The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1974, Image 1
OQIU Wednesday, april 3, 1974 !. I I i . - - fr III lUUll I, I ICLH UOrCt VUI. t?f , oa S Consumer debate begins - conference A conference entitled "The Consumer and the Economy," sponsored by ASUN and the Consumer Aid Group (CAG) began Wednesday by presenting professor Henry Manne, a nationally known authority on legal economic policy, and Beverly Moore, an associate's of Ralph Nader in a panel discussion. The conference continues today whan Louis Rukeyser, ABC financial news reporter, presents a program on "Nixon's Economy", at 3 p.rn. in the Nebraska Union. Moore, a graduate of Harvard Law School, said there were four basic things wrong with the U.S. economy: poor distribution of wealth, lack of sufficient consumer information, side effects of economic activity and inefficient feovemmental protection agencies. Manne, author of many books and sixty published articles, said he felt that his main differences with Mcore concerned Moore's ideas on advertising and monopolies. Moore, who says monopolies exist, said automobile manufacturers and oil firms ere in two of the industries that should be divided to prevent monopoly, "In actuality many industries are oligopolies, but in essence they are monopolies, and should be prevented," Moore said. "There is no such thing as a monopoly over a significant period of tima without government?.! interference," Manne said. Manne said he felt that what Moore called monopolies were concentrations in industry. "Tha production of government is the only real monopoly in existence," he said. The problem with advertising is that it does' not", present relevant information to the consumer," .urn .' . Legislative debate on the alcohol bill could ba csH a pop-top flop. Alcohol bill killed for session; chances for revival unknown By Greg Wees It's impossible to tell if the bill defeated last Friday that would have allowed liquor to be sold and consumed on campus will be introduced arjain in the next session of the Legislature. This was tha opinion Tuesday of Staff! Son. FfivoW rf jjrwtln unA fitat Sen. John Cavanaugh of Omaha, sponsors o the ill fated LB783. The bill was killed by the Legislature last week. "It depends on action taken by the Board of Regents," Fowler u'td referring to the possibility of the regents permitting alcohol on campus. It also depends on the make-up of the Unicameral after November elections, he added. Durinq debate on the bill last week, State Sen. Ernie Chambers, moved to "indefinitely postpone" the measure, which tha Legislature did by a 33-13 roil call vote. With only four days remaining in the current tession, the bill is, for all practical purposes, killed. ' . Cavanawsb indicated that h would' introduce tha measure 3sn only if ttedant from Creighton University, which h In Cavanaugh't Omaha district, asked him t. Cavanauyb said Chamber's motion "was no great surprise to rnc" . Fower said char&tt that the Leslslature waited until spring break, when students would be on vacation, to consider the bill were "completely erroneous." Ken Bader, UNL vice chancellor of Student Affairs, said he was "sorry the issue revolved around the notion of alcohol as oood or bad. instead of the legal rights students have as adults." Even though alcohol is an emotional and controversial issue, Bader said, "when majority age (10) legislation was approved, students were given the rights that went along with it...and that includes the right to consume alcohol," RHA President Tim Evenscn said convincing tha Board cf Regents to appro v8 tlcohol on csmpu fs another alternative open to itudants. The ASUN RHA lawsuit against the regents could be refiied with U.S. District Court at anytime, as it was withdrawn "without prejudice," Evensen notad. Evensen charged the reqents wore "hiding behind the lawsuit" and using it as an excuse not to discuss the alcohol issue with students. This is why the suit was withdrawn, he said. If the regents fail to act on the issue at their April 20th meeting, thtre is "a good chance" the lawsuit will be refiied, he added. Na Welcom Moore said. . He said that industries and advertisers go out of their way to prevent the consumer from knowing the actual details about their products. Moure said he feels that if the advertising used n.r objective techniques, the trend of the consumer would drastically change. Manne said he feels that it is wrong to criticize advertising on the ground that, it does not contain valuable information. People are getting what they ,f'r .Vvant to hear, he said. -' . The main objective of a economic system is to maximize and distribute the wealth cf the economy according to Moore. . However, he said, the top 1 of the population - , had 33 of the wealth and the top 5 of the population had 53 of the wealth. w vice chancellor ed to UNL By F.dry Shackelton April Fool's Day 1974 will prove to be a historic day for Nebraska, according to UNL Chancellor James Zumberge. The date marked the official arrival of Duane Acker, UNL's first vice chancellor for agriculture and natural resources, and the establishment of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. At a Monday breakfast honoring Acker, Zumberge said he had sought to find the most qualified individual in the United States to fill the new position. Acker was the only person offered the job, Zumberge said. Before coming to Nebraska, Acker served as dean of the Cc5Sc?9 of Agriculture and Biological Sciences at South Dakota & tits University. .. ,,-.,..-u,...- . ...-.,..(,, Addressing faculty members end the press at the breakfast. Acker said, "Consumers ought to be worried about the food production machine. "Food production is in the hands of a small number of people who protect their investor$...Agricufture is controlled by a lot of people, only a small portion of which are farmers and ranchers," he said. A small number of persons controlling agricultural decision making and increased food productivity on smaHer land areas, cause farm prices to rise, according to Acker. Acker said he believed an "agriculture awakening" has occurred In the Umtad States over the last several years. He cited President Nixon's April 1S71 saluta to agriculture as an indication of the national attention it is drawing. "Agriculture as a high technology industry has put the United States in the front seat of the balance of trade," he said. " State support for agriculture too has increased, he said. "The people of Nebraska are more interested in the educational and research aspects of agriculture now than the have been in the past," Acker said. The salary scale of the Agriculture College faculty member: and their teaching loads are two areas needing attention tha Acker said Zumberge had already alerted him to. "Tha Cofkba of Agriculture has been on the short end of th fir.!:l stick. Tha last 15 years have not been particularly pleasant for agriculture staff people at any university, but I think this li chsrHrt'j everywhere," he said. Zurnbere is "about to correct" the salary discrepencia betvyein Itgrijlturt faculty members and other faculty members by Asking- fof egriculture f acuity salary increases in the next fiscal yearV budget, Acker said. This is "jusi a suari" io njiviny ihe problem,, he added. 1 Acker ' noted that enrollment in central universities' agricultural colleges has been Increasing since 19S2, but administrators didn't realize it until recently, There are more students, and fewer dollars are being spent per student, he said. "Agriculture Ss f expensive business to teach," he said. Costs that other colleges don't have include computer time used in charting iuch thidgs as arsirnaf heredity backgrounds, maintaining animals, field trip expenses and staffing separate curriculum for animsl telme, economy, food science and technology, ha said. Reducing price-costs risks for the farmer has been a high priority item in agriculture for the last five years, Acker said. How much should a university, be controlled oy pressure groups? According to Acker, "A university should be a leader, but at the same tima roll from time to time with pressure groups." Pressors groups are not a negative force, he said. "They keep us honest. Tfcay make their needs known and remind us of things that hra to be dons." -.,.4 A