradually developed into a program itself and then into the center in 1970, according to Scheier. , - , According to Scheier, many pmopte still hold c i ta th concept of volunteer work being "a nicety to ktep tha lady of the house busy." . The word volunteer has bad connotations, h said, "it's ambiguous. It's patronizing. It implies something Incidental and accidental," ha said. But the number of volunteers in the U.S. Is estimated! between 30 and 10 million people, who each volunteer m average of 100 hours a year, according to Schc-cr. If thtsa lu were being cold for their services at $2 an hour. their work would bo worth $G billion to $10 billion, ha said. Paid volunteers do exist, such as clerical workers within volunteer pro-yarns, sod their increasing numbers represent a change for the volunteer image, Scheier said. ' "Ths day of ih& martyr volunteer Is over, t! ? V that it has to hurt you to help you," ha uld. "iii'it s. v,-t'v mt If? ss of the pur altruism than v,'3 cr.r .. thsra ever was such 8 thing." See Vo!'jn':.rr, i . i icy t f if Wednesday, may 1 , 1 974 incoln, nebraska vol. 97, no. 54 Parapsychologist J By Charles Johnson Can consciousness survive after the death of an organism? " Parapsychologist William Roll is unable to answer this question, though ha has spent some 20 years studying it and other psychic phenomena. Roll spoke Tuesday afternoon in the Nebraska Union on the topic "Wh3t Science Can Tell Us About Life After Death." He is head of the Psychical Research Foundation at Duke University in Durham, N.C. He Is the author of the book, Poltergeist, which was released in paperback this month. Ha said he is trying to look for the "characteristic of consciousness by exploring ourselves" in his experiments. Ha is doing research now in "out of ths body experiences," in which , some person? seem to be able to leave their bodies and view themselves "from outside." He cited studies made on a student with this ability at Duke University. He said in these experiences, a person has the sensation of going to a particular place and observing things at that place. "Perhaps human consciousness provides a connecting force between people and the physical world," he said. ''Also, these experiences tell us something, about out consciousness right now." ' Roll opened the lecture by describing his book, Poltergeist Poltergeist means a noisy or rambunctious spirit, he said. Ha spota of field studies ha had done with poltergeists in New York and Miami. Both involved objects toppling off ef tabids and shekel for no apparent reasons. "If these phenomena are genuine, they represent psychokinesis (PK)," ho said. "PK is the ability of influencing the physical environment without any known means." Although many people think poltergeists are actually spirits, the movement of oDjects is actuaiiy "a iiving pen! uyWiy to. contact another living person," he said. "The soui ce of the force of these phenomena appears to bo a person." Dy experimental analysis of a Miami warehouse worker thought to ba causing objects to topple from tha shelves, Roll discovered a relationship between the number of objects that fell and the distance of the shipping clerk from the objects. ' 8cusf ebjeett fell mwto mora frequently whm tb worker was do: 3 to them, HoSI concluded that tha PK Dissociated with th worker was respomiMa for ths formerly iriexpOcahla oscarrencss. Roll alio spoke of ths extrasensory perception U'JP) as another basic phenomenon he has studied. Ho said ESP is an awareness of something that is not norma!! available to ths senses. Experimenting on an Individual gifted with ESP, Roll sssd ho took train wave measurements at the sams time the person was doing his ESP guesses. Ha scored positively when certain train waves were recorded, Rcl said, end negatively when these waves wore not evidenced. ' "Tho mora wa learn about ESP and PK,' ths more it will become Integrated mio scientific fields," Roil said.