The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1974, Page page 10, Image 10

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    i w vjy y v3 wvw
'71 Mazda, 4-speed, air, exceptional
condition, mutt tell. Call
472-3131 days. 65-4551 after
4 p.m.
Free Kittens: 464-4453.
Pair Fisher XP-55 2 -way, 8"
speaker 1 H year old. $40pe!r or
best offer. Call Rob 483-1183.
1959 clean VW with factory a'r.
$1250 or best. 475-0263 after
'69 Town & Country mobile home,
12 x 52, 2 bedroom,
semi-furnished, excellent shape,
set-up, reasonable, 435-7703.
5-string banjo, Hermony, like new.
Celt 477-5901 after 6.
Honda 305 Dream, new back tire,'
runs well. Only $250. 435-4702.
Golf Woods. Ben Hogan Nos. 1,3,4.
Rick Smith, 320 Abel,
New: Minolta SR-T 101. 1.4 lens;
Minolta Autopak'8, dS (movie),
Rokkar FI.8 lens; National
Minitop II flash unit. Contact
All, international House, room
4213, 435-2981 (after 7 p.m.)
BSR Tapedeck, call 475-9122.
.14 x 60 mobile home In Gaslight
Village. Air conditioned.
Redwood steps, shag carpet. Use
of pool and clubhouse. Call
evenings, 435-3661.
Several 1971 Model General
Electric Color T.V.'s. 15
Inch perfect for dorm or
apartment. $150. 475-4921
weekdays after 4 p.m.' or
475-6044, weekends.
'49 Plymouth Sedan. $50. Contact
Helen Holmes, 489-1017.
Harmon Kerdon Amp.; Garrard
Turntable, Utah speakers. '71
Honda 350 Scrambler, Call
435 8406.
Sherwood receiver, Dual 1216
turntable, 2 MK I If speakers, "
call 435-4589 after 4 p.m.
Attention night bus boy needed, 6
p.m.-2:30 a.m. daily. 1 , 2, or 3
days a week. Apply anytime:
J.B.'s BIG BOY," 27th & Vine."
Wanted lunch waiters, lunch
hostesses. Apply In person at
the Boarehead, 464-91 78.
Part time attendant wanted who
will attend summer school.
Crest Oil Co 1545 Cornhusker
Hwy. ' .
Biology and Chemistry Majors:
Medical and Chemical sales to
$12,000year plus car expenses
and bonus system. Fee paid.
Paul 331-8195, Omaha.
Semi-vacation in mountains.
Evergreen, Colo. General
housework and cooking for 1
lady. June 9 through Sept. 5.
County Extension 4-H aide to assist
county agent with 4-H program.
Applicants must have
demonstrated organizational
ability and ability to work with
youth. 4-H background
desirable. Apply at County
Extension Office, 5608 S. 48th;
Wanted carriers for private mall
routes. Can earn $3-3,60"hr.
Part time and flexible hours.
Must furnish own
transportation. Apply now.
4930 Rent-Worth Drive, or call
Part time help wanted Mala or
Female, good pay, work
evenings, must be et least 19
years of age qnd have car. ideal
for summer school students. For
more information call Aug! cr
Bart at 4G7-1754 or apply In
person 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays,
Bartletts Red Barn, Goahner,
Summer wheat harvest. See the Old
Wetl Free good, free lodging,
good pay end Incentives. Phone
collect 402-289-4943,
fuil or part time positions.
Year-round, flexible work
schedules. Good pey plus tips
and fringe benefits. See At
Johnson at 180 O St., Mark
Van Horn et 4701 O St. or Les
Byrd at 1340 N St.
Will need checkers, Mey 1. Taking
eppllcetions now. Afternoons
tunings, St. ft Sun. Apply In
JILL, 10 Capita! Beach B?vd.
Pre-jrtam Birthright cores about
you end your unborn child,
477 E021.
. .YELLOW DOOR. 13th & R.
Quality . watch and Jewelry
repairing. Prompt service. J.C.
, Penney Co., 13th & O St.
'' Foundation 640 N. 16th.
435-6322, Mon. Thur. 4-9 p.m.
All typing, office work. My office.
335 N. 23rd, 432-5795.
Experience Being Foreignl Go
Abroad-Work, Study or Travel.
Oversees Opportunities Center,
205 Nebraska Union.
OOC: your link to another world.
For information on travel.
Study, homestays, voluntary
service and jobs abroad, visit
your Overseas Opportunities
Center. 205 Nebraska Union.
John Schedet R.I. P.
May 27-June 1. College credit
available. Write: Stan Dart,
Department of Geography,
Kearney State College, Kearney,
Nb. Reservation by April 20.
Trying to make a life edd up? Give
Jesus e chance. Lincoln Seventh
Day Baptist. Fellowship.
466-4550; 475711; Beatrice
223-441 &
ill Vv- ' " ' rli
111 : ' .. -. 'f n '"Py""""-
. You're sen
So is the Ca
To you. photography is more
than a hobby. You may never want
to become a professional. Yet, your
photography is as important a
means of self-expression to you as
your speech. You demand the
same excellence in your photo
graphic equipment as you do of
your photographic skills.
I he Canon F-1 is i! i corners that
can fulfill any photographic task to
which you put it. It can stand up to
your ability in any situation.
HEY GUILTY ONE! I was standing
in the Union lounge overlooking
Broyhiil Fountain and I saw you
do it-; I saw you try to squeeze
between the station wagon end
my Lemans at the south ond of
Lot 16 Tuesday morning and I
saw you crease the side in but I
didn't see you leave your name.
