Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1974)
V V'V V V "V N. V r V- V' V' V K NEBRASKA PREMIERE! A NOSTALGIC RETROSPECTIVE OF CLASSIC 1 950 Y TELEVISION A 3 HOUR ORGY n -M iiwmw i.ipm.hii II I r.. , . ' V k J ; '' I V ' . ' -1 r 'V srii RROUCHO MARX in YOU BET YOU LIFE (1956) Features Groucho. George Fen amon, and the Mad Duck who nnns in when the Secret Word is said. Groucho's insane contes- tants tonite include the ban Francisco zoo keeper who sleeps with tne animais; SUPERMAN (1955) Streak! Streak! Stars George Reeves, Perry White and Lois Lane. A special episode made for the U.S. Treasury Dept. in which Superman tells young sters of the vitrues in buying government savings bonds. A how!! RICHARD NIXON'S CHECKERS SPEECH (1952) The President is accused of cor ruption! The most transparently fraudulent speech in the history of American politics. This one will bring the house down! ELVIS PRESLEY on ED SULLIVAN (1955) Elvis was censored from the waist down! as he pounded out Don't Be Cruel and Love Me Tender. An utterly magical piece ot purest nostalgia, uon i miss it. THE LONE RANGER (1052) The very first episode ever made! We learn wny tne neroic icxas Ranger dons his mask and how he meets his faithful Indian companion Ton to. A camp classic! AMOS 'N ANDY (1952) Perhaps your only chance to see again a riotously funny episode from a legendary show. In this one, Andy and the Kingfinh throw a monkey wrench into a United States Defense factory that's in the bomb manufactur ing business. SERGEANT BILKO (1958) Hysterically wild as Phil Silvers as con-man Ernie Bilko leads Colonel Hall through Nick's Diner on his way to an AWOL wedding - and on the night of , the War Games! -plus WILDROOT CREME OIL HAIR TONIC COMMERCIAL NIXON FOR SENATOR AD! ADLAI STEVENSON vs. CORRUPTION! FRIDAY & SATURDAY, API II 26 & 27, mnmm jr. high school auditorium, 2240 VV.ll ST.; COMPLETE SHOWS NIGHTLY . AT 7:C0 $1.75 Committee positions remain unfilled Although the interviewing period for 1974-75 ASUN committe appointments has ended, there are still some seats to be filled, according to David Howlett, ASUN second vice president. Because the committees wanted more selection time, interviews were held from April 15 until Wednesday. They originally were to end April 19. Howlett said student were not informed that the time period was extended. He said ASUN executives have been busy preparing a budget and have been without a full-time secretary the past two weeks. Posters, an ad in the Daily Nebraska n and letters sent to student assistants and sorority and fraternity presidents helped publicize the interviews. Howlett estimated 70 to 80 people have ;r.t0r!pwfid and called it a "falrlyN normal pattern." People are more interested in sitting on the popular committees like the. Council on Student Life, Publications Board and Fees Allocation Borad, Howlstt said.. New appointees "are expected to be responsible to ASUN," Howlett said. "The reason why they are sitting on the board is to voice ASUN'f opinion. If they don't do that, we have the power to remove them. "The Senate Action Committee on Appointments will be responsible to contact ail people appointed to various committees to see what is going on," he explained. Howlett encouraged students to apply for positions at the ASUN office. All tha nmhahlv will not be filled when school ends, he said. NIKON SCHOOL SALE Nikkorma All Cameras and Accessories on Sale. April 22-27 "Get to Know 17th &.0" TRECIl PHOTOGRAPHIC IflC. 1700 0 St. 7 ! !- . 'ooiu ooorosicofi - ' 1 ... 1,1 1 , Jj f . n JL... L, 1 IHUIHI, . ' H'l . l!i J JMrtMyJjailJ JUJWII"I,I ''"" I ''inim"e'!.Mi,m -iHMU' lH'I'J V .'WWW UIMM'WPf.lW' 1 ' '" " - "' , , ,, ll,i,,r-ll.-iti-anMMiriMfMa;J.Ml.t lilMi,iiaii)ilWfl-yifiM"if.'-l,a ' . ' .. w.i .M . . nMk r.hief: Randv Beam. Editor-irt-Chiet: wary vurjou.. vh Vincft Boucher. News Editor: Jane Owen,. Associate New. Jnf Layout and Sports Editor: Dennis Onnen. EntertimnMnt tairor. DianeWanek. Nigt News Editor: Randy Bearn. Ken K.rk Ch ef Photographer: Gail folda, News AMiitant. Lwl Ciepper Reporter.: We, Alber,, Lori Demo, J " J Connie Sue Gaskill, Ellyn Hess, Mark Hoffmen Torn iJewen .Charles Johnson. Neva Lindell, Pat Moynihan, John Petrow Susanne Schafer, Pat Schnitzer, Mary Shackelton, Scott Svoboda, Annette Sims, Mary Wagoner, Greg Wees. Entertainment Writers: Dennis Ellermeier, Greg Lukow, Meg Greene. . Sports staff: Bob Hill, Steve Taylor, Larry Stunkel. Columnists: Mary Cannon, Keith Landgren, John O Shea, Karen Richardson, Ron Sindelar, Artists and Photographers: Stewart Nelsen, Tony Ramiraz, Mark Sward. Copy Desk: Rebecca Brite, Dave Madsen, Nancy Stohs, Pamela Ury. Dispatch: Larry Grill. Circulation: Tom Lundahl, Britt Miller, Mark Lyon. Subscriptions: Mary K. Jensen. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Jeff Aden. Receptionist: Kathy Cook. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn , and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted . without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska Sts., Lincoln, IMebr. 6a&U& Teiepnone vi iVMi. Z3POOOOI O : i BS STARTING SALARIES NOW RANGE TO $11,297 In energy fields, communications, highway safety, consumer protection, exploring inner and outer space, defense,' environ ment ... Federal agencies have been given responsibility for some of the most important work being done today. Some of their jobs are unique, with projects and facilities found nowhere else. All are challenging and offer excellent potential for advancement. Good people are in demand. Our nationwide network can p,et your name referred to agencies in every part of the country. Chances are some of them are doing things you'd like, to do. For voconcy and placement information, writ to: ' a m m Enaineer Recruitment, Koom 6AI i -3? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20475 o o o o o o o u u n n o u o 12 o u o it IOOOOOOOOOOO o H o o D C o p Ml o o u u o O u o n 3 AMERICA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER LIZIOOOOOQOODOOOOOOOOQ FREE Vi hr. Shorthand L essoii HMD GOT K01V QUIOCtV YC'J CA53 START EVENING CLASS .To Begin April 29 Shorthand in IZ Weeks - - mo titAHOi im$Ot$ no ucim LINCOLN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 1821 "K" P.O. Box 82326 Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Phone: (402) 432-5315 The introductory session with free lesson will be held Thursday, April 25 If you are interested in attending the introductory session, please check the one you will attend and provide us the following information. Name Address llHWWM. Ul . Telephone Number .Zip. daily nebraska.i thursday, april 25, 1974 . ft 4 & m 0 - -fc ..a. page 2