V V V V ,' v- -v V v.- V V v w V- V N.- vv V -v V V v v m f V v V V V V - v' T iader answers questions if 1 f fi H -A I' Jioff 1 r!3 ri n n JdkJ LjU U Liii TODAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. A kademia 1127 R Reference & Professional Book Shop NOW THERE ARE ?! n i ' M 11 ! U i if ' I LiLis li, js-:. ; li Jt H It J is nnn WITH ROOM FOR MUMMY! ' Ml. f -1 1 s'-Oi t km tm i Great zip-together idea for backpackers who want, light weight and warmth at a reasonable price. Insu-' lated with a double layer of lofty DuPont Dacron Fiberfill II; right and left models in regular and extra rn long siyies; msuiaiea ueirm zipper 7-'J . with 2-way sliders; rip-stop nylon ; cover; warm and roomy oval foot pocket. Vo1 4 -j Acts iflir nnarhv Stan Trail Wane iJLJ dealer. p MM Ml KM MM M MB0 MW Mi Ml mm WH ! tzf V"f I Nam. I " B ' i I Address , J i Li J i l- ' Send 25t lor new Technical Report on trail ten!, backpacks and sleeping bags, or send S 1 00 for backpacker poster plus Technical Report. TO: HJrsch-WolsWhitc Stag, Dept. CNP-2, DUJ b e. Juhnvun Crek civu., Portland, Oregon 87206.. Stat Zip Cuilege Your STAG 'TRAIL HAUS" Bcsler Is SUHPLU5 CENTER DIVSSIOH cf mudm SALES company itreo Ths "TrslI Hs$" Mvauny Bags $ 4 5 9 S EACH Shown Abo Are 0!y O0 CI MMCIIID y II pais " SURPLUS CimU hes S'. west complsfs lirie of STAG 'Trcll Hsss' gtsr i its fJdwett. TtRts, Teckj cad! S!sp:ag Esf. Lswt st Prksi. page 2 Continued from Page 1. or essential features is religious worship testimony in any of its various forms." Tillman said it restricted Christians from professing their belief. Tillman suggested a revision that stated, "University facilities will not be available for religious groups' meetings ... if one of its essential features Is religious worship or testimony to a captive audience." He said the regents' policy prohibited such meetings before any type of audience. Tillman's proposed revisions also stated that the meetings will be open and voluntary and should not be publicized under "false pretenses." Art Alexander, a UNL student and student, assistant In Abel Hall, disagreed with allowing religious meetings in public areas such tas dormitory lounges and snackbars. Some students said because a dormitory was their home they should be able to use the lounges for religious meetings and prayers. Alexander called himself an agnostic He said he should have "freedom from religion." He complained about an incident in Abel Hall where a singing group performed and then solicited funds and conducted prayers and testimonials. He said posters telling of the event were deceptive. The posters read, "Hope is coming, Hope is on the way," he said. Alexander said he assumed it was just the nane of the group and was not concerned with a religious movement. Another student, Kent Bliss, argued in favor' of allowing religious groups to conduct meetings and events in residence halls. An Abel resident and former chairman of the Abel Cultural Education Committee, Bliss also said he approved the showing last month in Abel of a "A Thief in the Night," a film with a religious theme. Last week, Joe Eisenberg, a UNL student and Abel resident, complained sbcut the showing of the film and its being funding by complex funds. Owens asked how the film was funded and if the money came from residents who might not support that particular religion. . Bliss said the film was funded from complex money. Eisenberg also appeared before CSL. He said the activities in Abel Hall were violations of the regents' policy on religion. If these groups know the policy, then "why do they out-and-out violate it?" he asked. Regents plan public hearing The Board of Regents will conduct a public hearing at 8 tonight on proposed modifications of regulations governing UNL residence hails. The hearing will be held at the University Systems Building, 3335 Holdrege Street. The board's regular meeting will be Saturday at 8 a.m. in the Systems Building. "'-3k EY Bb SB I.J raiXI IE.'.'.'! f ,y Don it RrujjTE' k ' 7 ' - "Various people have been screwing up my name. It's a swell name. It belonged to a bartender, a minister, a classics scholar, and a ' - ; burlesque queen It's Conroy, ,' notConrack, but if you want r, I'm beginning to like the sound of it" . L f y! JON VOiGHT One beautiful man. J lis siory i true, JOlhOlury Foi protanlt k MARTIN RITT IRVING KAVtTI.M fHOOUCIION Hwuiimt PAUL VINRELDMHU:.!E CR0?JYN OifecleOBrMAHTIN flltT Product by MARTIN SITTmO MARRitT f-RANK JR m tr . . jk S ( e 4 PGO ScrH)ltIRINC RAVCTCM HARRIET FRANK JR Bwl w Ih Boo ThWlnW1e byPATCONRO tWMNWIUIAMS PANAWSION" COLOR BY OF LUXE DAILY AT 1:30-3:30 5:30-7:30-9:30 Ends Jhzsrsday NIKON SCHOOL SALE Nikkormat J cL KJ J . J J All Cameras and Accessories on Sale. April mi "Get to Know 1 7th & O" )it7'mml PHOTOGaAPmc i;:c. 1700 0 St. ombudman a - I : J -Ji-'t" 1 ' w 3 a -., Of, a a a a a a lO a a a O C3 a a a a a a a. a i a a a a a a a a a a a a a i - i Vi ji .OiV r f i j - J 'CTii'.j,,, a. a I 1 a ia D I a 1 a i D I a I I a 4I daily nebraskan friday, epril 19, 1974