The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1974, Image 1

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monday, april 22, 1 974
lincoln, nebraska vol. 97, no. 49
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wi. . --Jl,-- mnn-mmnmt.
By Mark Hoffman
UNL residence hails will have differentiated
housing next fall, excluding alcohol and 24-hour
By a 6-1 vote, the Board of Regents accepted UNL
Chancellor James Zumberge's revised proposal
Saturday. The action came after a policy to allow
alcohol in the halls was rejected with only Regent
Kermit Wagner of Schuyler supporting it.
Zumberge then presented "Option 3," a revised
plan for differentiated housing which excluded
alcohol and 24-hour visitation.
The original plan, which included the two
provisions, was written by a subcommittee of the
Council on Student Life (CSL).
Only Regent Robert Koefoot of Grand Island
opposed Zumberge's proposal. Regent James Moylan
of Omaha was absent.
. Those changes in UNL residence hail living
-Grouping students with similar academic
interests, such as business administration, teaching,
fine arts and architecture, sciences, agriculture and
other areas, on certain floors.
-Allowing students to choose floors with different
options of coed visitation hours. These include either
no hours of visitation, zero to eight hours daily and
14 hours on Saturday and Sunday or zero to 14 hours
daily, including Saturday and Sunday. Graduate
students housed separately from undergraduate
students may have 24 hours of visitation daily. For
other on campus students, hours may begin not
earlier than 1 1 a.m. and must end by 1 a.m.
Eliminating the open door and sponsorship
-Establishing more coed living arrangements
similar to that in Schramm. That hall is coed by
alternate floors. The UNL Housing Office also plans
to make two Abel Hall floors coed with males and
females living on separate sections of the floor.
The changes are optional for students. A
supplement form with housing contracts will list the
different options and will ask how much visitation a
student wants and whether he wants to live in a coed
The student would list those options according to
his or her priority. If a student would prefer to live in
a certain hall, but would also like 14 hours of
visitation as a second priority, the Housing Office
first would try to place him in that halL Putting him
on a floor with 14 hours of visitation would be
Students under the legal age of 19 will be required
to have their parents' signature on the preference
card. Also, that student may not move from his
original floor to another floor having more liberal
options without prior written consent of his parents.
Once a student is 19 years old, he would not be
bound by that rule.
Halls or floors with a particular visitation option
may not increase the maximum hours of visitation
during the year. Each floor will decide on the number
of hours within its particular option by a 23 vote of
the floor residents. Each dormitory will try to include
all three visitation options.
The regents' vote came after a Friday niglit open
hearing when students and Zumberge presented
statements in support of a more liberal policy.
UNL's declining occupancy rate was brought up
by a student at the Friday hearing. Rates during the
first semester, have been as high as 100 in past
years, but this year the first semester rate was about
93 and is now 83.
Regent Kermit Hansen of Omaha commended the
student effort in putting together the differentiated
housing proposal and the "manner students presented
it last night," he said Saturday.
"Together they represented the maturity of the
students," ha said.
The rejection of alcohol in the residence halls
might have had more to do with legal problems than
student maturity.
Regent Robert Prokop of Omaha said Friday, at
the Student Advisory Board meeting that there was a
"serious legal question" about allowing a student
19-years-old or older to drink in the same room as a
student under age.
For related stories,
see pages 2, 7, 9.
Regents Robert Prokop (above), Camilla Elliot
(starting from right), Ed Schwartzkopf, Kermit
Hansen End Robert Koefoot at Saturday's
meeting in Lincoln.
es may
By Wss Albers
An Increase in student fees and
discontinued funding of some fee
supported programs is being considered
by trie UNL Fees Allocations Board
(FAB), according to board chairman Dave
Morrison told the four students who
attended an open hearing Thursday night
that a subcommittee had recommended a
fees increase of $7 to $10 to offset
Each full-time student now pays
$51.50 per semester in student fees. The
fees are used to support campus
. organizations end programs.
The subcommittee tlso recommended
that sever! programs no longer be funded
by student feea fosowse "they could be
sett-sufficient or r organizations which
perhspi ere not 8 legitimate function cf
student fe funding," h wfd.
Program! mentioned by the
subcommittees include .the Overseas
Opportunities Center, the Travel Flight
program, the Um Student Program, the
Placement Office and the Alumni Assoc.
The Fees Allocations Board was
created by the Board of Regents last year
to administer student fees. Final
recommendations on allocations and fee
levels will he madto to Vice Chancellor of
Studant Affeks Ken Bader "within a
week r two," Morrison eaid,
. Tha regents wis! make the final
decision on allocations and fee leve!st.he
Of the $10 increase being considered,
$4 would be designated for the University
Health Center (UHC), $2 for Nebraska
Union operation and programming, $1
for tha Recreation Dept and $3 for
unallocated fees.
Unallocated fees fund groups such as
student organizations, ASUN in part and
the Student Activities Office. Forty-one
t -i .
'uusih uiyeuuaiiMit novo oppiiou
funding through the unallocated fees
category, Morrison said.
Board member Gary Martin, a UHC
administrator, told the students that the
center needs the $4 increase because
"we're in a position where we're spending
more money than we're taking in."
"There hasn't been an Increase in
student fees since 1SC3, nd health
services costs have been rising," he said.
"Come next year we may have to cut
services if we get no more money."
Recreation Dept. Director Daniel
Stellar, also a board member, said
increasing salaries, services and costs of
equipment mak an increase in fees
support necessary there.
f" or risen said the increase in tha
unallocated fees category was being
sought because surpluses carried forward
from p-r.t years would be exhausted by
next year.
A report to tha committee last month
by Dean of Administration ly Meyerson
tatd there would be a $23,500 to $45,B00'
deficit in unallocated student fees next
year given current spending levels.
Ninety cents of the suggested $3
increase for unallocated fees would go
exclusively to student organizations,
Morrison said.
"If recommended and approved, this
would generate approximately $42,000
for distribution to student
organizations," he said, "This is the only
vai&jvry m which we are considering t
fee increase to add new services."
He said the other increases would be
needed simply to maintain the present
services provided by those programs.
Martin said the subcommittee
recommendation to discontinue fee
support for some programs was "not
made because we disagree with the
programs but because we think soma of
these things can more appropriately be
funded from other sources."
Morrison said the subcommittee action
was "not necessarily condemnatory" but
represented the view that "there are
better ways to fund them."
Cutting the suggested program? could
save $2 to $3 a student per semester in
student fees, making an increase of only
$7 necessary rather than $10, according
to tha subcommittee.
Last year $119,000 was allocated to
the programs which thy subcommittee
suggested be eliminated from student fees ,
support next year, Morrison said.
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