The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1974, Image 1

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    lent sculp
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Sculpture, sculpture, who's got the sculpture?
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Wednesday, april 24, 1 974
lincoln, nebraska vo!. 97, no. 50
By Diane Wanek
.. A news story appeared not too long
ago about an art gallery in Chicago
which specialized in abstract and
modern sculpture. It seems they had
just sold a large piece of metal
sculpture for a 6-figure sum. They
placed the sculpture outside in back of
the gallery to be picked up and
cleaned before it was turned over to its
new owner. But the sanitation
department got to it before the
cleaners could, and it is now a very
expensive piece of compressed scrap
A similar event happened at UNL
Monday, when John "Willie" McCarty,
whose photographs and silks'creens are
now on exhibit in the Union,
displayed his semester project for his
3-D design class in the Art Dept.
McCarty said he had spent much
time and money on his project, which
consisted of three casts of people with
their social security numbers written
across their chests.
McCarty said he brought the casts
down to campus at 7:30 a.m. Monday
and placed them on the
Administration Bldg. lawn, having
first cleared it with the maintenance
people. He then took two photographs
of the casts, and he left to get his class
instructor to evaluate the project. ,
"My instructor came back with me
to look at them." McCarty said, "but I
went into the Union because it was
cold outside. At about 8:30 p.m. my
instructor came in and said. They just
took them.' I thought he was pulling
my leg, so I went to the window, and
sure enough, they were gone."
McCarty pressed his instructor for
details. "He told me they had pulled
up in a gray University pickup truck,
unlatched the back and put the casts
in and drove away," McCarty
He said, however, he doesn't believe
the University had anything to do with
the heist.
"I think it may have been a plot by
Captain Admen and his mad
Zambanians, simply because they've
been working against me for a long
time now."
1 The fact that social security
numbers were stenciled on them
would make them distinctive, and thus
hard to get rid of. McCarty said,
however, that he is sure they have
either changed the social security
numbers or scratched them out "I've
heard that's the first thing criminals
do," he said.
McCarty is bringing a private eye
from Plattsmouth into the case.
Further details will be reported as new
evidence is found.
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By Greg Wees
Two UNL students are among 10 candidates who
have said they will saek elction to the Board of
Regents in the November general election.
In the Seventh District, two candidates are
challenging incumbent Robert Raun of Minden. In
the Sixth Districteight challengers have filed for the
position formerly held by the late J.G. Elliott, who
died earlier this month.
In telephone interviews, ; the Daily- Wsbmkanr
talked with ths candidates about Jssues affectirit
students and the University; ' .
-Candidate John Gottschalk, 30-year-old mayor
of Sidney and publisher of the Sidney Telegraph, said
it is important that the regents divorce themselves
from matters that should be handled between
University administrators and students. Gottschalk
has filed for the Sixth District seat.
Allowing alcohol on campus and modifying
visitation and student fee policies are issues that
"should properly be handled through the
administration," he said. "I hate to see the regents
getting tangled up with these student related issues.
He would not be in favor of allowing alcohol on
campus "in the absence of a real need or reason for
it," he said. The $51.50 per semester student fees
should be retained, he added, " if it's determined that
the majority of students approve of the uses of the
money. Students pay the fee, so they should decide
how some of it is used."
Of State Sen. Terry Carpenter's proposal to merge
the four state colleges with the University, he said, "I
was relieved it didn't pass. We need a panel of
legislators, students and citizens to study it further."
Elvin Adamson of Nanzel said he would create
"a better liaison with the students" end would aim to
improve the academic quality cf NU in relation to
other Big 8 schools.
"We can afford first class education in all fields of
study at NU," the 5-term former state senator said.
But he urged that an In-depth study be undertaken
before any merger with state colleges so that neither
'ths colleges nor University would , sufftf
"I have reservations' about alcohol,'
the Sixth
District candidate said. "I'm not sure that the campus
is the place for it." He added that under age students
would be a problem.
On visitation, he said, "I would favor liberalizing
policies if they don't interfere with other students'
In 1969 Adamson resigned as state senator and
became Deputy Assistant Secretary cf Agriculture to
Clifford Hardin, then secretary of agriculture.
Adamson, 59, was graduated from NU in 1940 with a
bachelor's decree from the College of Arts and
-UNL student Tim Evensen moved to Nebraska
from New York two years aao and it currently
Residence Hall Assoc. (RHA) president, chairman of
the task force that prepared the Differentiated
Housing Report and an ASUN senator.
Evensen said as Sixth District regent he would try
to delegate more authority to University
UNL Chancellor James Zumberge "knows more
about " residence hall policy because he is more
familiar with the situation" than regents are, Evensen
claimed. But until now, students have had to deal
with the board because it controls policy, he said.
"A student should have freedom to choose his
own living environment at the University. That
decision shouldn't be up to the regents," he said.
Most student fees should be retained, he said. But
fees that are used for "administrative purposes" by
the University should be eliminated, he added.
...njndlctsted . he,. dtdwot.J ayor StataEeri.
C&t panter'i merger idea. " . . "
-Candidate John Olson, 40, of Alliance said, "I'm
told we are duplicating some educational efforts by
NU and the state technical colleges. I would like to
see that eliminated." Olson is running from the Sixth
"Regents need to approach every question with an
open mind," he said. "Students' rights also should be
considered." Olson, a 1957 NU graduate, added that
he would not like to see alcohol legalized in living
units, but "if students want a bar in the Union, then
the regents should not stand in the way."
-Albert Reddish of Alliance said that, if elected to
the Sixth District seat, he would try to maintain the
quality of higher education by expanding agricultural
research and by "firming up areas where there is now
short term accredidation."
On student fees he said, "It might be better to
abolish them and then see what happens." He
proDosed that state tax dollars be used to finance the
University Health Center, Nebraska Union operations
and student government. Those areas now are
supported by student fees.
see Candidates, Page 6.
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, 1'hh map of Nebraska
shows regents' districts
and tho mxnz of csndidatcs
in their home counties.
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