. v v w v v v v - ' -WW-w-VAr ' vv v ri -" KnnanEaiMmv-niMiipniiaiwiaHii ii uiiiiihijiii ii miiuiiiHWLiuiHiijyMnmiiuaiiHiiuiii. iwiuuaiMiMWMPni , j vmr r?mr &s ti mm sa S3 f-SP' net?'! til JfeUW Hrt. .MHf Ml MMB BUM ftCJH Wk JB Ml Jml fcfe Aw H& JbW UTWlfc JM tm. 1 ,,, .. .ii.ii.ii...i-i.ii-iii.iiiii.irii. --- miii I.IHM1 nulla I'm m mi limniMiniimr" Impeachment rally Even if they don't actively support throwing the bum out, as one bumper sticker puts it, students should plan to attend Saturday's rally and march to impeach President Nixon. It's unlikely that a rally of this sort will have any measure of national impact. But it does provida a crucial service: educating the public. Appearing to be a kind of v impeachment teach-in, however, the rally and march shouldn't be expected to generate much of the old antiwar emotionalism. Still, students would be treated to good talk and probably good ideas. Among the speakers at the rally are ASUM Second Vica President David Hewlett; State Sen. Steve Fowler; UNL faculty members June Levine and David Buller; and representatives from the American Indian Movement and the Lincoln Gay Action Group. The agenda appears inviting. Mary Voboril Correction. . . A typographical error caused confusion in one paragraph of Thursday's editorial on Nixon's reported plans to give $250 million to Egypt. The corrected version: The United States has developed a foreign aid policy over the years that borders on schizophrenia. For example, in the 1967 Six Day War between the Arabs and Israelis, the U.S. was supporting Israel monetarily even though the Arabs were waging war with U.S.-made weapons. Now the U.S. proposes to rebuild what it helped Israel to demolish. Similarly, the U.S. spent billions reducing Southeast Asia to a wasteland, but now has committed itself to helping rebuild what it once sought to destroy. w3"' ; jf j. d ,i I if ":WJl I r Ron Uear editor, The main prospect of life is to gain wisdom from, our experiences. Through our experiences, we achieve self-image and self-esteem as well as happier and healthier Jiving. For some people, it is easy to establish these experiences. . For otters less fortunate, it is rathe difficult One of the main reasons is the people den't receive chances to gain these experiences to the fullest extent. A solution to this, as well as to help athlete's in women's sports, is to allow scholarships and equal funding to set up better chances for experience. With these changes, women in sports would have better and more chances to compete, to gain excellence in performance, and be allowed more funds for necessary equipment which helps anybody psychologically as well as physically in competition, establish more allowance for travel and lodging expenses; and thus, for ail girls interested, provide opportunities to establish experience. This letter is in favor of scholarships and a bigger budget for women's sports. Using the general concept of gaining experiences, girl's sports should have an equal chance concerning the individual as well as her development to function as a contributing member cf society. These chances allow the woman to learn; through expression, through communication, through understanding, through belonging, through doing, through being. - With the scholarships and funding, women' sports would show fair provisions concerning sex. J feel that if students as well as concerned parents ere expressing interest in this issue, progress in women's athletics is to gain equal opportunities since it is an important achievement for a woman's athletic experience. Sylvia Jane Dear editor, ' My father being a conservative minister and myself a Bible college dropout, I feel obligated to say a few words concerning religious activity on campus. I am an agnostic or atheist (depending on the mood I'm in 1 when I get up in the morning.) Usually I keep those ideas to myself; unless a spirited (pun intended, of course) religious or philosophical discussion arises. However, ail this recent religious activity has revealed to me the error of my ways. From now on I have decided to shun my shallow wishy-washyness and become a full-time "Crusading Atheist." I will grow my hair long, develop a hunchback, look frantic in the eyes and will immediately practice throwing bricks through church windows at 60 yards. I have already ordered 5 million copies of David Hume's "Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion" to be distributed freely among all students. I am also writing my own tracts, one of which is entitled, "4 Things Zeus wants you to know." . t Seyeral of my friends are working on personal testimonies with which they hope to accost, astonish and insult people. We are also working on starting our own inquisition and hope to borrow some old but well used torture devices from the Christians themselves. If you are interested in joining our little group all you need to do is to get down on your knees and beg forgiveness in front of any book by Bertrand Russell, Voltaire, David Hume, etc. This will make you "born again" and your mind will begin to think. Bruce Nelson H w m m t m tm m nw rn win tnnnfi &nmu nm exercise. He avoids it at ail costs. Indeed, his book st forth only two positions for meditation: the prone and the supine. The Guru advocates meditating for three 12 -hour periods daily'-during the noon, 6 pjn. and 10 p.m. news shows. Qfthur hoppe f? 1 J? syr 4dk 4s M ft VsafT A "This ttimutst!? th tru believer to meditate on Kich subjects 9 erima, violsnct, corruption and th stock msrkst," ssyts. "Let us not ?cgt that a high mors) (Aim can ba achieved throush a high blood prstift." The Guru stresses siren. His adf'ierents perform their devotions twice daily during thg morning and evening peak hours) by stailiryj their cars in the center lane cf the nearest freeway, "Blessed ?s the man with many children," the .QiiP tha iinrW $3 W It seems that everybody these days is jogging around on a diet of raw carrots and vitamin E pills in high hopes of living to be a hundred. Moreover, biologists are happily predicting that with new technological breakthroughs In slowing the aging process everybody will toon be able to achieve this long dreamed of goal. They might just as well happily predict a thermonuclear war. For if we all live to be a hundred, az arty sociologist will tell you, we'll hava overpopulation, famines, unemployment, revolutkxs and an ecological catastrophe that will tmkt lift a hell on earth. So much for those selfith, carrot munching joggers. The ' only bumsnttariars to face the problem . squarely is the famed Guru, f4aaraha-ha, spiritual leader of the Eternal Temple of Shortgevitv Sect. His bcit-known work is, of course, Think of Your Fellow Man: Drop Dead! Like most spiritual leaders, the Guru strictly, adheres to s rigorous diet. He eats only the food i iikss, such as fried cream, chocolate parfaks, lobster bisques, and divinit y. "Clioiciterol," h tells his devout, followers, "is the path to Mint hood' i -w- vi.'i-.-:r..iiji of a fanatic about Guru is fond of saying, "particularly if they are teenagers." In this regard, he is also a strong advocate of marriage. But at tb ssitk; time, he practices total abstinence as a means of demonstrating his spiritual resolve. For example, he abstains from medical checkups, vitamin pills and filing tax returns. This last, he feels, is the secret to the Way of the True Believer. Not only does evading taxes provide him with the funds for liquor, women end fast paced living, but it also induces insomnia. "The righteous must bo awake," he fcays, "at Icact 20 hours a day." Nor 3s the Guru without medical knowledge. "Show rne the man who smokes three packs a day," be says, luxuriously Inhaling his filter tipped Hackenkoff (tar 22 mg., nicotine 1.8 mg), "and I'll show you a humanitarian who thinks stout aeiKrraiiyni yet un'yjtn." By a$;iduous!y following his program, the Guru claims that ail American could cut 20 yeajs off their life spans-thereby reducing overiopu!ation, famines and unemployment arJ making this a better workJ for others. "After all, it isn't how long you live," this wise man says, "it's how much." All of his followers agree. "He's right " both of them say. ' daily nebfeskan friday, april 26, 1974