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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1974)
;eaction to housing changes favorable If barriers have existed between UNL students and the Board of Regents, some of those barriers might now be dissolving. In a 6-1 vote Saturday, the regents UKl"UI'tU W UlllblblllluiGU II lOuSing pi'OpviSoi that included more coed visitation hours, eliminating the open door and sponsorship policies and providing floors for students with similar academic interests. Tim Evensen, the Residence Hall Assoc. (.RHA) president, said, it was a "great surprise that it (differentiated housing) went through with so little opposition. "It shows we are bettering our relationship with regents," he said, and proves that students can accomplish something by working through proper channels instead of through mass violations. When students' efforts for a more liberal housing policy were frustrated by the regents the past year, a lawsuit by RHA and ASUN was filed. Some students believed a mass violation of visitation rules could be the only answer. The new changes will put more responsibility on students for enforcing policies, Evensen said. "it is up to the students now to show regents we are adults ... we have argued this all along," he noted. mo Said lid Vai Paut disapuiiiitni thai alcohol or 24-hour visitation were not allowed, even though he would like to see them, he added. ASUN President Ron Clingenpeel said he was "pleasantly surprised" by the vote. He said it was a ,big step and students might come back to ask for additional changes "when it would be more acceptable to the Board of Regents." Regent Ed Schwartzkopf of Lincoln said he "was pleased with the way we (students and regents) worked with the system." Of possible additional housing changes, he said, "We don't carve this (the accepted proposal) into stone. "I'n not one to say 'don't come back in the next five years'" for additional changes, he added. Regent Kermit Hansen of Omaha said, "I don't see this (the accepted proprosal) as the final (change) for the next 50 years." Monday 10:30 a'.iT .-Mlnl University No. 2 "Alcoholi3m"-Nebraska Union 3 p.m.-Mini University No. 3 "Feet Allocation Board'MJnion 6:45 p.m. -Delta Sigma Pi-Union . 6 p.m.-Towne Club dinner-Union 6:45 p.m. Towne Club-Union' 7 p.m. -Lambda Chi Alpha-Union 7:30 p.m. -Math counselors-Union 8 p.m. "Once Upon A Mattress"-Union 9 p.m. Kappa Psi-Union 9 p.m.-Kappa Alpha PsS-Unlon fWfJll!illil)ll"ir""H" l 1 ffmmt' Hi M iffiiumifFftjhi! Li 'Hi adults) h r-Miw 1.11 YOU PAY FOR THE DRINKS... THEY DO THE ZEST I k cookti ostesses THEYWe HEHC TO H.iA8I VOUI At: 11:20, 1:00, 2:40, 4:20, 6:00, 7:40,9:20 ENDS THURSDAY Starring: REHEt 8GI5D term johhsou IfADASSr TUEATRl 1730 "O" St. 432-6042 No One Under 18 Adm Putter flway the ........ . WEEK mONDAY Dollar Day Play 3p.m. - 7p.rn. only$1 TUESDAY Bonus Day Win $1.20 in " golf discount with hole-in-one WEDNESDAY Amateur Toum. Anyone can Win the Prizes Enter THURSDAY Dollar Nite Play 3 games $1 Free Pizza for every group from Shakey's SATURDAY-SUNDAY Great Day for groups Bring In AD For a 50 Discount Putt Putt 11 th t Corohusker Belmont Piaza M-F 312 pm tat. 9m-12pm Sun. 12am-12pm 3 j CD!R I i R mON. AND TUES ONLY - APRIL 2223 Our Entire Stock of LP's ock - Jazz - Classics - All Labels I OFF List LP's ' JPER DISC - 5.98 list 4t4 PER DISC ' 6.98 list TAPE 1 Featuring these newest releases from y) Warner, Elektra, Atlantic: (PER DISC 6.98 list S.$3?tt DISC 7.98 list 4 $ Seals&Crofts " 0 ij Unborn Chiki Inch t: Win If rwfrs IJiiMTt ni- KiK.ld BixMiJc i si fc M 6 Aretha Franklin Let Me In Your Life On The Border gLO V HI asylum J sv HI"' (''-) ill 1 1 k, III terflH'lil'IIMI,Mlg If if 3 1 I SI?! :r-:. i r'' it a it i 31 i , .iLJ V V-v. V.., ,, ! twl vJ 12th and Q Sts. HOURS: M-F 10 - 9 SAT 9:30 - 6 largest salaction convenient Hours every LP ar.d tape guaranteed new expert alespeopl to help you bankamericard rH mastercharga monday, epril 22, 1974 daily nebraskan page 0 j... ,-S-f,riAidiI-,,..;Sj. ..A 1. 4 i