i r 11 M I' 3 friday, march 22, 1974 ., -A' ' -.., -m j -' "r W - , t e t a I r 1 Si'- "r -46 n f j Till-. "1 FTF .If ' :H Fr-.ii n II w VtJ-U. W UJUUUUUUJ V-3J:i UUitUI UiLilCS. fVli n wv n n fin 5 r. 0 r P skH 0 n n n n H n n If MlO n n ) UBMB 3 frnnni, j j u y u y y vl-u a When a thofit x-ray shows that you have a potential killer like TB or cancer, it's not a pretty picture. But it's an t important picture becaiwe it can help the doctor detect and catch the killer in lime. When doctors are out to catch these potential killers, they want the sharpest, clearest x-ray films they can get. And that's why people at Kod.ik spend mi many hours creating new and better x-ray fiim equipment. Already, the results in- f f " elude convenience for the patient, economy for the hospital, an even more useful tool for the radiologist- and, most impor tant, reduced radiation exposure. Researching and creating fx tier x-ray films is good for our business, which is why we went into ihem in the first place. But it does cwr'-'BocittyrxKl, loo -which isn't a bad feeling. After all, our business depends on our society so we care what happen to H, i; , E ,1 ITT, ft ore than a business. daily nebrasksn