The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1974, Page page 2, Image 2

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Sheldon Art Gallery
12th & R Sts.
The Films cf Frederick Wiseman
"Frederick Wiseman encourages concern for the quality of life in
America through a deft combination of relevant subject matter and an
appropriately mosaic-like structure. His films deal with public tax-sup- '
ported institutions: a city hospital, a police department, a high school
and the juvenile courts. We see government at its point of direct impact,
revealing the immensity of the problems and the quality of the response.
Wiseman makes ethnsgraphlc films turned Inward: cultural investigations
for a society that takes few stops between the offices and the suburbs."
(The New Documentaries of Frederick Wiseman) by Stephen Mamber,
LAW AND ORDER-Tuesday, April 9
HIGH SCHOOL-Wednesday, April 10
HOSriTAL-Thursday, April 1 1
ESSENE-Friday, April 12
JUVENILE COURT-Saturday, April 13
Screenings each day at 3 and 7 p.m. ,
Admission $1.25
doily n
Vob?rl, 0v Dk Thief: Rartdv Beam.
News Editor: Jane Owens. Associate News Editor: Vince Boucher.
Layout and Sports Editor: Dennis Onnen. Entertainment Editor:
Diane Wanek. Night News Editor: Cheryi Westcott. Chief
Photographer: Gaii Folda. News Assistant: Lori Clepper.
Reporters; Wes Aibers, Bill Boyd, Lori Demo. Jim Puliation,
Ellyn Hess, Mark Hoffman, Jane Hoge, Tom Jensen, Michael (O.J.)
Nelson, Susanne Schafer, Mary Shackelton, Lynn Sihasek, Greg
Entertainment Writers: Greg Lukow, Bruce Nelson, Meg Greene,
Val McPhersson.
Sports staff: Bob Hill, Steve Taylor, Larry Stunkel.
Columnists: Mary Cannon, Keith Landgren, John O'Shea, Karen
Richardson, Ron Sindelar.
Artists and Photographers: Stewart Nelsen, Tony Ramirez, Mark
Copy Desk: Rebecca Brite, Dave Madsen, K. Steinbruegge, Nancy
Stohs, Pamela Ury. Dispatch: Larry Grili.
Circulation: Tom Lundahl, Sue Bruner, Mark Lyon.
Subscriptions: Mary K. Jensen.
Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Jeff
Receptionist: Kathy Cook.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee
on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throuyh the sutumn
and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation.
Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted
without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting
material covered by another copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R
Sts., Lincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone 402-472 208a
The Show Business is a glamorous and exciting business vTlth tremen
dous opportunity. We are ready to open two new stores as soon as we
train competent managers.
Our managers will share in ownership and profits.
CALL: 475-4129 for an appointment
Mr. Wiseman will be speaking 8t the Sheldon Theatre after the seven
o'clock screenings of HOSPITAL and ESSENE on April 1 1 and 1 2.
There will be a workshop Friday, April 12 at 9:30 to 12:30 with Mr.
Wiseman in the Gallery Theatre. The workshop will be free and open
to any interested persons.
ieefencT, films presenl"
cnDTWT.ri .
"fncfdK'april 12- 7&9pm
henzlik audibrium 750
c: ' "-3
Hiis is your key to unprecedented calculating
capacity Only Hevdett-Packan! offers it
It lets you "speak" to your calculator with total consistency, because
it lets you load data into a 4-Register Stack. This means: (1) you always
enter and process your data the same way, no matter what your problem;
(2) you don't have to re-enter data; (3) you can see all intermediate data
Our HP-45 is one o! two pre-programmed scientific pocket-sized
computer calculators with this key. That's one reason it's the most pow
erful pre-programmed pocket-sized scientific computer calculator. Here
are three of many others:
1. it's pre-programmed io handle 44 at imiTictiC, trigonometric snd
logarithmic functions and data manipulation operations beyond the
basic four (4, x, ).
2. It lets you store nine constants in its nine Addressable Memory
Registers, and it gives you a "Last X" Register for error correction or
multiple operations on the same number.
