edicoriQ 4 i-ry"' jlO ' I s . j h7 Lls- ? v i Passover: Kiryat Shemona, Israel Unanswered questions Ken Bader, vice chancellor for Student Affairs, obliged the Council on Student Life Thursday night and offered his-and presumably the University administration's-view of the University Health Center (UHC) reorganization brouhaha. In tracing the history of the plan, Bader to some extent satiated the council's desire, for background on the issue. But hs neglected to acknowledge reported dissatisfaction with the plan and offered no new insights into suspected reasons for the upheaval. His answers to pointed questions were less than direct and, as some sources noted, a little fuzzy on truth. Time did not allow for all questions to be asked. Among them: Two professional studies that evaluated the fiscal and managerial aspects of UHC suggested that fiscal policies could be improved. Neither study, however, recommended UHC undergo the radical reorganization the administration proposes." What, then, was the professional basis for the reorganization? -If the administration has management considerations at heart and the intent of giving students the best possible health care available, why isn't the past UHC director (Dr. Sam Fuenning) taking part in the planning of the reorganization? Fuenning is not a member of the UHC Advisory Committee, appointed by UN L Chancellor James H. Zumberge. If there indeed are no personal conflicts between administrators and health center staff, as Bader alleges, why are 27 doctors threatening to resign their availability to the health center in protest of the reorganization plan? The health center" mystery should not be one that, given enough time, will quietly be forgotten. But it's unfortunate that its analysis must be surrounded by so much vagueness and innuendo. , t ... Mary Voboril ; Susanne Shafer to Dear editor, I am writing in regards to the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and its Title IX. It is, as I understand, designed to eliminate sexist discrimination in curriculum, activities admission policies and financial aid. My intent in this letter is to make others aware that this act is not being adhered to at the University and that there Is concern, not only on the student level. As the curriculum stands, the men at the University receive one credit hour for their participation on a "varsity" athletic team by registering1 for this under the course description of Varsity Athletics for Men. The women receive no academic credit. Secondly, the men's teams receive funds in their budgets for them to foster a program that will lend to greater athletic competition, participation and personal improvement. Their funds allow for travel, food and lodging for adequate programs of competition. In contrast, because of the limited budget of the Women's Athletic Assoc., the women1 cannot travel outside of a 300 mile radius of Lincoln (without special permission from the Coaches Committee in the Women's Physical Education Dept.), and are limited on the number of competitors they may take to meets because of inadequate transportation funding. They are buu'yeieu fur a Misie $2 tut liitee meals a Jay when they travel on an overnight trip, and none if the meet is away but not an overnight. Also, on overnight trips they are allowed $4,50 a girl for lodging. This year, the women's teams have been severely held back because the budget would not allow for an entire season of tournament plays, and scheduling. In addition to these areas of insquity, is that of the financial aids. The men, according to their athletic ability andor class ranking, receive financial aid in the form of scholarships for their participation on the varsity teams. The aid ranges from tuition and becks, to full scholarships including the aforementioned in addition to room and board costs and other fringe benefits. In the Women's Athletic Assoc.'s budget, there is no allocation for financial aid in any form. These and other inequities are of concern to many patents as well as students, and should not be taken lightly. It i$ my hope that more action will be taken in this area before the University is forced into a situation in which it will have to deal with these promptly. Concerned Parent Mob turns over lettuce leaf at Caesar's white palace Scene: The hideout of the Little Caesar Salad Mob in a darkened white house surrounded by a high fence and guards, Caesar is huddled with his mouthpiece, James (Chocolate) Eclair, his secretary, Rosemary Sage, his top general, Haig N. Haig, and his hit man, Ron (Crumbles) Zwieback. Playing Parcheesf in the corner are the lesser known members of the mob, Artie (Chokes) Vinaigrette, Potatoes O'Gratin, the glamorous Peaches Cling and the tiny Chinese cat burglar, Shrimp Foo Yung. Zwiebach: It's been 40 days, chief, since you promised to cooperate fully with Elliot (Water) Cress and his Judicious Committee of Untouchables. You think they may be getting a weensy bit impatient? orthur hoppe 1 jflli ifllii ssr fft: ,1. 4&f W Caesar (angrily): Why should they? I'm still promising to cooperate as fully as I've always promised to cooperate fully. Eclair: That's right. Chief. I've assured Cress that you are painstakingly going through and sorting out all the evidence against you. And as soon as you find enough to prove yourself innocent, you will oladly turn it over to the committee of your own free will. Caesar: What could bo fairer than that? Like I said, I'd dia before I'd withhold evidence from the committee-preferibly of old age. daily nebraskan Zwiebach: I've told everybody the evidence will prove you innocent, chief. The trouble is, the committee wants the other 90, too. Caetar: No way. It is the duty of the Caesar to uphold the rights of the Caesarship. And I will never . . . (Crash I The door of the hideout is kicked in. There stands that nemesis of evil, Elliot Cress!) Cress: Don't make a move, you ratsl I've got you covered with this subpoenal Caesar: Duck, men I Cress (grimly): You can't duck this subpoena, Caesar. You'll have to turn over all the evidence again.t you. Caesar: But I've onfy had 40 days to look for it. What's happened to the great American system of justice I have come to know and love? Eclair: Let me assure you, Mt . Cress, that we will comply fully with those sections of your subpoena of which we approve-just as soon as we can transcribe the evidence. It shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks. Or so. Cr: I krww you rats would knuckle under! (He exits triumphantly.) Caesar (happily): And he thinks he's the Untouchable. Zwieback: Out what are we going tp do, chief? Caesar: Do? We're going to go right on doing what we've been doing. Rosemary, get back to work transcribing the evidence against me. Rosemary (hesitantly): I'm afraid I have some awfully bad news for you, chief. The erase button on my tape recorder has worn out. Caesar (blanching): Our only weapon! We're defenseless. But they'll never catch me alive. . Zwieback (handing him a gun): Goodbye, chief. Caesar (spurning it): That would be the easy way. And I have never been one to take tha easy way out. I'll take a plane, Instead. Rosemary, check the flight schedules to Bermuda. (Copyright Chrorttclo Publishing Co J friday,epril 19,1974 ... - -t... ....wi.----e - - ' ' - " A -A -A . .A. fc... . .A AAAAJtAAAAJi-AAAj.,.,---- . . . .