If you find your conscience
getting the best of you, I'll be
parked in the same place all
week. Put your name under the
wiper and you'll fee! better and
go win p.s. Thsrsscs s lot!
Male roommate wanted: Apr it-Aug.
15. Pool, completely furnished.
Phone 464-1550.
Need 2 roommates. $66.6Smo,
Available May 1st. 164S D.
435-7344. ' ,
Apartment mate noadod' for
summer. Private bedroom,
central air. Available both
summer sessions. $8Qmonth,
475-0696, ask for Paul.
Female roommate wanted to Share
large apartment close to campus
with 2 girls. $50. 477-1929.
Air conditioned summer rooms on
campus. Kitchen facilities,
utilities. $42mo., $12wk. Call
432-7719. t
28th & J. 1 bedroom, air
conditioned duplex. Washing
facilities. 477-9S35 after S.
Apt. for rent: 1400 N. 33rd.
Furnished. Carpeted. Cable TV.
Off street parking. Laundry
facilities. Air conditioned. 3
peopla-$157.50; 4 people-$170.
467-1490, after 5:00 p.m. Also
taking reservations for fall.
rtoo FA.
Naturally, a great camera like the
F-1 won't ensure great results.
That's up to you. Yet-it s nice to
know that your camera can grow
with you as a photographer.
Part of the reason for this is the ,
F-1 system. Since it was' designed
in totality, it offers total perform
ance. There is nothing "added on"
in k tf tnttism Puorvthirtn works
as it was designed to, and inte
grates superbly with everything
else. You'll spend less time worrying
about operating the camera than in
shooting. And that's what creative
photography is really all about.
Controls fall into place under
each finger. It's no accident. Pro
fessionals who depend on a camera
for their livelihood have a deep ,
regard for the F-1 s handling. It's
amazing how much a comfortable
camera can improve your work.
' :
Large three badroorrt duplex.
Available May 11. Celt
475-7784, eveninga.
Available May 11, 2000 G St. 2
bedroom apt: shag carpeting,
central air, private outdoor
pool, cable TV. Leon until
Sept. 1 with option for renewal.
Call 475-7838.. ... .
2 bedroom apt. Air. tub," shower,
private entrance, just.
' - . Mm Mt -- 1. .
. Ttnaau. oim . w-r-
' evening-475-2S89. v v
Summer Living.-- Newer on
bedroom unt neeri city
, " campus. Yes, we offer shag
carpet, central air, all appliances
including dishwasher end
d Isposa I, off-street parking,
laundry facilities, and more-ail
for $130 plus electricity.
;' 432-6278.432-8336.
700 S. 17th. Summer rates on 2
bedroom furnished apartment.
Utilities paid. 477-7309. :
Hooma available for Spring interim
and Summer Sessions. Air .
conditioned nd close to
campus et only 60 of Summer
Dormitory rates. $13 weekly for
double occupancy. Call
432-5308 or 475-2160 between
, 6:09 and 10:00 p.m. for mora
Information. ; ".
Need to sub-lease apartment. May
to September. Single or couple,
near campus, furnished, no pets.
Mary, 472-3310 or 478-8634.
1822 H St. 1 bedrooms: carpeting,
air conditioning, utilities paid.
' F u r n I shed $ 1 6 S J
unfurnished-$140. Close In,
See manager Apt. 6, evenings.
ut pholpgmphy.
' Canon USA, Inc.. 10 Nvwf Drive, tak Socceea. Uhh York, 1 1 00
Canon USA, Inc., 457 Fulierlon Avenm . tt.r.uiM ;urWVI?i
Canon USA, Inc.. 123 East PaularirtoAvenu. O-va to ('ifoirnaSfil'S
Canon Optics ft Business Macrwnei Canada. Ltd , Onl.uio
17th 1 M. Large 1 bdrm. Furnished
apt. Most utilities pd. Laundry
facilities. $120. 464-0239, days.
occupancy in 1, 2, and 3
; bedroom apartments from
$149. Swin pool, tennis court.
Clubhouse included party room
and game room with foosball,
pool and pingpong tables. Only
15 minutes to city campus.
Students welcome. Call
Large 2 bedroom apartment
available, May 1. Pool, cable
T.V., close to campus.
$17Smo. 435-6933.
"., Looking for furnished 2-3 bedroom
- apartment or house to rent or
sublet over summer. 432-8490,
) 475-4316.
Need lessons for Finance 361 x. Call
435-6406 after 6 p.m.
I would like to buy about a' 4.5
cubic foot refrigerator. Jim,
! 475-9737.
Wanted one male German shepherd
puppy, 2-6 mo. old. Call
Pauiette, 475-7968.
Wanted to Guy. Cash for unneeded
Items: Stereos Typewriters
Sporting equipment Furni
ture Guns Radios TVs
M u s I c a I
Instruments Cameras
Watches-Coins-Etc. A-1
9th, 475-2224.
Driving to Boston toon after May 4.
Need passenger for part or all of
trip. Share expenses. Mary,
472-3310 or 475-8634.
Sharing these lenses and many
of these accessories are the new
Electronic Canon EF, with fully
automatic exposure control, the
FTb. how improved with all expo
sure information visible in the
finder, and the TLb, great for a
second camera body or for getting
started in Canon photography
Canon. For serious applications.
For serious photographers.
Isn't it time you got serious?
J3 f Al
Wednesday, cpril 10, 1974
daily nebraskan
page 1 1
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