The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1974, Page page 4, Image 4

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With commencement less than two weeks away,
some UiML graduating seniors especially those
heavily in debt or without jobs-wifl look back on
their University tenure with bittersweet thoughts.
Some undoubtedly will question whether it was
worth it. . t
One as well might ask whether it will be worth it
for younger siblings.
According to Editorial Research Reports, next
autumn the annual price tag on room, board and
tuition at a school like UNL will be between
$3,000 and $4,000. At such prestigious schools as
Harvard and Yale, the same package is estimated to
cost about $5,400. The College Entrance
, Examination Board estimates that the cost of
attending some schools in the 1974-75 academic
year will be 80 greater than in 1970-71, when
some of this year's graduates entered.
A Stanford professor further calculates that
attendance at a "name" school can cost a student
and his or her family $10,000 a year, if one
assumes the student could earn $5,000 a year
working and not attending school. The professor
questioned whether this is the best way to invest
$40,000. The amount, of course, would be inflated '
if the student could net meet the school's
requirements for graduation in four years. At UNL,
few students graduate in eight semesters
alone most take summer school courses or elect to
hang around an extra semester or two.
In any case, the costs of higher education for
one child, let alone two or more, are out of reach
of most middle income families. It seems the
student sprung from the middle income family is
being squeezed out of the academic arena, with
spots at the more select universities going to the
very rich and the very pcor. If a poor student is
bright enough, often he or she can obtain full
tuition scholarships. Because of government
cutbacks and tight money, in many cases financial
aid has been cut off to the average income student.
After spending thousands of dollars, the
graduate still is not assured of a job. The field most
notorious for this is teaching, anqj a hiatus is not m
sigrifT" Accbrdi rig' to a recent Gallup Poll, nearly
25 of today's college students plan to teach when
they graduate. This means there now are about as
many college students planning to teach as there
are the present number of teachers.
A college education is not to be taken lightly. It
offers much in the w3y of broadening of one's
perspective, learning and accepting different
philosophies and different ways of life, associating
with men and women of knowledge and
distinction. ,
A college degree, however, is not the only ticket
to happiness and security. High school
students-and college students now in school not
because they want to be out but because it's
expected-should be made aware of other avenues
that might better suit their needs. Such blue-collar
trades as mechanics, carpentry and plumbing are as
essential to American society as the professions.
Mary Voboril
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Tha John ConnaHy Ranch
O.J.'s insight wasted
on befuddled O'Shea
To me, happiness presents itself in an aspect that is tripartita
Tc be happy (reducing the thing to its elemental) I must be:
a. Well-fed, unbounded by sordid cares, at ease in Zion.
b. Full of a comfortable feeling of superiority to the masses of
my fellow-men.
c. Delicately and unceasingly amused according to my teste.
It is my contention that, if this definition be accepted, there is
no country on the face of the earth wherein a man roughly
constituted as I ama man of my general weaknesses, vanities,
appetites, prejudices, and aversions-can be so happy, or even
one-half so happy, as he can be in these free and independent
H.L Mencken
As this is my last column of the semester, I thought it
appropriate to in some way summarize the collected wisdom of
the past year.
With thought in mind I traveled to charteuse haven, the known
intellectual hangout, in search of Oliver James (O.J.), noted
campus af f icionando and Cassanova.
When I first me James, I found him more than willing to share
his views on just about anyting. In his home high above "Q"
Street, we sat enjoying the breeze and a few Budweisers,
discussing one of our favorite hobbies, the University.
iohn michoel
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James: This is a campus full of unrecognized imbeciles. And
it's time they are recognized. I mean, at a time when they're
ready to throw the President out; what better time for the Greek
Follies. . '
O'Shea: Whatever do yourtean, "camput imbeciles"? -. L '
O.J.: For instance, people generally agree it's important how
you look and that they are concerned with their appearance.
Well, how often do you hear guys in the fiat or dorm discussing
laundry detergents? I can see these fellows crawling into bed with
their honeys in grey underwear. How does it look to her, those
clean white sheets, and his grey shorts. Some of these guys will
spend $25 for slacks to attract more girls to crawl into bed with
gray shorts with. These are imbeciles.
O'Shea: I think I don't follow your drift.
OJ.: How many blacks have you seen at Farmhouse's
watermelon feed? How many wouid really like to tap dance, but
won't? How many freaks really don't like long hair? These are
more imbeciies.
O'Shea: But . . .
O J.: How many of us are really just hayseeds but are afraid to
admit it. That's the real problem. And don't forget the great
intellectual ability of accounting majors.
O'Shea: That's very nice, Oliver, but why don't we talk about
the University itself. Having been a radical and all, if you were
elected regent tomorrow, how wouid you improve this
O J.: First, I'd" dedicate a building to one of the University's
finest economists, Stuart Hall. I'd call it Hall Hall.
Then I would move the space capsule to the top of Mueller
tower with a mechanical shaker so you just put in a dime and it
starts rocking like a horse at K-Mart. There should also be a Bible
so people can read their favorite verses from "outer space."
Then I'd name the new health center the Ken Bader Memorial
Band-Aid Box.
O'Shea: Thank you . , VYiiais iiiai tmiSr
O.J.: Oh, they re-tarred our roof --it used to be really nice out
there. Once I was caught on the roof by the police helicopter in a
compromising situation. The bastards just flipped on the spot
light. Is nothing sacred? You won't quote me on that?
O'Shea: Of course not, but back to the University . . .
OJ.t Then I'd review the so-called "relevant classes" like the
rock lyrics class. Have you listened to the music lately? I'd like to
know the rock significance of Helen Reddy singing "Leava Me
Alone." But the real culprits an th idiots, John.
People in this town don't read enough to even support a
decent independent bookstore. I went into Miller's bookstore and
asked for something by Hemingway. And they said "Who? . . ."
By the way, do you know how Eskimos french kiss?
O'Stea; Maybe we ought to he winding this up, Oliver. What
thought wouid you leave with all of our "junior activist" readers?
OJ.: I'd just like them to remember that there are a lot of
imbeciles around. We've mentioned only a fraction of the great
impfumbcd depths of imbecility. But the problem Is tracking
mom. And once you find them, get 'em. Whst this campus really
lacks are pranksters, but I just can't seem to think of any good
pranks. Cut about the Eskimos
O'Shea: Thank you, Oliver James. By the way, did anyone
ever mention that you look like F. Scott Fitzgerald?
?9 4
daiiy nebrsskan
monday, epril 23, 1974
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