3. It displays up to 10 significant digits in either fixed-decimal or
scientific notation and automatically positions the decimal point through
out its 200-decade range.
Our HP-35 is the other. It handles 22 functions, has one Addressable
Memory Register and also displays up to 10 digits in either fixed-decimal
or scientific notation. It's the second most powerful pre-programmed
pocket-sized scientific computer calculator.
Both of these exceptional instruments are on display now. If you're
looking for unprecedented calculating capacity for your money, by all
means see and test them.
7 I I -a I
2 I
?0? .
I Ecwidt"fickanS males i!se most
hp PACKARD advanced pocket-sized computer
d .f&Icuators i n Use worid
- ,1
fcutt 8-S. Mtmfcv -tew
Wallace Black Elk, grandson
of author John G. Neihardt's
Black Elk and a Sioux
medicine man, will speak
during the American Indian
Culture Days, today through
Saturday in the Centennial
Room in the Nebraska Union.
Today: 9:30 a.m. John Two
Birds Arbuckle, former director of
the United Indians of Nebraska.
10:30 8.m.-Webster Robbins,
former UNL instructor.
11:30 a.m.-en inmate from
Nebraska State Penal Complex
1:30 p.m.-Terry Walters, area
director of Bureau of Indian
1:30 p.m.-Louie La Rose,
chairman of Nebraska Indian
9:30 a.m.-Ken Bordeau,
Nebraska State Equal Opportunity
10:30 a.m.-Jam Searcy,
director of United Indians of Neb.
11:30 a.m. American Indian
Movement representative
1:30 p.m.-Bob Mackey,
director of the Nebraska Indian
2:30 p.m.-Wall3ce Black Elk,
Sioux medicine man
9 a.m.-Minl University No. 8
"The Freshman Year"-Nebraska
9 .m.-Minl University No. 1
"Physical Fltnat"-Unkn
11 a,m,-Minl University No. 9
Tha Evaluation Procat"-Unkn
12:30 p.m. -CSL Fees and Fines
Commlttea-Unlon "
1:30 p.rn.-Studnt
Davalopment Staff-Union
4:30 p.m.-Fs Allocation
6:30 p.m.-Unlverslty JudlcUry
Court of Appeals for UNL
6:30 p.m. -Engineering
5:30 p.m. -Gamma
6:30 p.m. -Mortar Board-Union
6 p.m. Summer Orientation
6:30 p.m.-ASUN Senate
meat !nj-Union
6:30 P.m. Arts and Sciences
Advisory Board-Union
7 p.m,-NU Mad Union
7 p.m.-Frae Univarsity "Why
re we In Vletnem?"Unlon
7:30 p.m.-Frae University "The
Banal Falth"-Union
7:30 p.m. -PI Sigma Alpha
"Caraar Opportunities in Political
7:30 p.m. math
counselor s-Unlon
7:30 p.m.-W!tdllfe Club-Union
7:30 p.m. Recreet Ion
Dwpt.-Soorts Clubs-Union
7:30 p.m.Unlverslty People for
the Children-Union
8 p.m.-Black Activities "Nikki
8:45 p.m. Nebraska Union
I. Executive ftaport
A. Withdrawal of Governmr)t
Bill No. CO-Monay for Tim
Evensan's cempaign.
B. ASUN appointments
II. Open Forum
A. Todd McDanfel-Report on
ASUN Liaison Program
III. Old Business
A. Resolution No. 4-Tim
Evenen campaign for regent.
8. Resolution No. joining
national Institute of student
C. Qawtrnniant Rill
43-racord rinrc deht.
D. Qovmmnt 3111
IV. New Buslnss
A. Resolution Ke. 7-Transfar of
ASUN funds to PACE.
B. Resolution No. 8-Ad Hoc
Commlttae on coila$a rrgw.
C. Resolution No. 9 Ad Hoc
committee on mrrlcl stnsnt
O , Resolution No.
1 0-Sponsorlrtg f y for cmri
ef rlcan drought.
V. Announcements
page 2
daily nebraskan
Wednesday, april 10, 1974