The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1974, Page page 6, Image 6
-XT w Hit v W V V -w '-jr Si"" w 'Vi)i,, 12th & P STS. 477-123-4 rriPLAZApzzzz: mzzzzr ! M M Dailv: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 H it m w - " . . easily .She best mow le so far tills ' Stephen Farber J wCSS n NEW YORK TIMES r Wher mere you in G2? A? v .5 'ijiJii '.Eg I S3 I At 2:00, 3'45, 5:45, 7:30, 9:15 . The fast mewlna plot Just barely gives you time to keep up vItti the lauoks. . Expressions el Joy, delicious belly laughSp hovls. w j , . I if t 1 1 ! 1 ' it' ! Ij II H .H M From the tame director who brought A Man end A Woman!' 1 V y. i Of ;iCS GOM) mJMiXJ), wwi fliU' wjs. iu; vr utfluuc uuuuui At 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 PGI mm imiKt iwcusthi FOEE GAG GIFT FOR BVERYD0DY! '. EROTICA She was a vestal virgin unti reel MM Definitely en adult comsdy.. I X in yV j Eated 1 p ? 1- Dsl! ct 1:45 3:15, 4:45, 6:30, 8:00, 9:39 rRfP PARKING AFTER 6 P.M.: Ramps'. 1 2th & !j Autopark, 1 3th & Pn etc; l.ot at 12m & P & 12th & Q. Fr parking et Coopr lirvcofrt cntim. Dienstbier Dept. chairman By Mary Beth Grange It took the new chairman of the UNL Psychology Dept., eight years to get his bachelors degree. Richard Dienstbier says he tells his students this "to keep them from losing hope." After three years in the Army, lots of night school classes and full-time jobs, Dienstbier was graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 1960. He got his masters degree there and his doctorate in 1969 at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y. He steps into the chairmanship after five years at UftiL "The first job I've had." "It doesn't seem like a promotion," Dienstbier said. "It's a thing I'm going to do for awhile. "I really like to teach and love to do research," the 34-year-old professor said, "i'll still do research and still teach, but a little less." - Dienstbier's concerns next year include 600 undergraduate psychology majors, the department's graduate program arid 21 faculty members. , "People are tremendously interested in psychology today," he explained. "We are. trying to meet student demands and student needs. ; '' "Psychology enrollment is skyrocketing," Dienstbier said. "We can't grow in staff as fast as enrollment increases." Five years ago the department had 13 faculty members. 'Today there are 21. "Right now psychology is one of the two highest rated departments in the University," Dienstbier said. "It is very important to keep quality high, keep on improving." A 2-track major is one curriculum change being considered by the department. One option would be designed for students planning on graduate study. The other choice would be for "those interested but who don't choose or desire to take very rigorous types of courses," Dienstbier said. Dienstbier said he "anticipates no big changes other than continuing development and change in curriculum." ' Former chairman David Levine . was "extraordinarily good" in his job, Dienstbier added. Levine will be going to England this summer. Although his interests range from making beer and wine to long distance running, Dienstbier said research is more than work, it is a hobby too. "I like psychology an awful !ot," the new chairman sa;d. J 1 Monday $1.75 served in St. George Goblet : (keep the goblet) Tuesday while they last 7Crown T-Shirts yjth 7 Crown & Soda - 99$ Wednesday Fij:n III;!; Special Savings for Scotch drinkers (8:30-10:30) Thursday llfM,,, fbMsm tftt!..f mmdmmmtM S4sMj Ik Drinks $1 (you keep the mugs) Friday AprS 26 d 27 ' 'fa I mm mm mmmmm tmmmit-mmmiSimiB gone i the romonce thot ujoo divine: "'' mm "'Ww rimWii nwmnnnni miJj. - ' i ROBOT fiQFOfiDmiR FRRROULI ! I-i t 3.", t 1 ? V 1023 XT St KflRsn BiflCH con uuiion nm LURitRron lOICH!ltCBRUC6DCRnc,Tom Produced by DM) fDfflRICH Droted by .SH CI WTOfl eenptay fMKI fOflO COPPOlfi Baj on U-te ntMt by f AOTT fiTZGCflflO ruocto'.efcf fifYlK mOOfWlfl V "j I, 1 1 i i Moi St. I Sum. at "1 ,-4 page 6 daily nebrsskan friday, april 26, 1974